On Proofs of Divine Leadership Of Al-Ridha’ (a.s.) Among The Twelve Imams (a.s.)
Source: Uyun Akhbar Ar-Ridha Volume 1
6-1 Muhammad ibn Ibrahim ibn Ishaq al-Taliqani narrated that Al-Husayn ibn Isma’il quoted on the authority of Abu Amro Sa’eed ibn Muhammad ibn Nasr al-Qat’tan, on the authority of Ubaydillah Muhammad al-Salami, on the authority of Muhammad ibn Abdul Rahim, on the authority of Muhammad ibn Sa’eed ibn Muhammad, on the authority of Al-Abbas ibn Abi Amro, on the authority of Sadaqa ibn Abi Musa, on the authority of Abi Nadhra, “When Abu Ja’far Muhammad ibn Ali Al-Baqir (a.s.) was about to pass away, he called in his son - As-Sadiq (a.s.) to entrust him with the Trusteeship. His brother Zayd ibn Ali (a.s.) told him, “I think it would not have been improper if you had treated us like Al-Hassan (a.s.) and Al-Husayn (a.s.)1. Then there would be no fear that you will be denied.” He (a.s.) said, “O Abul Hassan! What is entrusted cannot be dealt with by using examples. His decrees do not depend on traditions. These are things that have been totally set from before the birth of the Divine Proofs of God (the Imams) the Exalted the Sublime.” Then he called in Jabir ibn Abdullah and told him, “O Jabir! Tell us about the sheet that you saw yourself.” Then Jabir told him (a.s.), “O Aba Ja’far! Yes. I went to see the Blessed Lady Fatima - my master - the daughter of God’s Prophet (S) to congratulate her upon the birth of Al-Husayn (a.s.).
There was a silvery-white pearl brilliant sheet of paper in her hands. I told her, “O Master of all Women! What is this sheet that I see you have?” She (a.s.) said, “The names of the Imams who are going to be from my progeny are written on it.” I said, “Give it to me to look at.” She (a.s.) said, “O Jabir! I would have surely done so if it was not forbidden to do so. However, it is forbidden for anyone but the Prophet (S), the Prophet’s Trustee or a Member of the Holy Household to touch it. You are only allowed to look at it from the outside.” Jabir added, “It said, ‘Abul Qasim Muhammad ibn Abdullah al-Mustafa (the Prophet) whose mother is Amina, Abul Hassan Ali ibn Abi Talib al-Murtadha whose mother is Fatima - the daughter of Asad ibn Hashem ibn Abd Manaf, Abu Muhammad Al-Hassan ibn Ali al-Barr, Abu Abdullah Al-Husayn ibn Ali At-Taqi whose mother is (the Blessed Lady) Fatima - the daughter of Muhammad, Abu Muhammad Ali ibn Al-Husayn al-Adl whose mother is Shahr Banu - the daughter of Yazd Gird, Abu Ja’far Muhammad ibn Ali Al-Baqir whose mother is Umm Abdullah - the daughter of Al-Hassan ibn Ali ibn Abi Talib, Abu Abdullah Ja’far ibn Muhammad As-Sadiq whose mother is Umm Farwa - the daughter of Al-Qasim ibn Muhammad ibn Abi Bakr, Abu Ibrahim Musa ibn Ja’far whose mother is a slave maid called Hamidah al-Mosaffat, Abul Hassan Ali ibn Musa Al-Ridha’ (a.s.) whose mother is a slave maid called Najma, Abu Ja’far Muhammad ibn Ali al-Zak’ki whose mother is a slave maid called Khayzaran, Abul Hassan Ali ibn Muhammad Al-Amin whose mother is a slave maid called Susan, Abu Muhammad Al-Hassan ibn Ali al-Rafiq whose mother is a slave maid called Samanah and whose nickname is Ummul Hassan, Abul Qasim Muhammad ibn Al-Hassan (a.s.) who is the Riser (Imam al-Mahdi) - the Proof of God - whose mother is a slave maid called Narjis. May God’s Blessings be upon them all.’”
The author of this book (a.s.heikh Sadooq) said, This tradition has been narrated this way by mentioning the name of the Riser (a.s.). However, I think that it is not proper to mention his name - may God bless him.
6-2 My father and Muhammad ibn Al-Hassan ibn Ahmad ibn al-Waleed narrated that Sa’d ibn Abdullah and Abdullah ibn Ja’far al-Hemyari quoted on the authority of Abil Khayr Salih ibn Abi Hammad and Al-Hassan ibn Dharif, on the authority of Bakr ibn Salih who narrated the following tradition. Also my father, Muhammad ibn Musa ibn al-Mutawakkil, Muhammad ibn Ali Majiluwayh, Ahmad ibn Ali ibn Ibrahim ibn Hashem, Al-Husayn ibn Ibrahim ibn Tatana and Ahmad ibn Ziyad ibn Ja’far al-Hamadani - may God be pleased with them - narrated that Ali ibn Ibrahim ibn Hashem quoted on the authority of his father, on the authority of Bakr ibn Salih, on the authority of Abdul Rahman ibn Salim, on the authority of Abi Basir, on the authority of Abi Abdullah (as-Sadiq) (a.s.), “My father (a.s.) told Jabir ibn Abdullah Al-Ansari, ‘I have something to do with you in private. When is the most convenient time for you to come so that I may ask you something?’ Jabir replied to him (a.s.), ‘Whenever you please.’ Then my father (a.s.) met him in private and told him, ‘O Jabir! Tell me about the tablet which you saw in the hands of my mother (the Blessed Lady) Fatima - the daughter of God’s Prophet (S), and what my mother told you about what is recorded in it in writing.’ Jabir said, ‘I take God as a witness that I went to see your mother (the Blessed Lady) Fatima during the lifetime of God’s Prophet (S) to congratulate her upon the birth of Al-Husayn (a.s.). Then I saw a green tablet in her hand which I thought to be emeralds. In it there were white writings which were as brilliant as sunshine. I told her, ‘O daughter of God’s Prophet (S)! May my mother and father be your ransom! What is this tablet?’ She (a.s.) replied, ‘This is a tablet which God the Exalted the Sublime has bestowed upon His Messenger (a.s.). In it there are the names of my father, my husband, my two sons, and the names of the Trustees from my progeny. My father (a.s.) gave it to me to make me happy.’ Jabir added, ‘Then your mother (the Blessed Lady) Fatima gave it to me. I read it and wrote down a copy of it.’”
Then Imam As-Sadiq (a.s.) added, “My father (a.s.) asked, ‘O Jabir! Can you show it to me?’ He said, ‘Yes.’ Then my father accompanied him to Jabir’s house where Jabir brought a sheet made of skin for my father and said, ‘I take God as a witness that this is what I saw written on that tablet, ‘In the Name of God the Beneficent, the Merciful. This is a writing from God the Honored the Wise to Muhammad - His Light, His Messenger and His Veil, and His Reason which has been descended upon him by the Trustworthy Spirit from the Lord of the Two Worlds. O Muhammad! Exalt My Names. Be grateful for My Blessings. Do not deny. Indeed I am God. There are no gods other than Me. I am the Defeater of the Tyrants, the Humiliator of the Oppressors! The Owner of the Religion. Indeed I am God. There are no gods other than Me. I will punish whoever places hopes in others but Me or fears things other than My Chastisement in such a way that no one in the Two Worlds has been punished. Thus worship Me alone, and rely only on Me. Whenever I appoint a Prophet and his time ends I appoint a Trustee for him. I have made you superior over the other Prophets, and have made your Trustee (The first Divine Leader) superior over the other Prophet’s Trustees. I have honored you with two lion cubs after him - your two grandsons Al-Hassan and Al-Husayn. I have established Al-Hassan (The second Divine Leader) as the Treasure-Mine of My Knowledge after the expiration of the term of his father. I have established Al-Husayn (The second Divine Leader) as the storehouse of My Revelations. I have honored him with the Martyrdom, and have perfected Prosperity for him. He is the noblest of the martyrs. He holds the highest rank of the martyrs near Me. And I have entrusted him with My Perfect Word, and I have left the Complete Proof near him. I give rewards and chastisements by his kinship - the first of whom is Ali (The fourth Divine Leader)- the Master of the Worshippers and the adornment of the previous Trustees. His son (Muhammad) - the praised one - is like his grandfather. He is Muhammad Al-Baqir - the analyzer of My Knowledge and the Treasure House of My Wisdom. Those who doubt Ja’far will be destroyed. Whoever rejects him has indeed rejected Me. I say the right thing. I highly honor Ja’far (The sixth Divine Leader). I will make him happy regarding his followers, companions and friends. I have appointed Musa (The seventh Divine Leader) after him. After him there will be a short period of dark sedition, although there will not be a breach of Divine Leadership. My Proof will not remain hidden and the Trustees will not suffer. Beware that whoever denies any of them has indeed denied Me. Whoever changes any of the verses of My Book has indeed ascribed lies to Me. Woe be to those who ascribe lies and those who deny! Whoever denies the eighth (Divine Leader Al-Ridha’) after the duration of the Leadership of Musa - My Servant, Friend and Appointed One - is over, has indeed denied all My Trustees. Ali is My Trustee and Helper. He is the one on whose shoulders I will place the burden of Prophethood and grant him power. A haughty wicked fellow (al-Ma’mun) will murder him and bury him in a town that is established by a good servant next to My worst creature. I say the right thing. I will make him happy by his successor after him Muhammad (The ninth Divine Leader) - his son. He is the inheritor of My Knowledge and the Treasure-house of My Wisdom. He is the site of My Secrets and My Proof for My creatures. I have established Heaven as his place and have accepted his intercession on behalf of seventy members of his family who have all become sure to burn in the Fire. And I will end the affairs of his son Ali (The tenth Divine Leader) - My Trustee and Helper, a Witness over My creatures, and My Entrusted with My Revelations - with prosperity. I will bring about Al-Hassan (The eleventh Divine Leader) from him - a caller to My Path and the Treasure-house of My Knowledge. Then I will complete Divine Leadership with his son (The twelfth Divine Leader)- Mercy for the people of the two Worlds. He will possess the Perfection of Moses, the Illumination of Jesus, and the Patience of Jacob. My friends will be belittled during his time. Their heads will be given to others as gifts like the heads of the Turks and the Daylams (Who were opposed to Islam) were. They will be killed and burnt. They will be in fear. The Earth will turn red from their shed blood. Their women will cry and mourn. They are truly My friends. I will fend off all oppressive seditions by them. I will fend off any earthquakes by them. I will eliminate any hardships and burdens by them. They are the ones on whom is the Blessings and Mercy from their Lord. They are the guided ones.’”
