Brief History of Imam al-Reza's (A.S.) Life
Islamic Iran is proud to host the blessed body of the Apostle of Allāh (S.A.W.)’s progeny, Imam al-Reza(A.S.), the learned of the Holy Prophet’s household, the source of blessings, and the eighth infallible Imam. Each year it receives millions of eager and enamored pilgrims who come here to pay homage to the affectionate and gracious Imam.
With the blessings of this benevolent Imam, divine graces are dispensed to all devotees of Ahl al-Bayt (A.S.), especially to the followers and Shī‘as of his holiness; and this piece of land in Khurasan is a piece of paradise which prides itself on the world of angels and is ever the focus of attention to the heavenly cherubim, just as it is a focus of attention and guidance for the people of the world. Divine angels frequent around the sacred mausoleum along with his earnest pilgrims.
And what great blessings and graceful effects has the Almighty God imparted on behalf of this magnanimous Imam and his pilgrimage to his pilgrims and enthusiasts.
Paying pilgrimage to Imam al-Reza(A.S.) and the torrential presence of the pilgrims in his heavenly sanctuary does always strengthen religious spirit and spirituality, and the remembrance of the Hereafter, concentration on Almighty Allāh and His ordinances in the hearts of people and the Islamic society. In that pure atmosphere radiating with the light of Imamate and wilāya, the eager pilgrims feel peace and purity of the heart, express their needs, and enjoy plenty of divine blessings through the noble Imam.
Thus, in order to provide better and deeper enjoyment of this pilgrimage, we would draw the attention of the interested pilgrims to a brief account of that noble Imam’s precious life and attributes so that they may go on pilgrimage with more knowledge and, thereby, receive more divine blessings and attention from the Eighth Holy Imam ‘Alī b. Mūsā al-Reza upon whom be thousands of salutations and praises.
His blessed name: ‘Alī
His father’s name: Imam Mūsā b. Ja‘far (A.S.)
His mother’s name: Najma or Tuktam
His nickname: Abū al-Hasan
His cognomen: Reza
Date of birth: Dhu’l-Qa'ada 11, 148/Dec 29, 765
Place of birth: Holy city of Medina
Progeny: His holiness Imam Muhammad Taqī (A.S.); of course, it is disagreed whether his holiness has had other children.
Rulers of his time: Mansur Dawāniqī, Mahdī ‘Abbāsī, Hādī ‘Abbāsī, Hārūn al-Rashīd, Muhammad Amīn, Ma’mun ‘Abbāsī
Date of being appointed as heir apparent: Ramadan, 201/March, 817, as imposed by Ma’mun
Length of life: 55
Date of martyrdom: the end of Safar, 203/September 5, 818
His murderer: Ma’mun ‘Abbāsī, through poisoning
His mausoleum: Holy city of Mashhad, as known worldwide.
Imam al-Reza's (A.S.) Date of Birth
Well-known scholars of ḥadīth have regarded his birth date to be 11th of Dhu’l-Qa'ada, 148/29th of December, 765, and this is the same year that Imam al-Sadiq (A.S.) departed from this world. However, some have regarded his holiness’ birth to be five years after the demise of Imam al-Sadiq (A.S.).
Imam al-Reza's (A.S.) Noble Mother
His noble mother was an honorable lady named Najma or Tuktam, who was named Tahira – the pure one – after her marriage.
She was a chaste and wise lady from among the Persian dignitaries.
In a tradition, her highness Tuktam, Imam al-Reza (A.S.) Mother, is quoted as saying: “Help me out by a wet nurse (to help me with suckling Reza). She was asked: “Is the milk reduced?” “No,” She answered, “but I have adhkār and supplications to perform that have been reduced after his birth.”
