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Holy Prophet's Commandments for Imam Ali (A.S.)

(1) Hemmad bin Amr and Anas bin Mohammed related from his father from Ja’far bin Mohammed from his father from his grandfather from Ali bin Abi Talib (a) that the Prophet (s) said to him:
O Ali, I will convey to you a commandment that you should retain. You will keep up yourself in goodness as long as you follow my commandment.
O Ali, for those who suppress their anger while they are able to punish, Allah will endow them with security and tasteful faith on the Day of Resurrection.
O Ali, he who does not provide a proper will in his final hours is suffering a defect in his personality and will be deprived of the right of Intercession.
O Ali, the best of jihad is to begin your day without intending to oppress anybody.
O Ali, he whose utterance is avoided by people will be an inhabitant of Hell.
O Ali, the evilest of my people are those whom people respect for avoiding their evildoings.
O Ali, the evilest people are those who sold their lives to come with their worldly lives. Those who sold their lives to come with others’ worldly lives are eviler than the previous.
O Ali, he who rejects an apology, whether true or false, will be deprived of my Intercession (on the Day of Resurrection).
O Ali, Allah liked telling fibs for the purpose of conciliation and disliked telling truths for the purpose of antagonism.
O Ali, for those who give up drinking wines for sake of something other than Allah, Allah will serve them with the sealed wine of Paradise.
Ali (a) wondered: “Even if it is for sake of something other than Allah?”
The Prophet (s) answered: Yes, it is. Even if he gives it up for saving himself (from its disadvantages). Allah will thank him for so.
O Ali, the drinker of wines is as same as the idolater.
O Ali, for the drinkers of wines, Allah will not accept their prayers for forty days. If they die in this period, they will be regarded as the atheists.
Commentary of the compiler:
(Only those who deem lawful to drink wines are included in such a ruling.)
O Ali, any intoxicating drink is haram –prohibited-. A single dose of a drink whose much amount causes intoxication is haram.
O Ali, all the sins are situated in a house whose key is drinking wines.
O Ali, an hour comes upon the drinkers of wines in which they do not realize their Almighty Lord.
O Ali, to move a mountain from its place is easier than trying to ruin a power in other than its deadline.
O Ali, it is worthless to sit with him who does not benefit by his religion and his worldly life. You should not respect or honor him who did not respect and honor you.
O Ali, the (faithful) believer should enjoy eight characters; he should be venerable in shaking situations, steadfast against misfortunes, thankful in luxury, satisfied with what Allah has decided for him, avoid oppressing the enemies, avoid overtaxing the associates, should fatigue his body, and make people feel glad with him.
O Ali, the prayers of four classes of people are never refuted: the just rulers, fathers when they pray for their sons, people who pray for their brothers secretly, and the oppressed. Allah says: By My glory and majesty I take the oath, I will give triumph to the oppressed even if a long period passes.
O Ali, eight classes of people should blame no one but themselves if they are insulted: he who attends a banquet without invitation, he who behaves imperiously upon the owner, he who seeks goodness from his enemies, he who seeks favors from the mean ones, he who intrudes himself in a secret matter of two persons, he who mocks at the rulers, he who sits himself in an improper place, and he who speaks to him who does not listen to him.
O Ali, for every obscene, indecent, and shameless individual who does not care for his speech or for what is said to him, Allah has banned him from being in Paradise.
O Ali, blessed is he whose age is long and deeds are good.
O Ali, do not joke; lest, you will lose respect, and do not tell untruths; lest, you will lose illumination. Beware of two characters: indolence and laziness, for if you are indolent, you will not stand the right and if you are lazy, you will not fulfill the right properly.
O Ali, every sin can be repented except bad mannerism. Whenever the ill-mannered quits a sin, he enters into another.
O Ali, four matters are the quickest in punishment: to recompense the favor with mistreatment, to trespass him who does not show hostility, to break the faith of the party who keeps up his faith, and to rupture the relations with the relatives who regard you properly.
O Ali, rest will depart him whomever is predominated by indolence.
O Ali, a Muslim should enjoy twelve characters in regard with sitting to the dining tables, four of which are obligatory, four are recommendable, and four are ethical.