Abdurrahman ibn Salim said that Abu Basir said, “If you had not even heard any traditions in all your life, just this one is enough for you. Therefore, guard it from all but those for whom it is meant.”
6-3 And Abu Muhammad Al-Hassan ibn Hamza Al-Alawi - may God be pleased with him - narrated that Abu Ja’far Muhammad ibn Al-Husayn ibn Dorost al-Saravi quoted on the authority of Ja’far ibn Muhammad ibn Malik, on the authority of Muhammad ibn Imran al-Kufi, on the authority of Abdurrahman ibn Abi Najran and Safwan ibn Yahya, on the authority of Ishaq ibn Ammar that Abi Abdullah (a.s.) asked him, “O Ishaq! Do you want me to give you glad tidings?” He replied, “O grandson of the Prophet of God! May God sacrifice me for you! Yes.” He (a.s.) said, “We have a sheet dictated by God’s Prophet (S) and recorded in the handwriting of the Commander of the Faithful (a.s.) in which it is written, ‘In the Name of God the Beneficent, the Merciful. This is a Book from God the Honorable the All-Knowing.’ Then he narrated the rest of the tradition as it was recorded in the previous one except at the end of it he said, “Then As-Sadiq (a.s.) said, O Ishaq! This is the religion of the angels and the Messengers. Protect it from those to whom it does not belong. May God the Sublime safeguard and improve your conditions.” Then he (a.s.) added, “God the Exalted the Honorable will save from the Fire whoever brings faith in these issues.”
6-4 Abul Abbas Muhammad ibn Ibrahim ibn Ishaq al-Taliqani - may God be pleased with him - narrated that Al-Hassan ibn Isma’il quoted on the authority of Sa’eed ibn Muhammad al-Qattan, on the authority of Abdullah ibn Musa al-Royani Abu Torab, on the authority of Abdul Azeem ibn Abdullah Al-Hassani, on the authority of Ali ibn Al-Hassan ibn Zayd ibn Al-Hassan ibn Ali ibn Abi Talib (a.s.), on the authority of Abdullah ibn Muhammad ibn Ja’far ibn Muhammad, on the authority of his father, on the authority of his grandfather (a.s.): Muhammad ibn Ali Al-Baqir (a.s.) gathered all his children together along with their uncle Zayd ibn Ali (a.s.) and showed them some writing in the handwriting of Ali (a.s.) and dictated by God’s Prophet (S) in which it was recorded, “This is a Book from God the Honorable the Wise.” It contains the same material as stated before until where it said, “They are the guided ones.” Then at the end he said, “I wonder about Muhammad ibn Ja’far (Imam Sadiq’s son) and his revolt having heard these from his father (a.s.).’2“ Then he added, “These are God’s Secrets, His Religion and the Religion of His angels. Then guard it against those to whom it does not belong.”
6-5 Ali ibn Al-Husayn ibn Shathawayh al-Mo’addib - may God be pleased with him and Ahmad ibn Harun al-Ami - may God be pleased with him - narrated that Muhammad ibn Abdullah ibn Ja’far al-Hemyari quoted on the authority of his father, on the authority of Ja’far ibn Muhammad ibn Malik al-Fazari al-Kufi, on the authority of Malik ibn al-Salooli, on the authority of Dorost ibn Abdul Hamid, on the authority of Abdullah ibn Jabala, on the authority of Abul Safatij, on the authority of Jabir al-Jo’fi, on the authority of Abi Ja’far Muhammad ibn Ali Al-Baqir (a.s.), on the authority of Jabir ibn Abdullah Al-Ansari, “I went to see (the Blessed Lady) Fatima - the daughter of God’s Prophet (S). There was a tablet in front of her. It was so brilliant that it was about to blind my eyes. Twelve names could be seen - three names on the tablet, three names on the back, three names at the end and three names on the side. I counted them. There were twelve of them. I asked, ‘Whose names are these?’ (The Blessed Lady) Fatima (a.s.) replied, ‘These are the names of the Trustees. The first of them is my cousin (Imam Ali), and the rest are from my progeny. The last one of them is the Riser.’”
Jabir ibn Abdullah Al-Ansari added, “The name Muhammad Muhammad Muhammad was seen in three places and the name Ali Ali Ali Ali could be seen in four places.”
6-6 Ahmad ibn Muhammad ibn Yahya al-Attar - may God be pleased with him - narrated that his father quoted on the authority of Muhammad ibn Al-Husayn ibn Abil Khattab, on the authority of Al-Hassan ibn Mahboob, on the authority of Abil Jarood3, on the authority of Abi Ja’far (a.s.), on the authority of Jabir ibn Abdullah Al-Ansari, “I went to see (the Blessed Lady) Fatima (a.s.). There was a tablet in front of her in which there were the names of the Trustees. There were twelve names - the last one of which is the Riser. Three of them were Muhammad (a.s.) and four of them were Ali (a.s.).”
6-7 Al-Husayn ibn Ahmad ibn Idris - may God be pleased with him - narrated that his father quoted on the authority of Ahmad ibn Muhammad ibn Isa and Ibrahim ibn Hashem, on the authority of Al-Hassan ibn Mahboob, on the authority of Abil Jarood4, on the authority of Abi Ja’far (a.s.), on the authority of Jabir ibn Abdullah Al-Ansari, “I went to see (the Blessed Lady) Fatima (a.s.). There was a tablet in front of her in which there were the names of the Trustees. There were twelve names - the last one of which is the Riser. Three of them were Muhammad (a.s.) and four of them were Ali (a.s.).”
6-8 (The author of the book narrated) my father - may God be pleased with him - narrated that Sa’d ibn Abdullah quoted on the authority of Ahmad ibn Muhammad ibn Isa, on the authority of Muhammad ibn Abi Omayr, on the authority of Umar ibn Uthaynah, on the authority of Aban ibn Abi Ayyash, on the authority of Solaym ibn Qays al-Hilali that he had heard Abdullah ibn Ja’far al-Tayyar say, “Al-Hassan (a.s.), Al-Husayn (a.s.), Abdullah ibn Abbas, Umar ibn Abi Salamah, Osamah ibn Zayd and I were with Mo’awiya.” Then he narrated what was expressed. He told Mo’awiya ibn Abi Sufyan, “I (Abdullah) heard God’s Prophet (S) say, ‘To the believers, I am to be held more superior than themselves. Then my brother Ali ibn Abi Talib is more superior to the believers than themselves. When it comes to martyrdom, my son Al-Hassan is more superior to the believers than themselves. Then my son Al-Husayn is more superior to the believers than themselves. Once he is martyred his son Ali ibn Al-Husayn is more superior to the believers than themselves.
