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The Divine Leadership of Imam ar-Ridha’ (a.s.)

Source: Uyun Akhbar ar-Ridha Volume 2

47-1 Ahmad ibn Ziyad ibn Ja’far al-Hamadani - may God be pleased with him - narrated that Ali ibn Ibrahim ibn Hashem quoted on the authority of his father, on the authority of Umayr ibn Yazid, “I was with Abil Hassan Ar-Ridha’ (a.s.) when he (a.s.) talked about Muhammad ibn Ja’far ibn Muhammad (a.s.) and said, ‘I have made it incumbent upon myself not to live with him under the same roof.’ It occurred to me that the Imam (a.s.) advises us to establish close ties with our relations, but he says this about his own uncle! The Imam (a.s.) looked at me and said, ‘This act is a good deed in itself. When he comes to see me and goes, he says things and the people believe what he says. However, if he does not associate with me, no one will accept what he says.’”
47-2 (The author of the book narrated) my father - may God be pleased with him - narrated that Sa’d ibn Abdullah quoted on the authority of Muhammad ibn Isa ibn Obayd, “Muhammad ibn Abdullah al-Taheri wrote to Ar-Ridha’ (a.s.) and complained about his uncle who worked for the King; wears their official clothes; and that the affairs of the (King’s) Trusteeship are in the hands of his uncle. The Imam (a.s.) wrote him back and said, ‘Regarding the issue of the (King’s) Trusteeship you have become self-sufficient and this problem will soon be solved.’ Muhammad became extremely worried and thought that he would be dismissed from being in charge of this affair, but he died twenty days later.”1
47-3 Muhammad ibn Al-Hassan ibn al-Waleed narrated that Muhammad ibn Al-Hassan al-Saffar quoted on the authority of Ahmad ibn Muhammad ibn Isa, on the authority of Muhammad ibn Al-Hassan ibn Allan, on the authority of Muhammad ibn Abdullah al-Qumi, “I was with Ar-Ridha’ (a.s.) when I got really thirsty. I did not want to ask for water in that meeting, but the Imam (a.s.) himself asked for some water, handed it to me and said, “O Muhammad! This is cool water. Drink it!” Then I drank.
47-4 Muhammad ibn Yahya al-Attar - may God be pleased with him - narrated Muhammad ibn Yahya al-Attar quoted on the authority of Muhammad ibn Ahmad al-Ash’ari, on the authority of Imran ibn Musa, on the authority of Abil Hassan Dawood ibn Muhammad an-Nahdi, on the authority of Ali ibn Ja’far that he had heard Abil Hassan at-Tayyeb say, “When Abul Hassan Musa ibn Ja’far passed away, Abul Hassan Ali ibn Musa Ar-Ridha’ (a.s.) went to the bazzar and bought a dog, a ram and a cock. Then when the agents wrote to Harun about this he said, ‘Now I am secure from his side.’2 Later on, Az-Zobayri (who was a security agent)wrote that Ali ibn Musa Ar-Ridha’ (a.s.) has opened up the door of his house and is inviting the people towards himself. Then Harun said, ‘How strange this agent is? He himself wrote that Ali ibn Musa (a.s.) went out and bought a dog, a ram and a cock and now he is writing this stuff!’”
47-5 Ali ibn Abdullah al-Warraq - may God be pleased with him - narrated that Sa’d ibn Abdullah quoted on the authority of Yaqoob ibn Yazid, on the authority of Muhammad ibn Hassaan, Abu Muhammad an-Neeli, on the authority of Al-Husayn ibn Abdullah, on the authority of Muhammad ibn Ali ibn Shahawayh ibn Abdullah, on the authority of Al-Hassan As-Sa’igh, on the authority of his uncle, “I departed towards Khorasan along with Ar-Ridha’ (a.s.) and I discussed killing Raja ibn Abil Dhahhak who was taking the Imam (a.s.) to Khorasan. Ar-Ridha’ (a.s.) admonished me against doing that and asked, ‘Do you want to have one believer killed for an unbeliever’s life?3’ Once we arrived in Ahwaz, Ar-Ridha’ (a.s.) asked the people there, ‘Please bring me some sugar canes.’ One of the stupid people of Ahwaz asked, ‘Does this Arab not know that sugar canes cannot be found in the summer?’ The people said, ‘O our Master! Sugar canes cannot be found at this time.’ The Imam (a.s.) said, ‘Search. You will find them.’ Ishaq ibn Ibrahim said, “I swear by God that my Master will never ask for anything, unless it is available.’ They dispatched some people to all regions, and then some of the workers of Ishaq said, ‘We have some sugar canes which we have saved up in order to get some seeds.’ This is one of the signs (of his Divine Leadership). When we reached a village, I heard Ar-Ridha’ (a.s.) say the following while he (a.s.) fell in prostration, ‘Praise belongs to Thee, if I obey Thee. I have no reasons nor any excuses should I disobey Thee. Neither me nor others can do anything in return for Thy Kindness. I have no excuse for any bad deeds. Whatever good I receive is all from Thee. O the Gracious! Please forgive all the believing men and women in the East and the West of the Earth.’” He added, “We prayed behind Ar-Ridha’ (a.s.) for several months. Ar-Ridha’ (a.s.) did not add anything to the obligatory prayers, except for the Opening Chapter (‘Al-Hamd) and ‘Inna Anzalnaho Fi Laylatil Qadr’4 in the first unit and the Opening Chapter (‘Al-Hamd) and ‘Al-Ikhlas in the second unit.”
47-6 Muhammad ibn Ali Majilawayh - may God be pleased with him - narrated that Muhammad ibn Yahya al-Attar quoted in the authority of Muhammad ibn Ahmad ibn Yahya ibn Imran al-Ash’ari, on the authority of Muhammad ibn Hassaan Ar-Razi, on the authority of Muhammad ibn Ali al-Kufi, on the authority of Al-Hassan ibn Harun al-Harithi, on the authority of Muhammad ibn Dawood, “My brother and I were with Ar-Ridha’ (a.s.) when they brought us the news that Muhammad ibn Ja’far’s jaw had been closed. Abul Hassan Ar-Ridha’ (a.s.) went there and we went along with him. We saw that they had closed Muhammad’s jaws. Ishaq ibn Ja’far, his children and others from the Talibites were crying. Then Abul Hassan (a.s.) sat next to his head and looked at his face and smiled. Those who were present resented this. Some of them said, ‘This smile was a form of blaming his uncle.’ We left to pray in the mosque. I told the Imam (a.s.), ‘May I be your ransom! We heard them say things which implied that they resented it when you smiled.’ Abul Hassan (a.s.) said, ‘It was because I was amazed at Ishaq crying while he would die before Muhammad, and Muhammad would cry for him.’ Then Muhammad was cured and Ishaq died.”