Imam al-Reza's (A.S.) Children
The historians and ḥadīth scholars are divided over the number of Imam al-Reza (A.S.) Children; many, like Shaykh al-Mufīd and Ibn Shahrāshūb , regard Imam al-Jawād (A.S.) as the only child of Imam al-Reza(A.S.), but some have assumed him to have had other children, including a daughter named Fāṭima. However, some traditions have confirmed the Imam’s having had only one child. A man called Ḥannān b. Sudayr said, I said to Imam al-Reza(A.S.): Would an Imam be without a son or a successor? His holiness answered: No, and know that there would be no more than one child for me, but God will grant him many children.
The Auspicious Birth of Shams al-Shumūs (the Radiant Sun among all the suns), ‘Alī b. Mūsā al-Reza(A.S.)
His holy mother, Lady Najma when pregnant with her son, ‘Alī, said, “I did not feel any heaviness. When asleep, I heard dhikr of God from within me in a way that I was awe-inspired. After I gave birth to him, he placed his feet and hands on the ground and, raised his head to the sky, and moved his lips, as though he was saying something.”
When his holiness, Imam Mūsā al-Kazim(A.S.) saw his son, he said, “O Najma! Blessed are you for the miraculous gift Allāh granted you.” Then, the baby was wrapped in a white piece of cloth and given to his holiness, who recited adhān into his right ear and iqāma into his left ear; he asked for some Euphrates water and touched the baby’s palate with it [for blessing], and said to his mother: “Take the baby as he is the remnant of Allāh on His earth”.
After the birth of Imam al-Reza(A.S.), Imam al-Kazim(A.S.) gave her mother the nickname Tahira, meaning pure.
Imam al-Sadiq (A.S.), Wishing to See Imam al-Reza(A.S.)
Ḥaḍrat Mūsā b. Ja‘far (A.S.) would say to his children: “This brother of yours, ‘Alī b. Mūsā is the learned of the Holy Holy Prophet (S.A.W.)’s household [‘Ālim-i Āl-i Muhammad(S.A.W.)]; ask him about your religion and learn by heart what he says. I frequently heard from my father, Ja‘far b. Muhammad, who told me: “The learned of the Holy Prophet (S.A.W.)’s household is from among your progeny; I wish I would see him; he has the same name as Commander of the Faithful, ‘Alī (A.S.).
In numerous traditions related from the Holy Prophet (S.A.W.), Commander of the Faithful, ‘Alī (A.S.), and Imam al-Sadiq (A.S.) references have been made to the birth of that magnanimous Imam as well as his tragic martyrdom, his noble mausoleum in Khurasan, and the great reward for paying pilgrimage to him, which will be elaborated on in the chapter concerning his martyrdom.
Why was Imam al-Reza (A.S.) Named al-Reza?
Al-Bazanṭī, one of the dignitaries among the companions of Imam al-Reza(A.S.) and Imam al-Jawād (A.S.) said, “I said to Abū Ja‘far Muhammad b. ‘Alī, Imam al-Jawād (A.S.): ‘A group of your opponents presume that Ma’mun has given the cognomen al-Reza to your father since he approved him as his heir apparent.’ Imam al-Jawād (A.S.) said, “By God, they are lying and committing a sin; rather, God, the Blessed and Exalted, named him as al-Reza since he was approved by the Almighty and Glorious God in Heaven and endorsed by His Messenger and the Imams after him on earth.”
“I asked: ‘Were all your forefathers not so?’ He said, ‘Yes.’ I asked: ‘So, why your father from among them was named al-Reza?’ He answered: ‘Since his opponents approved of him, as did his friends; and this did not happen to any of his forefathers. That is why he from among them was named Reza, "Confirming this issue, Sulaymān b. Hafs said, “Mūsā b. Ja‘far named his son al-Reza and (when he wanted to talk of him) he would say: ‘Call my son al-Reza; I said to my son al-Reza; my son al-Reza told me so and so…”
Story of the Sun
A Look at Imam al-Reza's Life
Author: Sayyid Muhammad Najafi Yazdi
Translated by:Ahmad Rezwani
Published by: Islamic Research Foundation, Astan Quds Razavi, Mashhad - I.R. Iran