And O Abdullah! You will live to see him. Then it is my son Muhammad ibn Ali Al-Baqir (a.s.) who is more superior to the believers than themselves. And O Husayn! You will live to see him. Then he went on until he completed the twelve Imams nine of whom are from the progeny of Al-Husayn.’ Abdullah added, “Then I took Al-Hassan (a.s.), Al-Husayn (a.s.), Abdullah ibn Abbas, Umar ibn Abi Salamah and Osamah ibn Zayd who were all present there as witnesses on my behalf in the presence of Mo’awiya.” Solaym ibn Qays said, “I have heard a similar account from Salman, Abu Tharr, al-Miqdad and Osamah who have heard this from God’s Prophet (S).
6-9 Abu Ali Ahmad ibn Al-Hassan al-Qattan narrated that Abu Abdullah Ahmad ibn Muhammad ibn Ibrahim ibn Abil Rajal5 al-Baghdadi quoted on the authority of Muhammad ibn Ubdoos al-Harrani, on the authority of Abdul Ghaffar ibn al-Hakam, on the authority of Mansoor ibn Abil Aswad, on the authority of al-Muttraf, on the authority of al-Sha’bi, on the authority of his uncle Qays ibn Abdullah, “We were sitting around and Abdullah ibn Mas’ood was also present. A Bedouin came and asked, ‘Which one of you is Abdullah ibn Mas’ood?’ Abdullah said, ‘I am Abdullah ibn Mas’ood.’ The Bedouin asked, ‘Has your Prophet told you how many successors he will have after him?’ He replied, ‘Yes. Twelve successors - as many as the Israelite chiefs.’”
6-10 Abu Ali Ahmad ibn Abil Hassan ibn Ali ibn Abduwayh al-Qattan narrated that Abu Yazid Muhammad ibn Yahya ibn Khalid ibn al-Marwazi at Ray in the (Arabic) month of Rabi’ul Awwal in the year 230 A.H. (844 A.D.) quoted on the authority of Ishaq ibn Yahya bin Khalid bin Yazid from Yahya bin Yahya6 Ibrahim al-Hanzalay known as Ishaq ibn Rahwayh in the year 238 A.H. (844 A.D.), on the authority of Haytham, on the authority of Mojalid, on the authority of al-Sha’bi, on the authority of Masrooq, “We were sitting with Abdullah ibn Mas’ood7 and would read the Quran with him. A young fellow asked him asked, ‘Has your Prophet told you how man successors he will have after him?’ He replied, ‘You are young. No one had asked me this question before. Yes. Our Prophet (S) has told us that there will be twelve successors after him - as many as the Israelite chiefs.’”
6-11 Abul Qasim Attab ibn Muhammad al-Varamini al-Hafiz8 narrated that Yahya ibn Muhammad ibn Sa’d, on the authority of Ahmad ibn Abdurrahman ibn Al-Fadhl and Muhammad ibn Abdullah ibn Suwar, on the authority Abdul Ghaffar ibn al-Hakam, on the authority of Mansoor ibn Abil Aswad, on the authority of Muttraf, on the authority of al-Sha’bi, on the authority of Attab ibn Muhammad, on the authority of Ishaq ibn Muhammad al-Anmati, on the authority of Yusuf ibn Musa, on the authority of Jareer, on the authority of Ash’ath ibn Suwar, on the authority of al-Sha’bi, on the authority of Attab ibn Muhammad, on the authority of Al-Husayn ibn Muhammad al-Harrani9, on the authority of Aoub ibn Muhammad al-Wazzan, on the authority of Sa’eed ibn Moslemeh, on the authority of Ashas ibn Saw’war, on the authority of al-Sha’bi, on the authority of his uncle Qas ibn Abd, (on the authority of Abul Qasim Attab who said this was narrated by Muttraf), “We were sitting in the mosque and Abdullah ibn Mas’ood was also present. A Bedouin came and asked, ‘Is Abdullah ibn Mas’ood among you?’ Abdullah said, ‘Yes. I am Abdullah ibn Mas’ood. What do you want?’ The Bedouin asked, ‘O Abdullah! Has your Prophet informed you how many successors will vome after him?’ He replied, ’You have asked me what others have not asked me before since I came here from Iraq. Yes. There will be twelve successors - as many as the Israelite chiefs.’” Abu Aroobah has narrated this statement as follows in his version of this tradition, ‘Yes. They are as many as the Israelite chiefs.’ Abu Aroobah has narrated as follows in the next tradition his version of this.
6-12 Ahmad ibn Al-Hassan al-Qattan narrated that Abu Bakr Ahmad ibn Muhammad ibn Ubaydah al-Neishaboori quoted on the authority of Abul Qasim Harun ibn Ishaq, i.e. al-Hamdani, on the authority of his uncle Ibrahim ibn Muhammad, on the authority of Ziyad ibn Ilaqa and Abdul Malik ibn Umayr, on the authority of Jabir ibn Samrah, “My father and I were with the Prophet (S). I heard the Prophet (S) say, ‘There will be twelve Leaders after me.’ Then the Prophet (S) lowered his voice. I asked my father, ‘What did he (a.s.) say when he lowered his voice?’ My father said, ‘The Prophet (S) said, ‘They are all from the Quraysh (tribe).’”
6-13 Ahmad ibn Al-Hassan al-Qattan narrated that Abu Ali Muhammad ibn Ali ibn Isma’il al-Marwazi in Ray quoted on the authority of Al-Fadhl ibn Abdul Jabbar al-Marwazi, on the authority of Ali ibn Al-Husayn, i.e. ibn Shaqiq10, on the authority of Al-Husayn ibn Vaqid, on the authority of Semak ibn Harb, on the authority of Jabir ibn Samra, “I went to the Prophet (S) and heard him say, ‘This affair will not end until the twelve successors come.’ Then he said something to my father quietly. I asked my father: ‘What did he say?’ He said, ‘They are all from the Quraysh (tribe).’”
6-14 Ahmad ibn Muhammad ibn Ishaq al-Qadhi narrated that Abu Ya’la quoted on the authority of Ali ibn al-Ja’d, on the authority of Zohair, on the authority of Ziyad ibn Khaythama, on the authority of Aswad ibn al-Sa’eed al-Hamadani that he had heard Jabir ibn Samrah say that he had heard God’s Prophet (S) say, “There will be twelve successors after me. All of them will be from the Quraysh tribe.” When the Prophet (S) returned home, Jabir ibn Samrah went to see him (a.s.)in private and asked, “What will happen after them?” The Prophet (S) replied, “Then there will be chaos.”
6-15 Abul Qasim Abdullah ibn Muhammad al-Sa’igh narrated that Abu Abdullah Muhammad ibn Sa’eed quoted on the authority of Al-Hassan ibn Ali, on the authority of the Sheikh in Baghdad, on the authority of Yahya - whose father’s name I have forgotten, on the authority of Abdullah ibn Bakr As-Sahmy, on the authority of Hatam ibn Abi Mugheera, on the authority of (Abi) Bojayr, “A man called Abul Khold was my neighbor. I heard him swear and say, ‘Indeed this nation will not terminate until twelve Caliphs - all of whom act according to the right religion and guidance - appear amongst them.’”11
6-16 Abul Qasim Abdullah ibn Muhammad al-Sa’igh narrated that Abu Abdullah Muhammad ibn Sa’eed quoted on the authority of Al-Hassan ibn Ali, on the authority of al-Waleed ibn Muslim, on the authority of Safwan ibn Amr, on the authority of Shorayh ibn Obayd, on the authority of Amr al-Boka’ee, on the authority of Ka’b al-Ahbar, “The Caliphs are twelve. When their time ends and righteous people come, then God will extend their life as God has promised to His nation.” Then he recited (the verse), ‘God has promised, to those among you who believe and work righteous deeds, that He will, of a surety, grant them in the land, inheritance (of power), as He granted it to those before them…’12 He continued, “The Honorable the Exalted God treated the Children of Israel the same way. It is not hard for the Noble God to gather this nation in one day or half a day, ‘…Verily a Day in the sight of thy Lord is like a thousand years of your reckoning.’13
(The author of the book said,) I have compiled the various forms of such traditions in AL-KHISAL.
6-17 (The author of the book narrated) my father - may God be pleased with him - narrated that Sa’d ibn Abdullah ibn Abi Khalaf quoted on the authority of Yaqoob ibn Yazid, on the authority of Hammad ibn Isa, on the authority of Abdullah ibn Moskan, on the authority of Aban ibn Taqlib, on the authority of Solaym ibn Qays al-Hilali, on the authority of Salman al-Farsi - may God have Mercy upon him said, “I went to see the Prophet (S). Al-Husayn was sitting on his lap. The Prophet (S) was kissing his eyes and lips and said, ‘You are a Master, the son of a Master. You are an Imam, the son of an Imam. You are a Proof, the son of a Proof. You are the father of nine Proofs that come from your loin. The one from your ninth generation will be the Riser.’”