47-7 Muhammad ibn Ali Majilawayh - may God be pleased with him - narrated that his uncle Muhammad ibn Abil Qasim quoted on the authority of Muhammad ibn Ali al-Kufi, on the authority of Al-Hassan ibn Ali al-Hadhdha’, on the authority of Yahya ibn Muhammad ibn Ja’far, “My father fell really ill. Abul Hassan Ar-Ridha’ (a.s.) came to visit him. My uncle Ishaq was sitting there crying hard for him.” Yahya added, “Abul Hassan (a.s.) turned to me and said, ‘Why is your uncle crying?’ I said, “From the fear of what you see.” Abul Hassan (a.s.) looked at me and said, “Do not worry. Ishaq will die before him.” Yahya added, “My father Muhammad got well and Ishaq died.”
The author of this book (a.s.heikh Sadooq) - may God have Mercy upon him - said, “Ar-Ridha’ (a.s.) knew this based on what he (a.s.) possessed called the Book of Calamities in which it is recorded how long each member of this family would live. They have inherited this book from God’s Prophet (S). When Ali - the Commander of the Faithful (a.s.) said the following, he (a.s.) was referring to this very same book, “I have been granted the knowledge of afflictions, calamities and relationships, plus the resolution of conflicts.”
47-8 Ali ibn Abdullah al-Warraq narrated that Sa’d ibn Abdullah quoted on the authority of Muhammad ibn Al-Husayn Abil Khattab, on the authority of Ishaq ibn Musa, “When my uncle Muhammad ibn Ja’far revolted in Mecca and invited the people towards himself, he was called the Commander of the Faithful and the people had pledged allegiance to him. Ar-Ridha’ (a.s.) and I went to see him and told him, ‘O uncle! Do not refute your father and brother. This rule of yours will not last.’ The Imam (a.s.) said this and departed along with me for Medina. A short time later Al-Joloodi went there, fought with and defeated him. He asked for immunity, wore a black garment5, climbed up the pulpit and dethroned himself saying, ‘This rule is that of Al-Ma’mun. I have no rights to it.’ He then left there to go to Khorasan, but died in Gorgan (north of Iran).”
47-9 Ahmad ibn Muhammad ibn Yahya al-Attar (a.s.) - may God be pleased with him - narrated that his father and Sa’d ibn Abdullah quoted on the authority of Muhammad ibn Al-Husayn Abil Khattab, on the authority of Ahmad ibn Muhammad ibn Abi Nasr al-Bezanti, on the authority of Abdis Samad ibn Ubaydillah, on the authority of Muhammad ibn al-Asram who was the chief of the police for Muhammad ibn Soleiman al-Alawi in Medina during the times of Abul Saraya, “Muhammad’s family and others from the Quraysh (tribe) gathered around him in Medina, pledged allegiance to him and asked him to send for Abil Hassan Ar-Ridha’ (a.s.), since Ar-Ridha’ (a.s.) is from them and they are from him (a.s.). Then Muhammad ibn Soleiman said, “Go to him and deliver my greetings to him. Tell him that his family members have gathered together and wish you to be with them. Ask him to come here, if he pleases.” The narrator said, “I went to see the Imam (a.s.) in Al-Hamra6 and delivered the message to him. The Imam (a.s.) said, ‘Deliver my greetings. I will go there after twenty days.’ I returned and delivered the Imam’s response. Several days passed. On the eighteenth day Al-Joloodi’s agent called Warqa’ attacked and defeated us. I fled to As-Sowrayn7 and suddenly heard someone say, “O Athram!” I turned to him and saw Abul Hassan Ar-Ridha’ (a.s.). Abul Hassan Ar-Ridha’ (a.s.) asked me, “Has twenty days passed or not?”
Muhammad ibn Soleiman al-Alawi referred to above is Muhammad ibn Soleiman ibn Dawood ibn Al-Hassan ibn Ali ibn Abi Talib (a.s.).
47-10 Muhammad ibn Ahmad ibn Idris - may God be pleased with him - narrated that his father quoted on the authority of Muhammad ibn Al-Husayn ibn Abil Khattab, on the authority of Mo’ammar ibn Khallad that Ar-Rayyan ibn al-Salt told him in Marv where he had just been dispatched as governor to some of the towns of Khorasan by Al-Fadhl ibn Sahl, “I’d like you to seek permission for me to see Abil Hassan Ar-Ridha’ (a.s.) and greet him (a.s.). I’d really wish that he (a.s.) would donate to me some of his own robes and give me some Dirham coins which have been issued in his own name.” I went in to see Ar-Ridha’ (a.s.) and before I could say anything, the Imam (a.s.) said, “In fact, Ar-Ryan ibn al-Salt has sought permission to visit me, and has asked for some of my robes and Dirhams. I grant him permission to come in.” Then Ar-Ryan entered and greeted the Imam (a.s.). The Imam (a.s.) granted him two sets of robes and thirty Dirhams which had been coined in his name.”
47-11 Abul Qasim Ali ibn Ahmad ibn Abdillah ibn Ahmad ibn Abi Abdillah al-Barqi - may God have Mercy upon him - narrated that his father and Ali ibn Muhammad ibn Majilawayh quoted on the authority of Ahmad ibn Abi Abdillah Al-Barqi, on the authority of his father, on the authority of Al-Husayn ibn Musa ibn Ja’far ibn Muhammad al-Alawi, “We - a group of young Hashemite fellows - were with Abil Hassan Ar-Ridha’ (a.s.) when Ja’far ibn Umar al-Alawi passed us by wearing worn-out clothes. Some of us looked at others and laughed at Ja’far ibn Umar’s clothes. Ar-Ridha’ (a.s.) said, ‘You will soon see him very rich with a lot of followers.’ About one month later he became the governor of Medina and his condition improved. When he passed by us he was surrounded by servants and officers.”
Ja’far ibn Umar al-Alawi referred to above is Ja’far ibn Muhammad ibn Umar ibn Hassan ibn Ali ibn Umar ibn Ali ibn Al-Husayn ibn Ali ibn Abi Talib (a.s.).
47-12 (The author of the book narrated) my father - may God be pleased with him - narrated that Sa’d ibn Abdullah quoted on the authority of Muhammad ibn Isa ibn Obayd, on the authority of Al-Husayn ibn Bashshar, “Ar-Ridha’ (a.s.) said, ‘Abdullah will kill Muhammad.’ I asked, ‘Will Abdullah ibn Harun kill Muhammad ibn Harun?’ Ar-Ridha’ (a.s.) said, ‘Yes. Now Abdullah who is in Khorasan will kill Muhammad ibn Zobayda who is in Baghdad.’ In fact, Al-Ma’mun killed Al-Amin.8”
47-13 In the month of Rajab of the year 339 A.H. (950 A.D.) Hamza ibn Muhammad ibn Ahmad ibn Ja’far ibn Muhammad ibn Zayd ibn Ali ibn Al-Husayn ibn Ali ibn Abi Talib (a.s.) in Qum narrated that Ali ibn Abraham ibn Hashem in the year 307 A.H. (918 A.D.) in a letter to me quoted on the authority of Muhammad ibn Isa ibn Obayd, on the authority of Abdul Rahman ibn Abi Najran and Safvan ibn Yahya, “Al-Husayn ibn Qiama, who was one of the heads of the Waqafites asked us to ask for an appointment for him with Ar-Ridha’ (a.s.). We made an appointment for him. When he faced the Imam (a.s.), he asked, ‘Are you the Divine Leader?’ The Imam (a.s.) said, ‘Yes.’ He said, ‘I take God to bear witness that you are not the Divine Leader.’ The Imam (a.s.) looked down for a while. Then he (a.s.) raised his head up and asked, ‘How do you know that I am not the Divine Leader?’ Al-Husayn ibn Qiama said, ‘It has been narrated for us upon the authority of Abi Abdullah as-Sadiq (a.s.) that the Divine Leader is not infertile. You are old but do not have any children.’ The Imam (a.s.) looked down again for a while. This time it lasted longer than before. Then he (a.s.) raised his head up and said, ‘I take God to bear witness that in a while the Merciful God will grant me a son.’” Abdul Rahman ibn Abi Najran added, “No more than one year after that passed and God granted Imam Ar-Ridha’ (a.s.) Aba Ja’far (a.s.).”
