Imam al-Reza's (A.S.) High Status in the Divine Presence
Imam al-Jawād (A.S.) said, “One of the companions of Imam al-Reza(A.S.) fell sick (lying in his deathbed). His holiness (A.S.) went to visit him and asked him how he was. The man answered he was desperately ill, and that he saw death before his eyes. The Imam said, ‘How did you see death?’ He said, ‘Very hard and painful.’ The Imam went on to say: ‘It is the beginning; it [death] has shown you some of its modes. People are of two groups: for one group dying will be a comfort and for the other [when they die] people will be comforted. Renew your faith in God and wilāya (profession of faith in God and His Messenger and devotion to Imams), so that you will be comforted.”
“The man did so, and then said, ‘O son of Rasūl Allāh (S.A.W.), now my Lord’s angels are saluting you with their greetings and blessings and are standing before you, waiting for your permission to be seated.”
His holiness said, “O angels of the Lord be seated!” “Then the Imam said to the man: ‘Ask the angels if they are ordered to be standing before me?”
“The ailing man asked them and they answered: ‘If all the God’s angels are in your presence they would stand before you out of your respect and would not be seated until you permit them to sit; God has ordained them so.”
“Then as the ailing man kept his eyes closed said, ‘Pease be upon you, O Divine envoy! It is you who are present to me along with the Holy Messenger (S.A.W.) and other Imams (A.S.).’ And thus he left his body.”
My Son in a Strange Land
Shaykh Ṣadūq (ra) relates that a man from among the pious saw the Holy Prophet (S.A.W.) in a dream and asked him: “O Rasūl Allāh! Which of your [grand] sons should I visit?” His holiness answered: “Some of my sons come to me poisoned and some killed.” I said, “With such dispersion of their [burial] places, which one should I visit?”
His holiness said, “The one who is nearest to you and is buried in a strange land.” I asked: “Do you mean al-Reza?” The Holy Prophet (S.A.W.) said, “Say ṣallallāhu ‘alayh (may God bless him), Say ṣallallāhu ‘alayh, Say ṣallallāhu ‘alayh!”
Story of the Sun
A Look at Imam al-Reza's Life
Author: Sayyid Muhammad Najafi Yazdi
Translated by: Ahmad Rezwani
Published by: Islamic Research Foundation, Astan Quds Razavi, Mashhad - I.R. Iran