6-18 Hamza ibn Muhammad ibn Ahmad ibn Ja’far ibn Muhammad ibn Zayd ibn Ali ibn Al-Husayn ibn Ali ibn Abi Talib (a.s.) in the (Arabic) month of Rajab of the year 339 A.H. (949 A.D.) in Qum narrated that Ahmad ibn Muhammad ibn Sa’eed al-Kufi - a chief of the Hashemite tribe on the authority of Al-Qasim ibn Muhammad ibn Hammad, on the authority of Ghiyath ibn Ibrahim, on the authority of Husayn ibn Zayd ibn Ali, on the authority of Ja’far ibn Muhammad, on the authority of his father (a.s.), on the authority of his forefathers (a.s.), on the authority of Ali (a.s.) that God’s Prophet (S) said, “Glad tidings! Glad tidings thrice! The similitude of my nation is like that of rain which one does not know whether its beginning is good or its end. The similitude of my nation is like that of a garden from which one group eat for one year and others benefit from it the next year. There may be some at the end with more power and more benefits. How can a nation be destroyed which starts with me and twelve Prosperous Ones - the Imams - and ends with the Messiah - Jesus (a.s.): the son of (the Blessed Lady) Mary (a.s.)? However, the next generation after this chaos will be destroyed. They do not belong to my nation and I am not one of them.”
6-19 (The author of the book narrated) my father - may God be pleased with him - narrated that Sa’d ibn Abdullah quoted on the authority of Muhammad ibn Al-Husayn Abil Khattab, on the authority of al-Hakam ibn Meskin al-Thaqafi, on the authority of Salih ibn Oqbah that Ja’far ibn Muhammad (as-Sadiq) (a.s.) said, “When Abu Bakr died and Umar took over, he returned to the mosque and sat down. A man came to him and said, “O Commander of the Faithful! I am one of the Jews. I am one of their scientists. I have several questions to ask you. If you answer them I will become a Muslim.” Umar said, “What are those questions?” He said, “Three, three and one. If you are ready I will ask them, but if there is someone more knowledgeable than you in your tribe direct me to him.” Then Umar said, “Go to that young man - that is Ali ibn Abi Talib (a.s.).” The man asked him (a.s.) his questions. Ali (a.s.) said, “Why did you say three, three and one? Why didn’t you say seven?” The Jew said, “Since then I would be ignorant. Should you not answer the first three, I will suffice and not ask the rest.” Ali (a.s.) said, “Will you become a Muslim if I answer the first three questions?” The man said, “Yes.” Then Ali (a.s.) said, “Ask.” He said, “I want to ask you about the first stone placed on the Earth, the first spring gushed forth and the first tree grown.” Ali (a.s.) said, “O Jew! You say that the first stone place on the Earth is the one in the Holy House of Bayt ul-Maqdis. But you lie. It is the stone that Adam brought down to Earth from Heaven.” He said, “You are right! By God, Aaron wrote this down which was dictated to him by Moses (a.s.).” Ali (a.s.) said, “You say that the first spring which gushed forth from the Earth was the one in the Holy House of Bayt ul-Maqdis. But you lie! It is the Spring of Life in which Yush’a ibn Noon washed that fish. It is the same spring from which al-Khizr drank. Whoever drinks from it will live forever.” The Jew said, “You are right! By God, Aaron wrote this down which was dictated to him by Moses (a.s.).” Ali (a.s.) added, “You say that the first tree grown on the Earth was an olive tree. But you lie! That tree was al-Ajwa which Adam brought down with him to the Earth from Heaven.” He said, “You are right! By God, Aaron wrote this down which was dictated to him by Moses (a.s.).” The Jew said, “And now for the second three. How many Divine Leaders does this nation have to guide them who will not lose anything if all the people stop following them?” Ali (a.s.) said, “Twelve Divine Leaders!” The Jew said, “You are right! By God, Aaron wrote this down which was dictated to him by Moses (a.s.).” The Jew asked, “Where does your Prophet reside in Paradise?” Ali (a.s.) said, “In the highmost place and the noblest location in the Eternal Paradise.” The Jew said, “You are right! By God, Aaron wrote this down which was dictated to him by Moses (a.s.).” The Jew asked, “Who are the people who live with him in the same house?” Ali (a.s.) said, “The twelve Divine Leaders.” The Jew said, “You are right! By God, Aaron wrote this down which was dictated to him by Moses (a.s.).” Then the Jew said, “And now for the seventh question. For how many years will his successor live after him?” Ali (a.s.) said, “For thirty years.” The Jew asked, “What will happen next? Will he die or will he get killed?” Ali (a.s.) said, “He will be killed. He will be struck on the crown of his head with a sword and his beard will be covered with blood.” The Jew said, “You are right! By God, Aaron wrote this down which was dictated to him by Moses (a.s.).”
(The author of this book (a.s.heikh Sadooq) said,) There are other sources for this tradition which I have presented in the book KAMAL AD-DIN WA TAMAM AN-NE’MAH FI ITHBAT AL-GHAYBA WA KASHF AL-HAYRA.
6-20 Ahmad ibn Al-Hassan al-Qattan narrated that Ahmad ibn Yahya al-Zakariya al-Qattan quoted on the authority of Bakr ibn Abdullah ibn Habib, on the authority of Tamim ibn Bohlool, “I asked Abdullah ibn Abil Hozayl about Divine Leadership - who deserves it and what its signs are.” He said, “It is the reason for this. He is the Proof for the believers (after the Prophet (S)). He is the manager of the affairs of the Muslims, the spokesman of the Quran, and the knowledgeable one of its rulings. He is the brother of God’s Prophet. He is his Successor over his nation, and his Trustee over them and their Master whose position relative to him is the same as that of Aaron’s position relative to Moses (a.s.). It is obligatory to obey him as the Honorable the Exalted God said,’O ye who believe! Obey God, and obey the Apostle, and those charged with authority among you…’14
He is the same one who is described by the Honorable the Exalted as, ‘Your (real) friends are (no less than) God, His Apostle, and the (fellowship of) believers- those who establish regular prayers and regular charity, and they bow down humbly (in worship).’15
He is the same one to whose Mastery the people were invited to which was established for him firmly on the Day of Ghadir Khom by what God’s Prophet (S) said on the authority of the Honorable the Exalted God, “Is it not that my Mastery over you is more than that of your own mastery over yourselves?” And the people answered, “Yes.” Then the Prophet (S) said, “Whoever I am the Master of, Ali is the Master of. O my God! Please be the friend of his friends and be the enemy of his enemies. Assist whoever assists him, and abandon whoever abandons him. Help whoever helps him. He is Ali ibn Abi Talib (a.s.). He is the Commander of the Faithful, the Divine Leader of the pious ones, the Leader of those with white-foreheads16, the Noblest of the Trustees, and the best of the people after God’s Prophet (S).
After him come Al-Hassan ibn Ali (a.s.) and Al-Husayn (a.s.) - the grandsons of God’s Prophet (S), the sons of the best of all women. Then there is Ali ibn Al-Husayn (a.s.), then Muhammad ibn Ali (a.s.), Ali ibn Muhammad (a.s.), Al-Hassan ibn Ali (a.s.), Muhammad ibn Al-Hassan (a.s.) successively up to now. They are the Prophet’s progeny known by their Trusteeship and Divine Leadership. There is no time or era in which the Earth is left without one of them. They are the Reliable Grip, Leaders towards guidance, Proofs for the people of the Earth until God inherits the Earth with whatever is in it. Anyone who opposes them (the Imams) is deviant, misleading, and a deserter of the right and the guidance. They (the Imams) are the interpreters of the Quran and the spokespersons of the Prophet (S) with directness. Whoever dies before he recognizes them is regarded as one who has died in the Age of Ignorance. The features of their religion include piety, chastity, honesty, goodness, diligence, returning what we are entrusted with whether it belongs to the pious or the wicked, extended prostration (to God), night worship, avoidance of the forbidden acts, expectation of the Relief by means of patience, good companionship, and being good neighborliness.
Then Tamim ibn Bohlool said, “Abu Mo’awiya also narrated this same tradition about Divine Leadership for me on the authority of al-A’mesh, on the authority of Ja’far ibn Muhammad (a.s.).”
6-21 (The author of the book narrated) my father - may God be pleased with him - narrated that Ali ibn Ibrahim ibn Hashem quoted on the authority of his father, on the authority of Muhammad ibn Isa ibn Obayd and Muhammad ibn Al-Husayn ibn Abil Khattab al-Zay’yat, on the authority of Muhammad ibn al-Fozayl al-Seyrafi, on the authority of Abi Hamza al-Somali that Abi Ja’far (a.s.) said, “Indeed the Honorable the Exalted God appointed Muhammad to the Prophethood over genies and men. He established twelve Trustees after him some of whom lived before, and some who are yet to come. There is a certain tradition for each and everyone of the Trustees. The Trustees after Muhammad (a.s.) acted upon the same tradition on which the twelve Trustees of Jesus (a.s.)17 did. The Commander of the Faithful (a.s.) acted upon the same tradition as the Messiah (a.s.) did.”