The narrator added, “Al-Husayn ibn Qiama was amazed and standing somewhere while Imam Musa Al-Kazim (a.s.) was circumambulating around the Kaaba. When Abul Hassan the first (a.s.)9 passed by him, the Imam (a.s.) asked him, ‘Why are you standing here? What is wrong with you? May the Sublime God surprise you!’ After this he became one of the Waqafites.”
47-14 (The author of the book narrated) my father - may God be pleased with him - narrated that Sa’d ibn Abdullah quoted on the authority of Muhammad ibn Isa ibn Obayd, on the authority of Muhammad ibn Abi Yaqoob, on the authority of Musa ibn Harun, “I saw that Ar-Ridha’ (a.s.) looked at Harthamat ibn A’ayan and said, ‘It is as if I see that he is taken to Marv and is beheaded.’ That’s exactly what happened.”
47-15 Ahmad ibn Ziyad ibn Ja’far al-Hamadani - may God be pleased with him - narrated that Ali ibn Ibrahim ibn Hashem quoted on the authority of Muhammad ibn Isa, on the authority of Abi Habib an-Benaji, “I saw God’s Prophet (S) in my dreams. I saw him (a.s.) reach Benaj10 and then go to the mosque in which the Hajj pilgrims go every year. It was as if I had gone to visit God’s Prophet (S). I greeted him and stood in front of him. I found a woven tray full of dates from Medina in front of him which included some especial Sayhani dates. He picked a bunch of those dates for us and gave them to me. I counted them and there were eighteen dates. I woke up and interpreted that dream to mean that I will live one more year for each of those dates. Twenty days later I was working on the farm and the farmers were cultivating the ground. Suddenly someone came and informed us that Abil Hassan Ar-Ridha’ (a.s.) has come from Medina, has stopped over in that very same mosque, and the people are rushing there from everywhere. I quit work and went to see him. I saw that Ar-Ridha’ (a.s.) was sitting exactly in the same place that the Prophet of God (a.s.) sat in my dreams. There was a straw mat beneath Ar-Ridha’ (a.s.) just as I had seen beneath the Prophet (S). There was a woven tray full of dates in front of him in which there were Sayhani dates. I stepped forward and greeted Ar-Ridha’ (a.s.). The Imam (a.s.) greeted me back and said, “Come forward.” I stepped forward and Ar-Ridha’ (a.s.) handed me a bunch of dates. I counted the dates and they were exactly as many as his grandfather (a.s.) had given me. I said, “O son of the Prophet of God! Please give me some more.” Ar-Ridha’ (a.s.) said, “We would have given you more, if God’s Prophet (S) had given you more.”
The author of the book - may God have Mercy upon him - said, “There is a similar proof in a narration for As-Sadiq (a.s.) which I have mentioned in Ad-Dala’el.”
47-16 Abu Hamid Ahmad ibn Ali ibn Al-Husayn As-Tha’alibi narrated that Abu Ahmad Abdullah ibn Abdul Rahman - known as as-Safwani - said, “There was a caravan going from the province of Khorasan to Kerman. Some highway robbers attacked it along the way and captured a man who was thought to have a lot of wealth. He was in their hands for sometime. They tortured him so that he would give them something, and then they freed him. They kept him on a block of ice and filled up his mouth with ice. They tied up his hands and feet. One of the women from the same tribe felt sorry for him and freed him without anyone knowing about it. He fled, but his mouth and tongue were wounded so much that he was unable to talk. He went back to Khorasan and heard that Ali ibn Musa Ar-Ridha’ (a.s.) had gone to the town of Neishaboor. One night he dreamt that someone told him, ‘The son of God’s Prophet (S) has come to Khorasan. Ask him for your cure. He may suggest to you a medicine to treat you.’ The man said, ‘I dreamt that I went to Ar-Ridha’ (a.s.) and reported to the Imam (a.s.) what had happened to me. Then the Imam (a.s.) told me, ‘Grind some cumin seed, thyme and salt. Wash out your mouth with it two or three times. Then you will be cured.’ He woke up and did not pay any attention to his dream. He did not even think about it. He went until he reached the gates of Neishaboor. He was told that Ali ibn Musa Ar-Ridha’ (a.s.) had left Neishaboor and gone to ‘Ribat Sa’d. The man decided to go there to tell the Imam (a.s.) about his problem and get some medication for his ailment. Then he set out for ‘Ribat Sa’d. Upon seeing the Imam (a.s.), the man made an effort and described his problem saying, ‘O son of the Prophet of God! This is my problem. My mouth has been injured and my tongue does not work. I can hardly talk. Please give me some medicine.’ Ar-Ridha’ (a.s.) asked him, ‘Did I not teach you what to do in your dream?’ Go and do what I taught you to do and you will be treated.’ The man said, ‘O son of the Prophet of God! Please tell me again if you deem it proper.’ The Imam (a.s.) said, ‘Grind some cumin seed, thyme and salt. Wash your mouth with it two or three times. Then you will be cured.’ The man added, “I did just as Ar-Ridha’ (a.s.) had said and got cured.” Abu Hamid Ahmad ibn Ali ibn Al-Husayn As-Tha’alibi said, “I heard Aba Ahmad Abdullah ibn Abdul Rahman known as As-Safwani say that he had heard that man say this himself.”
47-17 Ahmad ibn Ziyad ibn Ja’far al-Hamadani narrated that Ali ibn Ibrahim ibn Hashem quoted on the authority of Ar-Rayyan ibn As-Salt, “When I decided to go to Iraq and went to bid farewell to Ar-Ridha’ (a.s.), I told myself, ‘When I say farewell to him (a.s.), I will ask him (a.s.) to give me some of his own shirts to use as my shroud and ask him for some money with which to buy my daughter a ring.’ When I said farewell, I was so upset about leaving him that I totally forgot to tell him what I wanted. Once I went out, Ar-Ridha’ (a.s.) called out to me in a loud voice and said, ‘O Ryan! Come back.’ When I returned, Ar-Ridha’ (a.s.) asked me, ‘Would you like me to give you one of my own shirts to keep as your shroud until your death arrives? Do you want me to give a few Dirhams to you to buy a ring for your daughter?’ I said, ‘O my Master! I had told myself to ask you for these things, but the sorrow of leaving you made me totally forget to ask you.’ The Imam (a.s.) pushed aside his couch, picked up a shirt and gave it to me. Then he (a.s.) lifted up his prayer rug, picked up a few Dirhams and handed them to me. I counted them. They were thirty Dirhams in all.”
