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Some Important Events after the Victory of Islamic Revolution in Iran

Compiled by: Syed Ali Shahbaz

The Father of the Islamic Revolution, Imam Khomeni (RA)
On September 22, 1902 AD, the Father of the Islamic Revolution, Imam Khomeni (RA) was born in Khomein, central Iran, in a family of ulema descended from Imam Musa Kazem (AS), the 7th Infallible Successor of Prophet Mohammad (SAWA). Imam Khomeini, who was an outstanding mujtahed and source of emulation for the followers of the Ahl al-Bayt worldwide, as well as for other conscientious Muslims, led the Islamic movement to victory in 1979 against the British-installed and US-backed Pahlavi Shah.
He founded the Islamic Republic, restored the rights of women, defended the rights of the Palestinians and the world’s oppressed, promoted Islamic unity, and inspired Iran towards the pinnacles of progress and development, before departing the world in 1989 at the age of 87.
On September 23, 1978 AD, on instructions from the Shah's regime, the repressive Ba'th minority regime of Iraq, besieged the home of the Father of Islamic Revolution, Imam Khomeini (RA) in holy Najaf, to prevent him from having interviews with reporters, issuing declarations, and delivering speeches and sermons on the tyrannical nature of the Pahlavi regime.
The Imam told them that he was merely fulfilling his Islamic duty and not causing inconvenience to anyone. Soon the Ba'thists forced him to leave Iraq, and Imam Khomeini, on obtaining a visa from the Kuwait embassy in Baghdad headed in a car towards that Persian Gulf sheikhdom, but the Kuwaitis refused entry. As a result, he was forced to obtain a visit visa from the French embassy and flew to Paris, where he became better accessible to the media.

Four thousand defenseless men, women, and children were martyred by the Shah's mercenaries in Tehran
On September 7, 1978 AD, the Shah's despotic regime brutally attacked a massive rally of the people of Tehran, who on Friday, which is the weekly holiday, were peacefully decrying martial law and calling for the return home from exile of their beloved leader, Imam Khomeini (RA). As many as four thousand defenseless men, women, and children were martyred as the Shah's mercenaries pounded the rally from tanks and helicopter gunships.
Thousands of others sustained injury. For this reason, the day is known as Black Friday or the Day of Martyrs. Meanwhile, Imam Khomeini from his exile in holy Najaf in Iraq, sent a memorable message of condolences to the people of Tehran, saying: "This is the path of the Commander of the Faithful, Imam Ali (AS), and of his son, the Martyr of Karbala, Imam Husain (AS). The Iranian nation should be assured that sooner or later, victory is yours."

Saddam launches an unprovoked invasion of the Islamic Republic of Iran
On September 22, 1980 AD, Saddam of the repressive Ba’th minority regime of Baghdad, six days after tearing in front of TV cameras the 1975 Algiers Accord, launched an unprovoked invasion of the Islamic Republic of Iran at the behest of his masters in London and Washington, by air, land and sea, and occupied vast parts of southwestern and western Iran. In response, the Iranians started the holy defence that thwarted all plans of the occupier and his eastern, western and Arab reactionary backers.
For 8 years, the Iranian Muslims defended their homeland and managed to drive out the Ba’thist forces from almost all occupied Iranian territory. The US and Saddam fearful of the impact of the Islamic Revolution had launched this unwanted war, but as is clear today, they failed miserably, and the Iraqi people are now more friendly than ever with Iran. Every year Iran commemorates the Holy Defence Week these days to promote and preserve the egalitarian values of the US-imposed war, which in addition to fraternity and sense of loyalty to Iran, included the regular recitation at the warfronts, of such moving supplications as Du'a Kumayl, and the ziyarath of Imam Husain (AS).

Bomb blast in the holy shrine of Imam Reza (AS)
On June 19, 1994, the MKO terrorists committed a blasphemous crime in Mashhad by triggering a bomb blast in the holy shrine of Imam Reza (AS), the 8th Infallible Successor of Prophet Mohammad (SAWA), while pilgrims were marking the anniversary of the tragedy of Ashura (Moharram 10).
Scores of pilgrims were martyred or wounded and part of the holy shrine was damaged. The Leader of Islamic Revolution, Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei, in his message offered condolences to the Iranian nation and said: By committing such a sacrilegious crime, the MKO terrorists showed they are not committed to any humanitarian principle; and their enmity toward the courageous and faithful Iranian nation has no limits.

An assassination attempt on Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei
On June 26, 1981 AD, the Leader of Islamic Revolution, Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei, who at the time was representative of the Father of Islamic Revolution, Imam Khomeini (RA) at the Supreme Defence Council, in addition to being Tehran’s Permanent Friday Prayer leader, became the target of an assassination attempt by MKO terrorists. The terrorists, known as hypocrites, detonated a bomb severely wounding him while he was delivering a speech at a Tehran mosque.
He miraculously survived this assassination attempt to become the elected president of the country for two consecutive terms (8 years), before becoming Leader of the Islamic Revolution in 1989. His right hand was severely damaged in this assassination attempt. Imam Khomeini (RA), in his message pointed out that the evil enemies of the Islamic Republic are desperately trying to undermine Ayatollah Khamenei, who as a descendent of Prophet Mohammad (SAWA), has spared no efforts to serve the holy religion of Islam and the Islamic country.

Martyrdom of Iranian President Rajai, and Prime Minister Hojjat al-Islam Dr. Bahonar
On August 29, 1981, Iranian President Mohammad Ali Rajai, and Prime Minister Hojjat al-Islam Mohammad Javad Bahonar, were martyred in a bomb blast carried out by the MKO terrorist outfit at the premier’s office in Tehran. A teacher by profession, Rajai was imprisoned and tortured on several occasions by the Shah’s regime for his Islamic political activities. Following the victory of the Islamic Revolution in 1979, he was elected to the parliament, was named minister of education, became prime minister, and finally chosen as president in the nationwide elections. He named the courageous and committed religious scholar Dr. Mohammad Javad Bahonar, as the premier. In view of the impeccable credentials of these two honest and modest persons, who were committed to the lofty ideals of the Islamic Revolution, the MKO terrorists martyred them on the orders of Global Arrogance.

Three Iranian diplomats in Beirut kidnapped by MOSSAD
On July 4, 1982 AD, three Iranian diplomats along with the IRNA reporter and their Lebanese driver were kidnapped in Beirut by the Phalangist Christian militia in Beirut, while returning to the Iranian Embassy in the Lebanese capital. The Iranians, who today remain the world's longest-held hostages, include Iran’s Charge d’Affaires to Beirut, Seyyed Mohsen Musavi, Ahmad Motavasellian, Mohammad Taqi Rastegar Moqaddam, and Kazem Akhawan. There are reports that Zionist spy agency MOSSAD has transfered these Iranian hostages to the dungeons of the illegal Zionist entity.

Iranian Airbus passenger plane shot down by US Navy in the Persian Gulf
On July 2, 1988, the US in a blatant act of terrorism, shot down an Iranian Airbus passenger plane en route from Bandar Abbas to Dubai, by firing two missiles from the warship Vincennes that had ventured into Iranian coastal waters in the Persian Gulf, killing all 298 passengers and crew on board.
The regular four-days a week Iran Air Flight 655 was deliberately shot down by the US in a show of Washington’s support for the Saddam who was suffering defeat after defeat in his US-instigated 8-year war against the Islamic Republic. The US lied to the world media regarding the incident and tried to depict it as a mistake, but soon in an insult to the Iranian nation, the US President granted a medal of bravery to Captain Will Rogers for his cowardly act of terrorism in downing the Iranian passenger plane.

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