6-22 Ja’far ibn Muhammad ibn Masroor - may God be pleased with him - narrated that Al-Husayn ibn Muhammad ibn Aamir quoted on the authority of Al-Mo’alla ibn Muhammad al-Basri, on the authority of Al-Hassan ibn Ali Al-Washsha’, on the authority of Aban ibn Uthman, on the authority of Zurara ibn A’yun that he had heard Aba Ja’far say, “We are twelve Divine Leaders including Al-Hassan (a.s.), Al-Husayn (a.s.), and then the rest of the Divine Leaders are from the descendants of Al-Husayn (a.s.).”
6-23 Muhammad ibn Ali Majiluwayh - may God be pleased with him - narrated that Muhammad ibn Yahya al-Attar quoted on the authority of Muhammad ibn Al-Hassan al-Saffar, on the authority of Abi Talib Abdullah ibn as-Salt al-Qumi, on the authority of Uthman ibn Isa, on the authority of Sama’a ibn Mehran, “Abu Basir, Muhammad ibn Imran - Abi Ja’far’s defender - and I were at Imran’s house. Muhammad ibn Imran says, “I heard Aba Abdullah (a.s.) say, ‘We are twelve ‘Muhaddath.”’18 Then Abu Basir asked him, ‘Did you really hear this from Abi Abdullah (a.s.) yourself?’ He made him swear a few times and then said, ‘I heard this from Abi Ja’far (a.s.).’”
6-24 Muhammad ibn Ali Majiluwayh - may God be pleased with him - narrated that Muhammad ibn Yaqoob al-Kolayni quoted on the authority of Abu Ali al-Ash’ari, on the authority of Al-Husayn ibn Ubaydillah, on the authority of Al-Hassan ibn Musa al-Khashshab, on the authority of Ali ibn Sama’a, on the authority of Ali ibn Al-Hassan ibn Rebat, on the authority of his father, on the authority of ibn Ozaynat, on the authority of Zurara ibn A’ayn, “I heard Aba Ja’far (a.s.) say, ‘We are twelve Divine Leaders from the Household of Muhammad after God’s Prophet (S). We are all ‘Muhaddath and Ali ibn Abi Talib (a.s.) is one of us.’”
6-25 Ahmad ibn Ziyad ibn Ja’far al-Hamadani - may God be pleased with him - narrated that Ali ibn Ibrahim ibn Hashem quoted on the authority of his father, on the authority of Muhammad ibn Abi Omayr, on the authority of Ghiyath ibn Ibrahim, on the authority of As-Sadiq Ja’far ibn Muhammad (a.s.), on the authority of his father Muhammad ibn Ali (a.s.), on the authority of his father Ali ibn Al-Husayn (a.s.), on the authority of his father Al-Husayn ibn Ali (a.s.) that the Commander of the Faithful (a.s.) was questioned about the meaning of what God’s Prophet (S) said, “I will leave behind two heavy things with you: God’s Book and my ‘Itra19.” He (a.s.) was asked, “What does “my ‘Itra” mean?” He (a.s.) replied, “It is I, Al-Hassan, Al-Husayn and the other nine Divine Leaders from the descendants of Al-Husayn. The ninth of them is their Al-Mahdi (Divinely Guided One) who is their Riser. They will not separate themselves from God’s Book and God’s Book will not separate from them until they meet God’s Prophet (S) at his Pool.”
6-26 Ali ibn Al-Fadhl al-Baghdadi narrated that he had heard that Abu Umar - the friend of Abil Abbas Tha’lab was asked the following question regarding the meaning ‘I will leave two heavy things with you’ that the Prophet (S) said. He was asked, ‘Why are these two things called heavy things?’ He replied, ‘Since they are very hard to adhere to.’
6-27 Muhammad ibn Ibrahim ibn Ishaq al-Taliqani narrated that Muhammad ibn Hammam quoted on the authority of Ahmad ibn Bondar, on the authority of Muhammad ibn Abi Umayr, on the authority of Ahmad ibn Hilal, on the authority of Muhammad ibn Abi Umayr, on the authority of al-Mufadhdhall ibn Umar, on the authority of As-Sadiq Ja’far ibn Muhammad (a.s.), on the authority of his father (a.s.), on the authority of his forefathers (a.s.), on the authority of the Commander of the Faithful (a.s.) that God’s Prophet (S) said, “When I was taken for the Ascension to the heavens, my Lord - the Exalted the Magnificent - revealed this to me by saying, “O Muhammad! I looked upon the Earth and chose you - a Look! I chose you from among them. Then I appointed you as the Prophet. I derived a name from My Name. I am Mahmood (praised one) and you are Muhammad20. Then I looked a second time and chose Ali from among them and established him as your Trustee, Successor, the spouse of your daughter, the father of your progeny. I derived for him a name from my Names. I am Ali the Highest, and he is Ali. I established Fatima, Al-Hassan and Al-Husayn from your light. Then I offered (the acceptance of) their Mastery to the angels. Whoever accepted it is from those Nearest to God. O Muhammad! If anyone worships Me to the extent that he cuts himself off from everything, and only his bones remain and becomes like an old leather-skin but dies while denying their Mastery, I will not place him in My Paradise, and I will not cover him under My Throne. O Muhammad! Do you like to see them?” Then I said, “Yes, my Lord!” Then the Honorable the Exalted God said, “Raise your head.” Then I raised my head and encountered the rays of light from Ali, Fatima, Al-Hassan, Al-Husayn, Ali ibn Al-Husayn, Muhammad ibn Ali, Ja’far ibn Muhammad, Musa ibn Ja’far, Ali ibn Musa, Muhammad ibn Ali, Ali ibn Muhammad, Al-Hassan ibn Ali, and al-Hujja ibn Al-Hassan - the Riser in their midst shining like a shining star. I said, “O Lord! Who are they?” God said, “They are the Divine Leaders, and this one is the Riser who will make legitimate what I have allowed, and will forbid what I have forbidden. I will take revenge against My enemies by him. He is the Comfort for My friends. He is the one who will pacify the hearts of your followers from the oppressors, the refuters and the atheists. He will take Lat and 'Uzza21 fresh out of the ground and burn them. Indeed the sedition which these two brought for the people is more than the sedition of the calf22, and the Samiri.”23
6-28 Ali ibn Ahmad ibn Muhammad ibn Imran ad-Daqqaq - may God be pleased with him - narrated that Muhammad ibn Abi Abdillah al-Kufi quoted on the authority of Musa ibn Imran an-Nakha’ee, on the authority of his uncle Al-Husayn ibn Yazid al-Nowfali, on the authority of Al-Hassan ibn Ali ibn Abi Hamza, on the authority of his father, on the authority of Yahya ibn Abil Qasim, on the authority of As-Sadiq Ja’far ibn Muhammad (a.s.), on the authority of his father (a.s.), on the authority of his grandfather (a.s.), on the authority of Ali (a.s.) that God’s Prophet (S) said, “There are twelve Divine Leaders after me. The first one of them is Ali ibn Abi Talib (a.s.) and the last one of them is the Riser. They are my Successors, my Trustees, my Masters, and God’s Proofs for my nation after me. Whoever bears witness to them is a believer, and whoever denies them is an atheist.”
6-29 Abul Hassan Ali ibn Thabit al-Dawalini - may God be pleased with him - in Medinat Al-Salam narrated in the year 352 A.H. (962 A.D.) that Muhammad ibn Ali ibn Abdul Samad al-Kufi quoted on the authority of Ali ibn Aasim, on the authority of Muhammad ibn Ali ibn Musa (a.s.), on the authority of his father Ali ibn Musa (ar-Ridha’) (a.s.), on the authority of his father Musa ibn Ja’far (Imam Kazim) (a.s.), on the authority of his father Ja’far ibn Muhammad (as-Sadiq) (a.s.), on the authority of his father Muhammad ibn Ali (a.s.), on the authority of Ali ibn Al-Husayn (a.s.), on the authority of his father Al-Husayn ibn Ali ibn Abi Talib (a.s.), “I went to see God’s Prophet (S) and Ubay ibn Ka’b was with him (a.s.). God’s Prophet (S) told me, “O Aba Abdullah! O the adornment of the heavens24 and the Earths25! Welcome.”
Ubay asked him (a.s.), “O Prophet of God! How could anyone but you be the adornment of the heavens and the Earths?”