47-18 (The author of the book narrated) my father - may God be pleased with him - narrated that Sa’d ibn Abdullah quoted on the authority of Ahmad ibn Muhammad ibn Isa, on the authority of Ahmad ibn Muhammad ibn Abi Nasr al-Bezanti, “I was in doubt about Abil Hassan Ar-Ridha’ (a.s.). I wrote him a letter seeking permission to visit him. I wanted to ask him about three Qur’anic verses. I had set my mind on that. The reply came as such, ‘May God grant you and us health. You have asked permission to visit me. This is hard to do these days, since they have placed strict control over the people coming to visit me. It is a cause of hardship. You cannot get such a permission now. God willing these restrictions will be removed later and I will grant you permission to visit me.’ Then the answer to the questions which I had intended to ask the Imam (a.s.) concerning the three Qur’anic verses was written. I swear by God that I had made no mention of them in my letter. I was really amazed about the material about the verses. Later I realized that what the Imam (a.s.) had written in reply to me meant to inform me of the Divine status of the Imam (a.s.).”
47-19 Muhammad ibn Al-Hassan ibn Ahmad ibn al-Waleed - may God be pleased with him - narrated that Muhammad ibn Al-Hassan al-Saffar quoted on the authority of Ahmad ibn Muhammad ibn Isa, on the authority of Ahmad ibn Muhammad ibn Abi Nasr al-Bezanti, “Ar-Ridha’ (a.s.) sent a horse for me to ride on to go to see him. I rode it and went to see him. I stayed there until the night arrived. When the Imam (a.s.) wanted to stand up, he (a.s.) told me, ‘I do not think that you can return to Medina now.’ I said, ‘May I be your ransom! Yes.’ The Imam (a.s.) said, ‘Then spend the night with us and set out in the morning with the help of the Honorable the Exalted God.’ I said, ‘May I be your ransom! Fine. I will do that.’ The Imam (a.s.) ordered his maid: ‘Spread my futon out for him. Put my sheet on it and place my pillow for him.’ I asked myself, ‘Who has achieved this much honor and rank that I have? God has granted me a rank near Him which He has not granted to anyone else. Ar-Ridha’ (a.s.) sent me his horse to ride, spread his own futon out for me to sleep on with his own sheet and pillow. None of my friends have ever been in such a position.’ I was thinking and Ar-Ridha’ (a.s.) was next to me. Then suddenly Ar-Ridha’ (a.s.) said, ‘O Ahmad! When Zayd ibn Sohan was ill, Ali - the Commander of the Faithful (a.s.) went to visit him. Zayd considered this to be a source of pride for him and was haughty with the people because of that. Do not do what Zayd did then, and be humble for the sake of God.’ Then the Imam (a.s.) put his hands on the ground and got up.”
47-20 Ali ibn Ahmad ibn Muhammad ibn Imran ad-Daqqaq - may God be pleased with him - narrated that Muhammad ibn Abi Abdullah al-Kufi quoted on the authority of Jareer ibn Hazim, on the authority of Abi Masrooq, “A group of the waqafites went to see Ar-Ridha’ (a.s.). Ali ibn Hamza al-Bata’ini, Ibn Ishaq ibn Ammar, Al-Husayn ibn Mihran, Al-Hassan ibn Abi Sa’eed al-Mokari were amongst them. Ali ibn Hamza asked the Imam (a.s.), ‘May I be your ransom! What do you know about your father? How is his health?’ The Imam (a.s.) said, ‘In fact, he (a.s.) has died.’ Ali ibn Hamza asked, ‘Who has your father (a.s.) introduced to succeed him?’ The Imam (a.s.) replied, ‘Me.’ Ali ibn Hamza said, ‘You are saying what none of your forefathers starting with Ali ibn Abi Talib (a.s.) and those who came after him have said.’ The Imam (a.s.) said, ‘But the best and the noblest of my forefathers who is the Prophet of God (a.s.) has said that.’ Ali ibn Hamza said, ‘Don’t you feel threatened by this tribe (the Abbasids) and aren’t you afraid of them?’ The Imam (a.s.) said, ‘If I fear them, I have assisted them against me. Abu Lahab went to the Prophet of God (a.s.) and threatened him. God’s Prophet (S) told him, ‘If I should fear you in the least, I have lied. I have lied about my Prophethood.’ This was the first sign of the Prophet of God (a.s.). This is also my first sign for you. I have lied if Harun harms me in the least.’ Al-Husayn ibn Mihran said, ‘You have done what we want when you publicly announce your Divine Leadership.’ The Imam (a.s.) asked that man, ‘Do you want me to go to Harun in person and tell him that I am the do this in the beginning of his call. The Prophet (S) only Divine Leader and he is nothing? The Prophet of God (a.s.) did not inform his near relatives, friends and trusted friends about his Prophethood, and invited them to accept Islam. The Prophet (S) did not invite all the people. You have accepted the Divine Leadership of my forefathers and think that Ali ibn Musa (a.s.) is denying his father being alive due to the concealment of faith. But how is it that I announce my Divine Leadership to you without any concealment of faith, and openly declare that I am the Divine Leader? If my father (a.s.) was alive, how could I hide it from you and tell you that he (a.s.) has passed away?’”
The author of this book (a.s.heikh Sadooq) - may God have Mercy upon him - said, “The reason why the Imam (a.s.) did not fear (Harun) Ar-Rashid was due to the Covenant he had in which his murderer was declared to be Al-Ma’mun and no one else.”
47-21 Al-Husayn ibn Ahmad ibn Ibrahim ibn Hisham al-Mokattib - may God be pleased with him - narrated that Ali ibn Ibrahim ibn Hashem quoted on the authority of his father, on the authority of Al-Husayn ibn Bashshar, “I went to see Ar-Ridha’ (a.s.) after the demise of his father (a.s.), and asked for explanation of some of the words which Ar-Ridha’ (a.s.) had told me. The Imam (a.s.) told me, ‘O Sama’! Fine.’ I said, ‘May I be your ransom! I swear by God that this was my nickname when I attended school in my childhood.’ The Imam (a.s.) just smiled at me.”
