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The prominent Iranian Islamic genius, Abu Ali Hussain Ibn Abdullah Ibn Sina

Compiled by: Syed Ali Shahbaz
On 20th of the Islamic month of Zil-Qa'dah in 370 AH, the prominent Iranian Islamic genius, Abu Ali Hussain Ibn Abdullah Ibn Sina, was born near Bukhara, capital of the Iranian Samanid Dynasty – presently in the Republic of Uzbekistan. He memorized the Holy Qur'an at a young age and soon mastered logic, medicine, astronomy, geometry, and philosophy, such that at the age of 18 years, he was an authority in all the sciences of his day. After curing the Samanid King, Nouh ibn Mansour, of an ailment, he was allowed to use the large royal library at Bukhara.
He was a genius, who because of his political views and religious inclinations towards the Prophet's Ahl al-Bayt found himself persecuted by Sultan Mahmoud of Ghazna. As a result he joined the Buwaihid court in Rayy before settling in Hamedan and later Isfahan where he served as vizier as well. Known as ‘Avicenna’ to medieval Europe, his works were translated into Latin, and for several centuries were taught at most western universities.
Among his books mention can be made of “ash-Shefa†on philosophy; “al-Qanoun fi't-Tibb†(Canons of Medicine), and "Isharaat wa'l-Tanbihat "(Remarks and Admonitions). He wrote almost all his works in Arabic and of the few books written by him in his native Persian is the "Danishnama-e Alai" (Book of Knowledge for [Amir] Ala od-Dowlah). It covers such topics as logic, metaphysics, music, and other sciences of his time. He passed away in Hamedan at the age of 58.

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