The Prophet (S) said, “O Ubay! I swear by Him who rightfully appointed me as the Prophet that Al-Husayn ibn Ali is greater in the heavens than he is on the Earth. In fact, the following is written on about him on the right side of the Throne of the Honorable the Exalted God, “He (Al-Husayn ibn Ali) is the Lantern of Guidance and the Ship of Salvation. He is the Divine Leader of steadfastness, honor, pride, (a.s.ource of) knowledge and treasures. And the Honorable the Exalted God has placed a pure, blessed and pious sperm in his loin. He has been taught supplications. The Honorable the Exalted God will reunite with him whoever recites these supplications. He will intercede on their behalf in the Hereafter. And God will eliminate his sorrows, pay back his debts, ease his affairs, clarify his path, empower him over his enemies and not make known his faults all due to him (that is Imam As-Sajjad (a.s.).”
Then Ubay ibn Ka’b asked him, “O Messenger of God! What are these supplications?” He (a.s.) said, “When you finish your prayers sit down and say, ‘O my Lord! I implore Thee by your Words, the Seats of your Throne, the Rudder of your Heavens, your Prophets and Messengers to fulfill my prayers since I have encountered difficulties in my affairs. Thus I ask Thee to send blessings upon Muhammad (a.s.) and the Household of Muhammad, and establish convenience in my affairs for me.’ Then the Honorable the Exalted God will make your affairs easy for you, expand your breast26, and dictate to you the expression of I bear witness that there is no god but God when you die.”
Ubay asked, “O Messenger of God! What is this sperm that He has placed in the loin of my beloved Al-Husayn?”
He (a.s.) replied, “The similitude of this sperm is like that of the moon. It is the sperm of boys and girls. Whoever follows him will attain growth and whoever deviates from him will be lost.” He asked, “And what is his name, and what is his supplication?” The Prophet (S) said, “His name is Ali, and his supplication is, ‘O the Eternal, the Everlasting! O the Living the Everbeing! O the Remover of sorrows! O the Appointer of the Messengers! O the Honest in Promises!’”
The Honorable the Exalted God will reunite anyone with Ali ibn Al-Husayn (on the Resurrection Day) who supplicates using this supplication. He will lead him to Paradise.
Then Ubay asked, “O Messenger of God! Will there be any Successors and Trustees for him?” The Prophet (S) said, “Yes. To him belongs the inheritance of the heavens and the Earth.” He asked, “O Messenger of God! What does the inheritance of the heavens and the Earth mean?” The Prophet (S) said, “It means judging rightfully, issuing decrees according to the religion, interpreting the decrees and expressing what will come in the future.”
He asked, “And what is his name?” The Prophet (S) replied, “His name will be Muhammad. He will be the companion of the angels in the heavens. In his supplications he will say, “O my Lord! If Thee are pleased with me and like me, then please forgive me and those of my brethren who follow me, and purify what is in my loin.”
Then the Honorable the Exalted God will place a pure, blessed and pious sperm in his loin. Gabriel (a.s.) informed me that the Honorable the Exalted God purifies this sperm and calls him Ja’far Himself, and He establishes him as a Divinely Guided guide, well pleased, and well-pleasing. He will pray to his Lord by saying the following in his supplications, “O the Near One who do not neglect, O the Most Beneficent the Most Merciful! Please grant my followers armour against the Fire. Be pleased with them. Forgive their sins, and ease their affairs. Pay back their debts. Cover up their faults. Forgive their major sins that are between you and them. O the One who has no fear of the oppression of the oppressors! O the One who does not become sleepy or fall asleep. Please establish a relief from all sorrows for me.” The Sublime God will reunite anyone with Ja’far ibn Muhammad with a bright face towards Paradise (on the Resurrection Day) who supplicates using this supplication.
O Ubay! Indeed the Honorable the Exalted God has placed a pure, blessed and pious sperm in his loin. He Himself has descended His Mercy unto him and called him Musa. Then Ubay asked, “O Messenger of God! It seems as if they are similar to each other. They are from one generation. They inherit from each other. Some of them describe some others.
The Prophet (S) said, “Gabriel described them for me on the authority of the Lord of the Two Worlds - the Exalted the Magnificent.”
Then Ubay asked, “Does Musa have supplications that are different from those of his forefathers?” The Prophet (S) said, “Yes. He says the following in his supplications: ‘O the Creator of the creatures! O the expander of the sustenance! O the splitter of the seeds who makes them grow! O the Creator of the living! O the One who gives life to the dead!: Who takes away life from the living! O the Constant and the Well-Established! O the One who makes the plants sprout! Treat me as You please!’”
The Sublime God will fulfill the needs of and reunite anyone with Musa ibn Ja’far on the Resurrection Day who supplicates using this supplication by Ali ibn Al-Husayn.
And the Honorable the Exalted God Himself has placed a pure, blessed, pious and well-pleasing sperm in his loin, and called him Ali. He is well-pleasing to God among the creatures regarding his knowledge and wisdom. God establishes him as a Proof for his followers on the Resurrection Day so that they can argue based on him on the Resurrection Day. He has supplications in which he says, “O my Lord! Grant me guidance, and establish me firm on that. Resurrect me with it while I am safe and secure as someone who has no fears. You foster piety and forgiveness.”
And the Honorable the Exalted God has placed a pure, blessed, pious and well-pleasing sperm in his loin. He Himself has called him Muhammad ibn Ali Himself. He will intercede on behalf of his followers. He inherits the knowledge of his grandfather. He possesses clear signs and proofs which become apparent. When he is born he will say, There is no god but God, and Muhammad (a.s.) is God’s Messenger. In his supplications, he will say, “O the One with no one like unto Him! You are God. There is no god but You. There is no creator but You. You make the creatures perish, but remain yourself. You forgive those who disobey you, and your pleasure lies in forgiveness.”
Muhammad ibn Ali will intercede on the Resurrection Day on behalf of whoever supplicates using this supplication by Ali ibn Al-Husayn. And the Sublime God has placed a sperm -neither oppressive nor disobedient, but pious, blessed, pure, and clean- in his loin. He Himself has called him Ali ibn Muhammad. He has equipped him with calmness and dignity. He has granted him knowledge and the hidden secrets. Whoever visits him while covering up something in his heart (mind), he will inform him of that, and will admonish him against his enemies and will say the following in his supplications, “O the Light! O the Proof! O the Luminous! O the Lucid! O Lord! Please guard me against the wickedness of the devils, the seditions of the ages. I ask Thee for salvation on the Day on which the Trumpet is blown.”
Ali ibn Muhammad will intercede (on the Resurrection Day) on behalf of whoever supplicates using this supplication and lead him into Paradise. And the Blessed the Sublime God Himself has placed a sperm in his loin whom He called Al-Hassan.
Then He established him as light in the towns, His Successor on the Earth, as a source of honor for his grandfather, as a guide for his followers, and as one to intercede on their behalf near his Lord, as a revenger of His enemies, and as a Proof for those who are his friends and those who adhere to him as their Divine Leader. In his supplications he said, “O the Noble One - noble in your nobility! How noble is one who is noble in his nobility! O the Noble One! Grant me nobility by your Nobleness. And acknowledge me by your assistance. Keep away from me the temptations of Satan and fend things off from me using your own fending. And protect me by your protection. And establish me as one of your best creatures. O the One and Only! O the Single and the Eternal.”
The Honorable the Exalted God will reunite with him (al-Hasan) whoever supplicates using this supplication and save him from the Fire even if the Fire has become incumbent upon him.27 Indeed the Blessed the Sublime God has placed a pure, blessed and pious sperm - pure and purifying in Al-Hassan’s loin. Any believer from whom the Sublime God has taken a pledge of his Mastery will be pleased with him, and all those who refute him will become atheists. He is a pious, pure, righteous, approved, guiding and Divinely Guided Divine Leader. And he rules justly, and orders to rule that way. He acknowledges the Sublime God, and the Sublime God acknowledges him in His words. He will rise from Tihama (in the Arabia) when signs and proofs have appeared. He possesses treasures that are not of silver and gold, but are of very beautiful and strong horses and remarkable men marked with faith and worship. The Sublime God will gather together as many people as there were in the (Battle of) Badr - that is three hundred and thirteen men - around him from the farthest towns. There is a sealed Tablet with him in which the number of his companions, their names, their family names, their towns, their characteristics, their looks and their nicknames are recorded. They are all fighters striving in his obedience.
And Ubay asked him, “O Prophet of God! And what are his proofs and his signs?”
The Prophet (S) said, “He has a flag which opens up by itself when the time comes for him to rise. This is inherent in its nature. The Sublime God will empower it to talk, and the flag will say, “O Friend of God! Rise and kill the enemies of God.” These two28 are two signs and proofs for him. And he has a sword that is placed in its sheath. And when the time comes for him to rise, this sword is drawn out of its sheath by itself. The Sublime God will empower it to talk, and the sword will say, “O Friend of God! Rise. It is no longer allowed for you to be indifferent to the enemies of God.”