47-22 Muhammad ibn Ahmad al-Sinani - may God be pleased with him - narrated that Muhammad ibn Abi Abdillah al-Kufi quoted on the authority of Muhammad ibn Khalaf, on the authority of Harthama ibn A’yan, “I went to see my Master and Friend - that is Ar-Ridha’ (a.s.) - in the Al-Ma’mun’s house. It was announced in Al-Ma’mun’s house that Ar-Ridha’ (a.s.) has died. However, this was not right. I entered and sought permission to visit Ar-Ridha’ (a.s.).” Harthama added, “There was a young man called Sabeeh od-Daylami among the trusted servants of Al-Ma’mun who really liked my Master (Ar-Ridha’ (a.s.)). That man came out and saw me. He said, ‘O Harthama! Don’t you know that I am a trusted servant of Al-Ma’mun in public and in private?’ I said, ‘Yes.’ He said, ‘O Harthama! Al-Ma’mun called me and thirty other trusted servants early in the night. I went to him. There were so many lights there which made the night seem like the day. There were many poisoned swords in front of him. He called us over one by one and made us pledge. No one else was there. He said, ‘This pledge is binding upon you. You must be loyal and do whatever I order you to do without any hesitation.’ We swore to carry out his orders. Then Al-Ma’mun said, ‘Each of you should pick up one of these swords and go to Ali ibn Musa Ar-Ridha’’s (a.s.) room. Do not talk to him whether you find him standing up, sitting or asleep. Just strike him (referring to Ar-Ridha’ (a.s.)) with these swords; and destroy his body, bones, blood, hair and brains. Then cover him up with the rugs and wipe your swords by rubbing them on the rugs. Then come to me. If you do this and keep it a secret, I have promised myself to give each one of you ten bags of Dirhams, ten select pieces of farmland, and not take these things away from you for as long as I live.’ We picked up the swords and went to Ar-Ridha’’s (a.s.) room. We found him sleeping on his side, moving his fingers and saying something which we could not understand. The other servants went ahead and started to strike him with their swords, but I dropped my sword and just kept looking at him. It was as if he (a.s.) knew that we would attack him. He had not held up anything which could block the swords. Then the servants dropped the rugs over him and returned to Al-Ma’mun. Al-Ma’mun asked us, ‘What did you do?’ They said, ‘O Commander of the Faithful! We did what we were ordered to do.’ Al-Ma’mun said, ‘Do not say anything about this anywhere.’ When dawn came, Al-Ma’mun came out. He sat in his meeting bare-headed. He unbuttoned his shirt, declared that the Imam (a.s.) has died and prepared to mourn for him. He then stood up and started to walk away. I was with him. He went towards the Imam’s (a.s.) room and opened the door. Al-Ma’mun got shocked when he heard Ar-Ridha’’s (a.s.) voice. Then Al-Ma’mun asked me, ‘Who is there with him (referring to Ar-Ridha’ (a.s.))?’ I replied, ‘O Commander of the Faithful! I do not know.’ Al-Ma’mun said, ‘Hurry up. Look and see who is with him.’ We rushed towards Ar-Ridha’ (a.s.) and saw him kneeling down in his prayer niche praying and expressing God’s glorifications. I said, ‘O Commander of the Faithful! I see someone praying and expressing God’s glorifications in the prayer niche.’ He got shocked and surprised and said, ‘Then you have lied to me and fooled me. God damn you! He looked at me amongst the people and said, ‘O Sabeeh! You know Ar-Ridha’ (a.s.). Look and see who is praying.’ I entered the room and Al-Ma’mun returned. When I reached the threshold of the door, the Imam (a.s.) raised his voice and said, ‘O Sabeeh!’ I fell down on my face and said, ‘Yes my Master!’ He (a.s.) said, ‘Stand up. May God have Mercy upon you. They wished to put out God’s Light, but God wanted to perfect His Light, even though some unbelievers may dislike that.’ I returned to Al-Ma’mun. His face had turned black like a dark night. Al-Ma’mun asked, ‘What did you find after I left?’ I said, ‘O Commander of the Faithful! I swear by God that the Imam (a.s.) was sitting in his room, called out to me and said these things.’ Al-Ma’mun buttoned up his shirt, ordered that his robes be brought, put them on and said, ‘Announce that the Imam (a.s.) had fainted but is fine now.’”
Harthama added, “I expressed a lot of thanks and praise to the Honorable the Exalted God. Then I went in to see my Master Ar-Ridha’ (a.s.). When the Imam (a.s.) saw me, he (a.s.) said, ‘O Harthama! Do not express what you heard Sabeeh tell you about me, except for those whose hearts have been tested by God for loving us and our Mastery.’ I said, ‘Yes. My Master!’ Then the Imam (a.s.) said, ‘O Harthama! I swear by God that their trickery will not harm me at all until the recorded time (i.e. of the murder of Ar-Ridha’ (a.s.)) arrives.’
47-23 Ali ibn Abdullah al-Warraq - may God be pleased with him - narrated that Abul Husayn Muhammad ibn Ja’far al-Kufi al-Asadi quoted on the authority of Al-Hassan ibn Isa al-Kharrat, on the authority of Ja’far ibn Muhammad al-Nowafali, “I went to see Ar-Ridha’ (a.s.) in Qantarat Ibriq11, greeted him and sat down next to him. I said, ‘May I be your ransom! There are some people in these areas who think that your father (a.s.) is alive.’ Ar-Ridha’ (a.s.) said, ‘They are lying. May God damn them! They would not have divided his property up and marry off his wives, if he (a.s.) was alive. However, I swear by God that my father (a.s.) tasted death as Ali ibn Abi Talib (a.s.) did.’ I asked Ar-Ridha’ (a.s.), ‘What do you order me to do?’ Ar-Ridha’ (a.s.) said, ‘You must follow my son Muhammad after me. I will leave the face of the Earth and there will be no return for me. Blessed be the shrine in Toos12, and the two shrines in Baghdad!’ I said, ‘May I be your ransom! I know of one of the two shrines.13 Where is the other one?’ Ar-Ridha’ (a.s.) replied, ‘You will soon get to know of it.14’ Ar-Ridha’ (a.s.) then added, ‘My grave and that of Harun are like this.” He (a.s.) was sticking two of his fingers together when he said that (implying that they will be near each other).
47-24 Al-Hassan ibn Ahmad ibn Idris - may God be pleased with him - narrated that his father quoted on the authority of Ibrahim ibn Hashem, on the authority of Muhammad ibn Hafs, on the authority of Hamza ibn Ja’far al-Arjani, “Harun departed from one of the gates of Masjid ul-Haram (the House of God) and Ar-Ridha’ (a.s.) left from another gate. Ar-Ridha’ (a.s.) said the following to Harun for him to take heed to, ‘How far away is the (eternal) Abode and how close is the meeting in Toos (where both Harun and Ar-Ridha’ (a.s.) will be buried)! O Toos! O Toos! Soon you will bring me and him (referring to Harun) together.’”
47-25 Abu Muhammad Ja’far ibn No’aym ibn Shathan - may God be pleased with him - narrated that Ahmad ibn Idris quoted on the authority of Ibrahim ibn Hashem, on the authority of Muhammad ibn Hafs that the servant of the good-doer Abil Hassan Musa ibn Ja’far (al-Kazim) (a.s.) narrated, “I was traveling with Ar-Ridha’ (a.s.) and a group of people in a dry desert. We and our animals were really thirsty and were about to perish. Ar-Ridha’ (a.s.) told us, ‘You will find water if you go there.’ We went there and found a spring there. We drank water and had our animals drink from that water, too, and returned. When we decided to continue on the Imam (a.s.) told us to look for that spring again. This time we could not find the spring, although we searched a great deal. We could only find the camels’ feces there.” The servant of Ar-Ridha’ (a.s.) narrated this for a man who was from the progeny of Qanbar who was one-hundred and twenty years old. The old man narrated a similar tradition for me and said, “I was at the service of the Imam (a.s.) at that time and the Imam (a.s.) was traveling towards Khorasan (in Iran).”