The four obligatory characters are to know what to eat, begin with bismillahirrahmanirraheem (In the Name of Allah, the Compassionate, the Merciful), thank, and satisfy (yourself with the food).
The four recommendable characters are to rely on the left leg, eat with three fingers, eat from only what is before you, and suck the fingers.
The four ethical characters are to make the bite as small as possible, chew the food properly, avoid looking in people’s faces, and wash the hands.
O Ali, Allah created Paradise from two adobes: golden and silver. He created the walls from corundum, the ceiling from aquamarine, the pebbles from pearl, and the dust from saffron and odorous musk. Then Allah ordered it to speak; hence, Paradise said: “No god but Allah the Everlasting the Eternal. He who enters me will be surely happy.”
Allah then said: “By My glory and majesty I swear, the alcoholic, the talebearers, the pimps, the detectives, the effeminate, the gravediggers, the tithers, the disregarders (of their relatives), and the Qadarites—all these shall not enter Paradise.”
O Ali, ten people of this umma are disbelieving in Almighty Allah: the talebearer, the sorcerer, the pimp, he who copulates with a lady annally illegally, he who copulates with an animal, he who copulates with married ladies, the agitator, he who sells weapons to the parties of war, he who refrains from defraying the zakat, and he who dies before he performs the obligatory hajj while he was wealthy enough to do so.
O Ali, banquets should be served only in five situations: wedding parties, birth of male babies, circumcision, purchase of houses, and arrival from Mecca (after performing the hajj).
Commentary of The compiler:
… The Prophet (s) said: To observe fasting in winter is a blessed gain.
O Ali, the intelligent should not travel except in three situations: in seeking the worldly earnings, getting supplies for the life to come, and gaining a legal pleasure.
O Ali, three manners are the charities of this world and the world to come: to pardon him who oppressed you, regard him who ruptured relations with you, and possess yourself when one’s ignorance inflicts you.
O Ali, employ four before the falling of four: employ your youth before old age comes upon you, employ your health before ailment comes upon you, employ your wealth before poverty comes upon you, and employ your life before death comes upon you.
O Ali, Allah disliked for my people to play during offering prayers, to remind those to whom alms are given of favors, to attend in mosques while being ceremonially impure, to laugh among graves, to spy on houses, and to look in women’s genitals, for this may cause blindness.
Allah also disliked (for people) to speak while copulation, for this may cause deafness.
He disliked to sleep in the period between the Maghrib Prayer and the Esha’ Prayer, for this may deprive of sustenance.
He disliked to wash oneself (naked) outdoors unless an apron is put on.
He disliked to be in rivers very naked, for they are inhabited by angels.
He disliked to be in bathrooms very naked unless an apron is put on.
He disliked to speak between the azan and iqama of the Fajr Prayer.
He disliked to embark on a ship in seaways.
He disliked to sleep on a surface (of a house) without a fence and said: “No responsibility is taken of those who sleep on a surface (of a house) without a fence.”
He disliked for men to sleep alone in a house.
He disliked for men to copulate with their menstrual women for if their babies are born mad or leprous, they should not blame anybody but themselves.
He disliked to speak with leprous people unless a distance of one cubit is left between the two.
(The Prophet (a) said: Escape the leprous people in the same way as you escape from lions.)
Allah disliked for men who had wet dreams to copulate with their women before they wash themselves. If they copulate before washing themselves and their babies are born insane, they should blame nobody except themselves.
He disliked to urinate on the coast of a running river.
He disliked for men to excrete under a fruitful tree (including date-palm trees).
He disliked for men to excrete while they are standing up.
He disliked for men to wear sandals while they are standing up.
He disliked for men to enter dark houses unless there is a torch in the hand.
O Ali, pride is the epidemic of ancestry.
O Ali, as for him who fears Allah, Allah will make everything fear him, and will make him who does not fear Him fear everything.
O Ali, Allah will not accept the prayers of eight classes: the fugitive slaves until they return to their masters, the recalcitrant wives whose husbands are angry at them, those who refrain from defraying the zakat, those who leave the (ritual) ablution, the pubescent bondmaids who offer the prayers without veils, the imam (of a collective prayer) whose followers are not satisfied with him, the drunken, and those who resisted urination and excretion.