Then he will rise and kill the enemies of God wherever he finds them. He will establish the bounds set up by God, and rule according to the Decrees of God. He will rise with Gabriel on his right side and Michael on his left side. You will see what I told you happen, even though it may be after some time. And I entrust my affairs to the Sublime, the Honorable the Exalted God.
O Ubay! Prosperous be the one who meets him. Prosperous be the one who loves him. Prosperous be the one who believes in him. God will save them from destruction due to him, and due to confessing to God, His Messenger and all the Divine Leaders. God will open up Paradise for them. Their similitude on the Earth is like that of musk which always smells good and never changes. And their similitude in the heavens is like that of the bright moon whose illumination never ceases.
Ubay asked, “O Prophet of God! How were the details about these Divine Leaders expressed to you by the Honorable the Exalted God?” The Prophet (S) said, “Indeed the Honorable the Exalted God sent down twelve Tablets to me on each of which the names of each of the Divine Leaders is sealed. The descriptions of each of them is in the appropriate Tablet.”.
6-30 Ali ibn Abdullah al-Warraq al-Razi - may God be pleased with him - narrated that Sa’d ibn Abdullah quoted on the authority of al-Haytham ibn Abi Masrooq an-Nahdi, on the authority of Al-Husayn ibn Ulwan, on the authority of Amr ibn Khalid, on the authority of Sa’d ibn Tarif, on the authority of al-Asbagh ibn Nobata that Abdullah ibn Abbas narrated that he had heard God’s Prophet (S) say, “Ali, Al-Hassan, Al-Husayn, nine of the progeny of Al-Husayn and I are the Pure, the Immaculate.”
6-31 Ahmad ibn Al-Hassan al-Qattan narrated that Ahmad ibn Yahya bin Zakariya al-Qattan quoted on the authority of Bakr ibn Abdullah ibn Habib, on the authority of Al-Fadhl ibn al-Saqr al-Abdi, on the authority of Abu Mo’awiya, on the authority of al-A’amesh, on the authority of Abaya ibn Reb’ee, on the authority of Abdullah ibn Abbas that God’s Prophet (S) said, “I am the Master of the Prophets, and Ali ibn Abi Talib (a.s.) is the Master of the Trustees. The Trustees after me are twelve, the first of whom is Ali ibn Abi Talib (a.s.) and their last one is the Riser.”
6-32 Ahmad ibn Ziyad ibn Ja’far al-Hamadani - may God be pleased with him - narrated that Muhammad ibn Ma’aqil al-Qirmaysini quoted on the authority of Muhammad ibn Abdullah al-Basri, on the authority of Ibrahim ibn Mihzam, on the authority of his father, on the authority of Abi Abdullah (a.s.), on the authority of his forefathers (a.s.), on the authority of Ali (a.s.) that God’s Prophet (S) said, “God granted twelve members of my Holy Household my understanding, knowledge and wisdom, and has created them from my nature. Woe be to those who deny them after me, and refute their ties of kinship with me. What is wrong with them? May God not make them benefit from my intercession.”
6-33 Muhammad ibn Ibrahim ibn Ishaq al-Taliqani - may God be pleased with him - narrated that Muhammad ibn Hamam Abu Ali quoted on the authority of Abdullah ibn Ja’far al-Hemyari, quoted on the authority of Al-Hassan ibn Musa al-Khashshab, on the authority of Abil Muthanna an-Nakha’ee, on the authority of Zayd ibn Ali ibn Al-Husayn, on the authority of his father Ali ibn Al-Husayn (a.s.), on the authority of his father (a.s.) that God’s Prophet (S) said, “How can a nation that begins with me, Ali and eleven of my progeny who are all men of Understanding and ends with the Messiah - the son of (the Blessed Lady) Mary (a.s.) - perish? However, in the meantime anyone who does not belong to my nation, and I am not associated with will perish.”
6-34 Ahmad ibn Muhammad ibn Yahya al-Attar (a.s.) narrated that his father quoted on the authority of Muhammad ibn Abdul Jabbar, on the authority of Abi Ahmad Muhammad ibn Ziyad al-Azedi, on the authority of Aban ibn Uthman, on the authority of Abi Ahmad Muhammad ibn Ziyad al-Azedi, on the authority of Aban ibn Uthman, on the authority of Thabit ibn Dinar, on the authority of the Master of the Worshippers Ali ibn Al-Husayn (a.s.), on the authority of the Master of the Martyrs Al-Husayn ibn Ali, on the authority of the Master of the Trustees the Commander of the Faithful Ali ibn Abi Talib (a.s.) that God’s Prophet (S) told him, “There are twelve Divine Leaders after me. O Ali! You are the first one. Their last one is the Riser with whose hands God - whose mentioning is Blessed and High - will conquer the East and the West of the Earth”
6-35 My father and Muhammad ibn Al-Hassan ibn Ahmad ibn al-Waleed - may God be pleased with them - narrated that Sa’d ibn Abdullah, Abdullah ibn Ja’far al-Hemyari, Muhammad ibn Yahya al-Attar and Ahmad ibn Idris - may God be pleased with them - quoted on the authority of Ahmad ibn Abi Abdillah al-Barqi, on the authority of Abi Hashem Dawood ibn Al-Qasim al-Ja’fari, on the authority of Abi Ja’far Muhammad ibn Ali Al-Baqir (a.s.), “One day the Commander of the Faithful (a.s.) was with Al-Hassan ibn Ali (a.s.) and Salman al-Farsi - may God be pleased with him. The Commander of the Faithful (a.s.) was leaning on Salman’s hand. They entered the ‘Al-Haram Mosque (the Kaaba). A good-looking well-dressed man came up to them and greeted the Commander of the Faithful (a.s.). Then the Imam (a.s.) greeted him back. The man sat down and said, “O Commander of the Faithful! I will ask you about three things. If you give me the right answers then I will know that your tribe has something done to you for which they will neither be safe in this world, nor will they be secure in the Hereafter. But if not, I will know that you and the rest are the same.”
Then the Commander of the Faithful (a.s.) told him, “Ask me whatever you wish.” He asked, “Inform me about where a man’s soul goes when he goes to sleep, how a man remembers and forgets, and how one’s child looks like his uncles or aunts.”
Then the Commander of the Faithful (a.s.) turned to Aba Muhammad Al-Hassan ibn Ali (a.s.) and said, “O Aba Muhammad! Answer him.”
Then Al-Hassan (a.s.) said, “Regarding your question about where a man’s soul goes when he sleeps, the soul is associated with the wind, and the wind is associated with the air as long as the owner of the soul does not move. If the Sublime God permits that the soul be returned to its owner, the soul will attract the wind and pull it towards itself. And the wind will attract the air. Thus the soul will return and reside in the body of its owner. However, if the Honorable the Exalted God does not permit that the soul be returned to its owner, then the air will absorb the wind, and the wind will absorb the soul. Then the soul will not return to its owner until the Resurrection time.
And regarding what you asked about remembering and forgetting, there is a cavity in a man’s heart over which there is a plate. When a man perfectly expresses that “Blessings be Upon Muhammad and the Household of Muhammad”, this plate will be removed from that cavity. Then the heart will be illuminated and man will remember what he had forgotten. However, if he does not express that ‘Blessings be Upon Muhammad and the Household of Muhammad’, or imperfectly expresses the blessings upon them, this plate will totally cover that cavity. Then the heart will be in darkness and man will forget what he had remembered.
And regarding what you asked about a baby that looks like his aunts or uncles I should say that when a man goes to his wife and has intercourse with her with a calm heart, tranquil hereditary disposition, and an unagitated body, the sperm will enter the uterus and a child who will look like his parents will be formed. However, if he goes to her with a heart that is not calm, a hereditary disposition that is not tranquil and an agitated body, then the sperm will be agitated. When the sperm gets agitated, it will land on some of the other family lines which may be related to his lineage from his aunts or uncles. Then once the sperm falls off on one of the other family lines from the lineage of his uncles, the child will look like one of his uncles. But if the sperm falls on one of the other family lines from the lineage of his aunts, the child will look like one of his aunts.
Then the man said, “I bear witness that there is no god but God. I believed in this before. And I bear witness that Muhammad is God’s Messenger. I believed in this before.
And I bear witness that you are the Trustee of His Messenger, and you are the Riser to His Proof.” (He was pointing to the Commander of the Faithful when he said this.) I believed in this before.
And I bear witness that you are his Trustee and the Riser to His Proof after him. He was pointing to Al-Hassan when he said this.
And I bear witness that Al-Husayn ibn Ali is the Trustee of your father and the Riser to His Proof after you.
And I bear witness that Ali ibn Al-Husayn is in charge of the affairs of Al-Husayn after him.