47-26 Ahmad ibn Ziyad ibn Ja’far al-Hamadani - may God have Mercy upon him - narrated that Ali ibn Ibrahim ibn Hashem quoted on the authority of his father, on the authority of Al-Mokhawal As-Sejestani, “When the agent to take Ar-Ridha’ (a.s.) to Khorasan arrived (in Medina), I was in Medina. The Imam (a.s.) entered the mosque to say farewell to God’s Prophet (S). Ar-Ridha’ (a.s.) said farewell several times. Each time he (a.s.) asked for permission to leave, took a few steps back, but returned to the shrine and the sound of his crying could be heard. I went to him and greeted him. Ar-Ridha’ (a.s.) greeted me back. I congratulated him. He (a.s.) said, “Leave me alone. I will be leaving my grandfather (a.s.) and die in loneliness. I will be buried beside Harun.” I followed Ar-Ridha’ (a.s.) all the way until he (a.s.) reached Khorasan. He died in Toos and was buried beside Harun.”
47-27 Muhammad ibn Ahmad As-Sinani - may God have Mercy upon him - narrated that Muhammad ibn Abi Abdillah al-Kufi quoted on the authority of Sa’d ibn Malik, on the authority of Abi Hamza, on the authority of Abi Kathir, “When (Imam Ar-Ridha’’s (a.s.) father) Musa (a.s.) died, the people were at a loss (what to do) about his affairs. I went on the Hajj pilgrimage where I saw Ar-Ridha’ (a.s.). I was wondering whether I should keep obeying Musa (a.s.) as the Divine Leader or obey this man (Ar-Ridha’ (a.s.)) and told myself, ‘For they said, ‘What! a man! A Solitary one from among ourselves! Shall we follow such a one? Truly should we then be straying in mind and mad!’’15 Then Ali (ibn Musa Ar-Ridha’) (a.s.) passed by me like a lightning jolt and said, ‘By God, I am the man whom you must obey.’ I said, ‘I ask the Sublime God and you to forgive me.’ Ar-Ridha’ (a.s.) said, ‘You are forgiven.’”
I have been told this very same tradition by more than one of the elders on the authority of Muhammad ibn Abi Abdullah al-Kufi with the same chain of narration.
47-28 Abu Muhammad Ja’far ibn Nu’aym al-Hakim ash-Shathani - may God have Mercy upon him - narrated that Ahmad ibn Idris quoted on the authority of Muhammad ibn Isa ibn Obayd, on the authority of Al-Hassan ibn Ali al-Washsha’ that Ar-Ridha’ (a.s.) told him, “When they wanted to take me out of Medina, I asked all my family members to gather around me and cry so that I would hear it. Then I divided up their inheritance share of twelve-thousand Dinars and told them, ‘I will never return to my family again.’”
47-29 Ali ibn Abdullah al-Warraq - may God be pleased with him - narrated that Muhammad ibn Ja’far ibn Batta quoted on the authority of Muhammad ibn Al-Hassan al-Saffar, on the authority of Muhammad ibn Abdul Rahman al-Hamdani, on the authority of Abu Muhammad al-Ghefari, “I was greatly in debt and thought to myself that no one but my Master and Friend - Abil Hassan Ali ibn Musa Ar-Ridha’ (a.s.) - can help me pay back my debts. When the morning came, I went to his house and sought permission to enter. When I entered, Ar-Ridha’ (a.s.) said, ‘O Aba Muhammad! I know what you want and it is up to me to pay back your debt.’ When the night came, they brought us some food to break our fast. Then Ar-Ridha’ (a.s.) said, ‘O Aba Muhammad! Will you stay overnight or will you leave?’ I said, ‘O my Master! I prefer to leave, if you fulfill my needs.’ Ar-Ridha’ (a.s.) brought out a bunch of gold coins from beneath the rug and handed them to me. Upon taking them near the light, I saw red and green coins. On the first coin which I saw it was written, ‘O Aba Muhammad! The coins are in the amount of fifty Dinars. Twenty-six Dinars are to pay back your debts and twenty-four Dinars are to spend for your family.’ When the morning came, I could no longer find that coin (i.e. the written-on one), but there were exactly twenty-six Dinars and twenty-four Dinars there.”
47-30 Ahmad ibn Harun al-Fami - may God have Mercy upon him - narrated that Muhammad ibn Ja’far ibn Batta quoted on the authority of Muhammad ibn Al-Hassan al-Saffar, on the authority of Muhammad ibn Isa ibn Obayd, on the authority of Musa ibn Umar ibn Bazee’, “I had two slave-wives who were both pregnant. I wrote a letter to Ar-Ridha’ (a.s.) in which I informed him about this and asked him (a.s.) to ask the Sublime God for both of them to be boys and that God grant me this gift. In response, the Imam (a.s.) wrote, ‘God - the Sublime - willing I shall pray.’ Then the Imam (a.s.) wrote me another letter in which he (a.s.) wrote, ‘In the Name of God the Beneficent, the Merciful. May God grant us and you the best of health in this world and the Hereafter with His Mercy! Beware that the affairs are in the hands of God the Honorable the Exalted. He runs the affairs according to His Own Will. The Sublime God willing you will be granted a boy and a girl. Call the boy Muhammad and call the girl Fatima with God’s Blessings!’” The narrator added, “Then as the Imam (a.s.) had foretold, I had one boy and one girl.”
47-31 Ali ibn Al-Husayn ibn Shathawayh al-Mo’addib - may God have Mercy upon him - narrated that Muhammad ibn Ja’far al-Hemyari quoted on the authority of his father, on the authority of Muhammad ibn Isa, on the authority of Al-Hassan ibn Ali ibn Fadhdhal, on the authority of Abdullah ibn al-Mogheera, “I was one of the Waqafites and went on a pilgrimage to Mecca having the same belief. Once I reached Mecca, I wondered whether my belief was correct or not. Then I sought refuge next to the al-Moltazam16 wall and said, ‘O my God! You know what I want and wish for. Please guide me to the best religion.’ Then it occurred to me to visit Ar-Ridha’ (a.s.). I went to Medina, stood at the door of Ar-Ridha’’s (a.s.) house and told his servant, ‘Go and tell your Master that a man from Iraq is waiting at the door and wants permission to enter.’ I heard Ar-Ridha’’s (a.s.) voice from within the house saying, ‘O Abdullah ibn al-Mogheera! Come in.’ I entered. When Ar-Ridha’ (a.s.) saw me, he (a.s.) said, ‘God accepted your prayer and guided you towards His Religion.’ I said, ‘I bear witness that you are the Proof of God and the Trustee of God for His creatures.’”
47-32 My father - may God have Mercy upon him - narrated that Sa’d ibn Abdullah quoted on the authority of Muhammad ibn Isa ibn Obayd, on the authority of Dawood ibn Razin, “I had some money which belonged to (Imam) Abil Hassan Musa ibn Ja’far (al-Kazim) (a.s.). The Imam (a.s.) sent someone to take some of the money and left the rest with me saying, ‘Pay back the rest of the money to whoever comes after the money later. He will be your Divine Leader.’ After the Imam (a.s.) passed away, his son Ali (Ar-Ridha’ (a.s.)) sent someone after the money and asked me to send back the exact amount of money which I had. I sent him the money that was with me.”