O Ali, Allah will establish a house in Paradise for those who enjoy four characters: to shelter the orphans, compassion the weak, treat the parents kindly, and treat the slaves leniently.
O Ali, those who meet Allah enjoying three features are the most favorable of people: the best worshipper is he who fulfills the obligatory duties of Allah properly. The most pious of people is he who abstains from the forbidden matters. The wealthiest of people is he who satisfies himself with that which Allah has given to him.
O Ali, the umma cannot stand three characters: to console the friends by offering them one’s fortune, to consider people fairly, and to mention Allah in every situation. To mention Allah does not mean to utter: subhaanallah walhamdu lillah wa la ilaha illallah wallahu akbar (All Glory is to Allah, All praise is to Allah, there is no god but Allah, and Allah is the most greatest). To mention Allah stands for leaving a prohibited matter out of fear of Allah.
O Ali, three will wrong you if you do not wrong them: the lows, the wife, and the servant.
Three cannot be treated fairly by three: the masters cannot be treated fairly by the slaves, the knowledgeable cannot be treated fairly by the ignorant, and the strong cannot be treated fairly by the weak.
O Ali, the reality of faith and the portals of Paradise are perfect and opened for those who enjoy seven characters: to perform the (ritual) ablution properly, offer the prayers perfectly, defray the zakat, suppress the anger, control the tongue, seek Allah’s forgiveness for the sin, and advise for the sake of (following) the Prophet’s household.
O Ali, Allah curse three ones: those who eat their food alone, those who travel in the deserts alone, and those who pass a night in a house alone.
O Ali, insanity is expected from doing three things: to excrete among graves, to walk in a single sandal, and to sleep alone (in a house).
O Ali, lying is acceptable in three situations: in trickeries of war, promising one’s wife, and reconciliation between two parties.
O Ali, sitting with three ones deadens the heart: the mean, the rich, and to talk with women (excessively).
O Ali, within the realities of faith is to spend in times of hardship, treat people fairly, and offer knowledge to the learners.
O Ali, a man’s deed is imperfect before he enjoys three characters: piety that stops him from committing acts of disobedience to Allah, morality through which people are treated courteously, and clemency by which the ignorance of the ignorant is refuted.
O Ali, a (faithful) believer has three situations of bliss: meeting with the friends, offering food to the fasting, and practicing rites of worship in the last hours of night.
O Ali, I warn you against three characters: envy, acquisitiveness, and arrogance.
O Ali, four things are signs of unhappiness: solidity of the eye, hardheartedness, long hope, and fondness of the worldly survival.
O Ali, three characters raise the rank, three others forgive the sins, three others cause perdition, and three others achieve salvation.
The three characters that raise the rank are to perform the (ritual) ablution perfectly in biting cold, to wait for the coming prayer after accomplishing the current one, and to walk to the collective prayers in days and nights.
The three characters that cause the sins to be forgotten are to greet everybody, to offer food (to the needy), and to worship at nights when people are sleeping.
The three characters that cause perdition are the obeyed niggardliness, the pursued passion, and self-conceit.
The three characters that achieve salvation are to fear Allah, Exalted is He, openly and secretly, to be moderate in richness and poverty, and to say the right in situations of satisfaction and dissatisfaction.
O Ali, suckling after weaning is void and orphanage after puberty is meaningless.
O Ali, walk for two years so as to treat your parents piously, walk for one year so as to regard your relatives, walk for a mile so as to visit a sick person, walk for two miles so as to participate in a funeral ceremony, walk for three miles so as to answer an invitation, walk for four miles so as to visit a friend with whom you made friends for the sake of Allah, walk for five miles so as to aid a seeker of help, walk six miles for the sake of supporting the oppressed, and keep on seeking Allah’s forgiveness.
O Ali, there are three signs for the (faithful) believers: offering prayers, paying the zakat, and fasting.
The false believer enjoys three characteristics: he flatters slavishly when he witnesses (a situation), backbites the absent, and rejoices over the others’ misfortunes.