And I bear witness that Muhammad ibn Ali is in charge of the affairs of Ali ibn Al-Husayn after him.
And I bear witness that Ja’far ibn Muhammad is in charge of the affairs of Muhammad ibn Ali after him.
And I bear witness that Musa ibn Ja’far is in charge of the affairs of Ja’far ibn Muhammad after him.
And I bear witness that Ali ibn Musa is in charge of the affairs of Musa ibn Ja’far after him.
And I bear witness that Muhammad ibn Ali is in charge of the affairs of Ali ibn Musa after him.
And I bear witness that Ali ibn Muhammad is in charge of the affairs of Muhammad ibn Ali, and I bear witness that Al-Hassan ibn Ali is in charge of the affairs of Ali ibn Muhammad.
And I bear witness that a man from the offspring of Al-Hassan ibn Ali whose name and nickname we are not permitted to mention until he Rises will be in charge of the affairs of Al-Hassan ibn Ali. When he rises, he will fill the Earth with justice while it has been filled with oppression. O Commander of the Faithful! Peace, God’s Mercy and His Blessings be upon you.” Then he stood up and left.
Then the Commander of the Faithful (a.s.) said, “O Aba Muhammad! Follow him and see where he wants to go.” Then Al-Hassan (a.s.) went after him. Al-Hassan (a.s.) said, “As soon as he left the mosque, I did not see him. It was as if the Honorable the Exalted God had removed him from the Earth! I returned to the Commander of the Faithful (a.s.) and informed him about that.”
He (a.s.) asked, “O Aba Muhammad! Did you recognize him?”
I said, “O Commander of the Faithful! The Sublime God, His Messenger and the Commander of the Faithful know best.” The Commander of the Faithful (a.s.) said, “He was al-Khidhr (a.s.).”
6-36 Ahmad ibn Ziyad ibn Ja’far al-Hamadani - may God be pleased with him - narrated that Ali ibn Ibrahim ibn Hashem quoted on the authority of his father, on the authority of Abdul Salam ibn Salih al-Harawi29, on the authority of Wakee’, on the authority of Ar-Rabee’ ibn Sa’d, on the authority of Abdurrahman ibn Saleet that Al-Husayn ibn Ali ibn Abi Talib (a.s.) said, “There are twelve Mahdi’s (Divinely Guided Ones) among us. The first one is the Commander of the Faithful Ali ibn Abi Talib (a.s.). The last one is my ninth descendant who is the Riser for the Right. The Sublime God will revive the Earth by him after it perishes, and will make the Right Religion victorious over all religions by him, even though the atheists may not like this. There will be a period of absence for him during which some people will turn away from him while others remain steadfast in the religion and suffer. They will be told, “When is the promise fulfilled if you speak the truth?” Whoever perseveres and withstands the bothering and the denial of the people during his absence, it is as if he has fought in a holy war along with God’s Prophet (S).
6-37 Muhammad ibn Ibrahim ibn Ishaq al-Taliqani - may God be pleased with him - narrated that Ahmad ibn Muhammad al-Hamadani quoted on the authority of Abu Abdullah al-Asemi, on the authority of Al-Husayn ibn Qasim ibn Ayyoub, on the authority of Al-Hassan ibn Muhammad ibn Sama’a, on the authority of Thabit As-Sab’baq that he had heard Abi Abdullah (a.s.) say, “There are twelve Mahdi’s among us. Six of them have left, and six remain. God will do as He pleases with the sixth one.”
(a.s.heih Sadooq said,) I have compiled such traditions in the book KAMAL AD-DIN WA TAMAM AN-NE’MAH FI ITHBAT AL-GHAYBAT WA KASHF IL-HAYRA. God the Sublime knows best.
1. Implying that he would first become the Imam and then As-Sadiq (a.s.) would become the Imam after him.
2. You can refer to MAQATIL AL-TALEBIYEEN for a detailed account of this.
3. Researchers believe that although this tradition is cited with this same link of narrators in KAFI and AL-KHISAL, probably there has been another narrator in the chain of narrations between Al-Hassan ibn Mahboob and Abil Jarood. This person is probably Muhammad ibn San’an.
4. Researchers believe that although this tradition is cited with this same link of narrators in KAFI and AL-KHISAL, probably there has been another narrator in the chain of narrations between Al-Hassan ibn Mahboob and Abil Jarood. This person is probably Muhammad ibn San’an.
5. In some versions we read ‘Abil Raja.’
6. Who is Yaha ibn Yaha ibn Bokir ibn Abdul Rahman
7. He was one of the companions of God’s Prophet (S) who was a recitor of the Holy Quran. He was well-known for being a recitor and a teacher of the Quran. Umar dispatched him to Kufa to teach the Quran.
8. Who is Muhammad ibn Ahmad ibn Attab Abul Qasim al-Razi al-Varamini al-Hafiz whom al-Hamawi has called Varamin in MO’JAM Al-BULDAN and has passed away after the year 310 A.H. (921A.D.)
9. In some versions we read ‘Muhammad ibn Al-Husayn.’
10. Ali ibn Al-Hassan ibn Shaqiq ibn Dinar Al-Abdi
11. The identity of Abul Khold is unknown.
12. Qur'an, 24:55
13. Qur'an, 22:47
14. Qur'an, 4:59
15. Qur'an, 5:55
16. “Qa’ed al-Ghurral-Muhajjalin” – those who are proud of their deeds. Some have interpreted this to refer to those whose hands, feet and foreheads are white due to extended prostrations.
17. The disciples of Jesus (a.s.)
18. That means they hear the voice of the angels but do not see them
19. See tradition No. 23-1 regarding the meaning of Itra where God’s Prophet said, “I am leaving among you two weighty things— God’s Book and my progeny; my family. They will not depart each other until they will join me at the Divine Pool.
20. Meaning deserving acknowledgment, commended, commendable, praiseworthy, praised, praiser, laudable, lauded, thanked.
21. “Have ye seen Lat and 'Uzza.”[Qur'an, 53:19]
22. “There came to you Moses with clear (a.s.igns); yet ye worshipped the calf (Even) after that, and ye did behave wrongfully.” [The Holy Quran: Baqara 2:92]
23. “(God) said, "We have tested thy people in thy absence: the Samiri has led them astray." [Qur'an, 20:85].
24. “He Who created the seven heavens one above another: No want of proportion wilt thou see in the Creation of (Allah) Most Gracious. So turn thy vision again: seest thou any flaw?”[The Holy Quran: Mulk 67:3]
25. There is some evidence of two earths in the Biblical literature and also among the scientific community. For example consider the following, “It is suggested that the four centres of the projections, grouped as they are in pairs, might represent two magnetic fluxes of remote origin. From here it is a short step to the surprising notion of the existence of two magnetic forces that, through the galaxy, could give rise to two magnetic fields which, in turn, generate the Rotating Magnetic Field whose particular dynamic mechanisms could be considered the real originators of the dynamic stress to which the Earth is subject, and not only the Earth but also the Sun and other planets. This is an idea which, on the basis of the principles enunciated by Galileo Ferrais on the existence of a bipolarity in the presence of rotating magnetic fields, could justify and consolidate the figure of a second Earth. This line of reasoning exceedingly gratified long years of study and the discoveries made in the period from 1960 to 1980 which now, with the intuition about the existence of two Earths as a pair, confirms the proposal of a geocentric conception. This conception could have been considered a purely imaginary idea before the revealing discovery was made about rotating dynamics generated by the presence of the bipolarity which can be expressed by the nuclei of the two Earths. The concept of bipolarity evidently leads to suggest the existence of a universal magnetism on which the innumerable galaxies depend and to think that the nuclei of the Earths follow an extra-galactic course. It also becomes plausible to deduce that the whole Universe is linked by an interminable series of magnetic fluxes.” [Source: NEW CONSIDERATIONS ON GEOLOGICAL AND GEOGRAPHICAL ASSESSMENTS with url address http://www.geo-eliocentrismo.it/english/nuovevalutazioni.htm]
26. See verse 9:25 of the Holy Quran. The breast is reputed to be the seat of knowledge and affection. The gift of the highest spiritual insight is being asked for. The Prophet Muhammad (S) was asked about the meaning of this verse when it was revealed. He said, “It is a light that is lit in a believer’s heart which leads to his enlightenment.” Then he (a.s.) was asked, “Are there any signs for this?” The Prophet (S) replied, “Yes. The signs are an attachment to the Eternal Abode, detachment from this world and being prepared for death when it arrives.” [Majmaul Bayan, vol.4, p.363].
27. He has been condemned to go to Hell.
28. The opening of the flag and its talking.
29. Abdul Salam ibn Salih al-Harawi was a close companion of Imam Al-Ridha’ (a.s.) and is now buried in a shrine in the vicinity of the holy city of Mashhad.