47-33 Muhammad ibn Al-Hassan ibn Ahmad ibn al-Waleed - may God be pleased with him - narrated that Muhammad ibn Al-Hassan al-Saffar quoted on the authority of Muhammad ibn Isa, on the authority of Al-Hassan ibn Ali al-Washsha’, “Al-Abbas ibn Ja’far ibn Muhammad ibn al-Ash’ath asked me to ask Ar-Ridha’ (a.s.) in writing to burn the letters - which Abbas had written to him (a.s.) - after reading them, since he feared that others might get ahold of them. I received a letter from the Imam (a.s.) - before asking him to burn the letters - in which it was written, ‘Inform your friend that I have burned all his letters after reading them.’”
47-34 (The author of the book narrated) my father - may God be pleased with him - narrated that Sa’d ibn Abdullah quoted on the authority of Muhammad ibn Al-Husayn ibn Abil Khattab, on the authority of Ahmad ibn Muhammad ibn Abi Nasr al-Bezanti, “It occurred to me to ask Abil Hassan Ar-Ridha’ (a.s.) about his age when I saw him. When I went to see him and sat in front of him, the Imam (a.s.) turned to me, looked at me and asked, ‘How old are you?’ I said, ‘May I be your ransom! I am so many years old.’ The Imam (a.s.) said, ‘I am older than you are. I am forty-two years old.’ I said, ‘May I be your ransom! I wanted to ask you about your age.’ The Imam (a.s.) said, ‘I told you.’”
47-35 Ahmad ibn Ziyad ibn Ja’far al-Hamadani - may God be pleased with him - narrated that Ali ibn Ibrahim ibn Hashem quoted on the authority of Muhammad ibn Isa ibn Obayd, on the authority of Faydh ibn Malik al-Mada’eni, on the authority of Zorwan al-Mada’eni, “I went to see Abil Hassan Ar-Ridha’ (a.s.) and wanted to ask him (a.s.) about Abdullah ibn Ja’far As-Sadiq (a.s.).17 Before I could ask, Ar-Ridha’ (a.s.) took my hand, placed it on my heart and said, ‘O Muhammad ibn Adam! In fact, Abdullah is not the Divine Leader.’ Thus Ar-Ridha’ (a.s.) had answered my question before I could ask it.”
47-36 Muhammad ibn Ali Majilawayh - may God be pleased with him - narrated that Ali ibn Ibrahim ibn Hashem quoted on the authority of Muhammad ibn Isa al-Yaqtini, on the authority of the Abbasid Hisham, “I went to see Abil Hassan Ar-Ridha’ (a.s.) and wanted to ask him to pray for a cure for my migraine which I had had for sometime. I also wanted to ask him to give me two pieces of material which I could use to enter the state of ritual consecration for the Hajj. After I went in and asked my questions, Ar-Ridha’ (a.s.) answered them. I forgot about my needs and got up to leave. When I wanted to say farewell, the Imam (a.s.) told me, ‘Sit down.’ I sat down in front of the Imam (a.s.). The Imam (a.s.) put his hand over my head and prayed for me. Then he (a.s.) asked for two of his own robes, gave them to me and said, ‘Wear these to enter the state of ritual consecration.’”
Al-Abbasi said, “When I was in Mecca, I tried very hard to purchase two Sa’eedi garments: one for me and one for my son. However, I could not find any. When I returned to Medina, I went to see Abil Hassan Ar-Ridha’ (a.s.). When I had said farewell and was about to leave, the Imam (a.s.) asked for two Sa’eedi garments just as I had wished for and gave them to me.”
47-37 Al-Husayn ibn Ahmad ibn Idris - may God be pleased with him - narrated that his father quoted on the authority of Ahmad ibn Muhammad ibn Isa, on the authority of Al-Husayn ibn Musa, “On a clear day we went out along with Abil Hassan Ar-Ridha’ (a.s.) to some property of his. Once we got to the town outskirts, Ar-Ridha’ (a.s.) said, ‘Have you taken any umbrellas for yourselves?’ We said, ‘No. We do not need any umbrellas since it is not cloudy.’ Ar-Ridha’ (a.s.) said, ‘But I have brought one with me and soon you will get wet.’ When we went a little further on, a cloud appeared and it rained. All of us were concerned about ourselves and we all got wet.”
47-38 Ahmad ibn Muhammad ibn Yahya al-Attar - may God be pleased with him - narrated that his father quoted on the authority of Muhammad ibn Isa, on the authority of Musa ibn Mehran, “I wrote to Ar-Ridha’ (a.s.) and asked him to pray for my (ill) son. The Imam (a.s.) wrote me back, ‘God will grant you a good son.’ My son died and I was given another son.”
47-39 Ali ibn Abdullah al-Warraq - may God be pleased with him - narrated that Sa’d ibn Abdullah quoted on the authority of al-Haytham ibn Abil Masrooq an-Nahdi, on the authority of Muhammad ibn al-Fuzayl, “When we got to a place called Batn Murr being located one way-station before Mecca. I got side and leg pains called ‘Al-Irq al-Madini’ in Arabic. I went to see Ar-Ridha’ (a.s.) in Medina and he (a.s.) asked, ‘What is the cause of your pain?’ I said, ‘I got ‘Al-Irq pains in my legs and side when I reached Batn Murr. Ar-Ridha’ (a.s.) then pointed at what was on my side, said a few words and put some of his saliva on it and said, ‘You will no longer suffer from any side pains.’ Ar-Ridha’ (a.s.) then looked at my legs and said, ‘O Abu Ja’far! The Honorable the Exalted God will record the rewards of a thousand martyrs for whomever of our followers who suffers from a calamity and perseveres.’ I told myself, ‘By God, I will not be relieved of this pain in my legs until I die.’ The narrator added, “He limped for the rest of his life.”
47-40 (The author of the book narrated) my father - may God be pleased with him - narrated that Sa’d ibn Abdullah quoted on the authority of Muhammad ibn Isa ibn Obayd, on the authority of Abi Ali Al-Hassan ibn Rashid, “I had received several loads of goods. The messenger of Ar-Ridha’ (a.s.) came to me before I could open them and see what they were. He told me that Ar-Ridha’ (a.s.) says, ‘Send me a notebook since I do not have any at home.’ I asked myself, ‘Should I look around for what I do not know of just because I have acknowledged him (as the Divine Leader)?’ I looked around but could not find anything. As the messenger wanted to return, I called out to him and said, ‘Wait a little.’ I opened some of the bags of the newly-arrived loads and found a notebook in them of which I was unaware of. I knew that the Ar-Ridha’ (a.s.) would not send for something without a reason, and I sent it for the Imam (a.s.).”
47-41 Muhammad ibn Al-Hassan ibn Ahmad ibn al-Waleed - may God be pleased with him - narrated that Muhammad ibn Al-Hassan al-Saffar quoted on the authority of Muhammad ibn al-Waleed ibn Yazid al-Kermani, on the authority of Abi Muhammad al-Basri, “Abul Hassan Ar-Ridha’ (a.s.) came (to Baghdad). I asked him in writing to grant me permission to go to Egypt to do business. In response he wrote, ‘Wait to see what God wills.’ I waited for two years. In the third year I wrote to him (a.s.) and asked for permission again. He wrote back, ‘Go. May this be blessed for you. God will change things for you.’ Then I left (for Egypt) and made a lot of profit. There was chaos in Baghdad and I was saved from that sedition.”
47-42 Ahmad ibn Muhammad ibn Yahya al-Attar (a.s.) - may God be pleased with him - narrated that his father quoted on the authority of Muhammad ibn Ishaq al-Kufi, on the authority of his uncle Ahmad ibn Abdullah ibn Haritha al-Karkhi, “None of my children survived. I had lost between ten to fifteen children. Once I went on the Hajj pilgrimage and then went to see Abil Hassan Ar-Ridha’ (a.s.). He came out approaching me in some colorful clothes. I greeted him, kissed his hands and asked him a few questions. Then I expressed my grief about the death of my children. The Imam (a.s.) pondered over this for a while and prayed a lot. Then he (a.s.) told me, ‘I hope that when you return you will have a child. And then you will have another child after that. You can enjoy them during your lifetime. In fact, if the Sublime God wishes to fulfill a prayer, He does so. He has power over all things.’ When I returned home from the Hajj pilgrimage, I saw that my wife, who was also my niece, was pregnant. She delivered a boy whom we named Ibrahim. A few years later she got pregnant again, delivered a boy whom we named Muhammad and we nicknamed him Abil Hassan. Ibrahim lived for thirty and so many years. Muhammad lived for twenty-four years. Then they both fell ill. I went on the Hajj pilgrimage again. When I returned, they were still ill. Two months after I returned from Hajj, Ibrahim passed away. Then Muhammad died at the end of the same month.” The narrator added, “Ahmad ibn Abdullah ibn Karkhi himself (the boy’s father) lived only one and a half years more. Then he died. Before these two sons were born, none of his children survived for more than a few months.”
47-43 Muhammad ibn Musa ibn al-Mutawakkil - may God be pleased with him - narrated that Abdullah ibn Ja’far al-Hemyari quoted on the authority of Ahmad ibn Muhammad ibn Isa, on the authority of Sa’eed ibn Sa’d, “Abul Hassan Ar-Ridha’ (a.s.) looked at a man and said, ‘O Servant of God! Make a will regarding what you wish to be done after your death and prepare yourself for that from which there is no escape.’ Exactly what the Imam (a.s.) had said happened three days later (i.e. the man died).”
47-44 Ahmad ibn Ziyad ibn Ja’far al-Hamadani - may God be pleased with him - narrated that Ali ibn Ibrahim ibn Hashem quoted on the authority of his father, on the authority of Muhammad ibn Abdullah al-Hashemi, “One day I went to see Al-Ma’mun. He asked me to sit down and asked others to leave. He asked for some food and we ate together. Then we put some eau de-cologne on. Then he ordered that curtains be set up, faced the person behind the curtain and said, ‘I swear to you by God to recite what you have recited about him who was in Toos.’ A woman started to recite: Pleasant it be for Toos and for him (Imam Ridha’) (a.s.) who dwelled there from the progeny of Muhammad who caused us everlasting mourning.
The narrator added, “After hearing this, Al-Ma’mun cried and said, ‘O Abdullah (i.e. Muhammad ibn Abdullah al-Hashemi)! Will my family and your family blame me for leaving a sign for Abal Hassan Ar-Ridha’ (a.s.) here?’ By God, I will narrate for you a tradition on which hearing will amaze you. One day I went to see Ar-Ridha’ (a.s.) and said, ‘May I be your ransom! Musa ibn Ja’far (al-Kazim) (a.s.), Ja’far ibn Muhammad (as-sadiq) (a.s.), Muhammad ibn Ali (al-Baqir) (a.s.) and Ali ibn Al-Husayn (as-Sajjad) (a.s.) were your ancestors. They possessed the knowledge of whatever had happened and whatever will happen up until the Resurrection Day. Now you are their Trustee and Inheritor. You possess their knowledge. I need something.’ Imam Ar-Ridha’ (a.s.) asked, ‘What do you need?’ I said, ‘This is my slave-wife Az-Zaherieh. She is very special in terms of being good-tempered. I prefer no one over her. She has become pregnant several times, but has miscarried. Now she is pregnant again. Please suggest to me what would treat her and deliver her (a healthy) child.’ The Imam (a.s.) said, ‘Do not be worried about her miscarriages, since she will get well and deliver a boy who looks very much like his mother, has an extra small finger on his right hand which does not have any joints, and has an extra toe without any joints on his left foot.’ It occurred to me that I should bear witness that God has power over all things. Then Az-Zaherieh delivered a boy who looked much like his mother, with an extra finger on his right hand and an extra toe on his left foot which had no joints just as Imam Ar-Ridha’ (a.s.) had said. Then I see no reason for anyone to blame me for having accepted Ar-Ridha’ (a.s.) as a Divine Sign.”
The narrator said, “There was much more than this to say, but I summarized it. There is no power nor any strength save by God - the Exalted, the Magnificent.”
The author of this book (a.s.heikh Sadooq) said, “The knowledge of Ar-Ridha’ (a.s.) about this event was derived from what he had received from his forefathers (a.s.), from the Prophet of God (a.s.). That is Gabriel brought the news about the Caliphs, their children from the Umayyads and the Abbasids, and what will happen in their times and what they will do for the Prophet of God (a.s.). There is no power save in God.”
1. In some versions we read that the affairs of the King’s Trusteeship were in his own hands and he thought that he would be dismissed and lose that position.
2. By doing so Harun thought the Ar-Ridha’ (a.s.) was busy with his own personal affairs and would not bother with state-related issues.
3. He (a.s.) meant that if you kill him, they will kill you.
4. Meaning “Indeed We revealed it (i.e. the Holy Quran) in the Night of Power.”
5. The color of the attire of the people of Al-Ma’mun
6. Al-Hamra al-Asad is a place nearly 8 miles away from Medina where the Prophet (S) passed during the Battle of Uhud when he was chasing the pagans.
7. A place near Medina
8. Here the Imam (a.s.) who was in Medina at that time predicted that the son of Harun Ar-Rashid - Al-Amin will be killed by Al-Ma’mun.
9. Imam Musa ibn Ja’far (a.s.)
10. A village on the way from Basra to Saudi Arabia
11. A town in Khuzestan, Iran
12. The shrine of Imam Ar-Ridha’ (a.s.)
13. Referring to the shrine of Musa ibn Ja’far (a.s.)
14. He (a.s.) meant the shrine of his son Muhammad ibn Ali ibn Musa Ar-Ridha’ (a.s.).
15. Qur’an, 54:24
16. The wall between the Black Stone and the Door of the House of God (Kaaba)
17. Referring to Abdullah al-Aftah whom some people considered to be the Divine Leader instead of Musa ibn Ja’far (a.s.)

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