The unjust people enjoy three characteristics: they dominate him who is less powerful than they are by means of their powers, dominate him who is more powerful than they are by means of acts of disobedience (to Allah), and support the oppressors.
The showy has three characteristics: he activates among people, becomes lazy when he is alone, and desires to be praised in all situations.
The hypocrite has three characteristics: he lies in speech, breaks his promise, and breaches his trusts.
O Ali, nine things cause oblivion: to eat sour apples, to eat coriander and cheese, to eat remainders of mice, to recite the writings of the graves, to walk between two women, to kill lice, to cup in the pit of the head, and to urinate in stagnant water.
O Ali, nice life lies in three: wide house, beautiful maiden, and handsome horse.

O Ali, if the modest, in the government of the evils, are in the bottom of a well, Allah will cause wind to blow for raising them over the good people.
O Ali, Allah curse those who claim of being the subjects of other than their (true) masters. Allah curse those who refrain from giving the wage of a hireling. Allah curse those who brings about a heresy or protect him who brings about a heresy.
‘O Allah’s Messenger,’ he was asked, ‘What is that heresy?’ He (s) answered, ‘It is killing.’
O Ali, the true believer is only he whom Muslims can trust in regard with their estates and souls. The true Muslim is only he whom Muslims are saved from his hand –physical harm- and tongue- verbal harm-. The true Muhajir –emigrant- is that who deserts the sins.
O Ali, the firmest handle of faith is to support and hate for the sake of Allah.
O Ali, for those who obey their wives, Allah will turn them on the faces in Hell.
Ali (a) asked, ‘What sort of obedience is that?’ The Prophet (s) answered:
(That obedience is) to permit her to participate the collections of women, go for wedding parties, go for mourning ceremonies, and wear transparent clothes.
O Ali, by way of Islam, Allah took away the arrogance and taking pride in ancestors that were followed in the pre-Islamic era. All people are (the offspring) of Adam who was created from dust. The honorable among them in the sight of Allah is the most pious of them.
O Ali, prices of the dead animals, dogs, and wine, dowry of the fornicatress, bribe of the judge, and wages of the diviner—all these are parts of ill-gotten properties.
O Ali, as for those who learn (knowledge) for the purpose of disputing with the foolish ones, vying proudly with the scholars, or attracting people’s attentions so that they will deify them, they will be in Hell.
O Ali, when a servant (of Allah) dies, people ask about what he leaves, while the angels ask about what he has advanced.
O Ali, this world is the jail of the believer and the paradise of the atheist.
O Ali, sudden death is rest for the believers and regret for the disbelievers.
O Ali, Allah revealed to this world: “Serve him who will serve Me and disturb him who will serve you.”
O Ali, Allah will not give any atheist or hypocrite a single drink of water of this world if it equals for Him the amount of a mosquito’s wing.
O Ali, on the Day of Resurrection, every individual, including all the past and the coming generations, will hope were they given only the minimum sustenance.
O Ali, the evilest of people is that who complains against the act of Allah.
O Ali, as for the believers, their moaning is (regarded as) Tasbih —saying subhaanallah: All glory is due to Allah—, their cries are tahlil —saying la ilaha illallah: there is no god but Allah—, their sleep in beds is a sort of worship, and their turnings are (regarded as) jihad for Allah’s sake. If they are cured, they walk among people guiltless.
O Ali, if a foot of an animal is presented to me, I will accept it. If I am invited to a foot of a sheep, I will answer.
O Ali, it is not obligatory upon women to attend the Friday Prayers and the collective prayers, recite the azan or the iqama, visit the sick, participate in funeral ceremonies, roam between Safa and Marwa, kiss the Black Stone, have their hair cut (as a ritual of the hajj), assume the magistrature, be consulted, slaughter animals except in emergencies, recite the talbiya loudly, reside near a grave, listen to the sermon (of the Friday Prayers), and manage the ceremonies of their marriage themselves. Women should not leave their husbands’ houses before they obtain their permissions; lest, Allah, Gabriel, and Michael –the angles- will curse them. They should also avoid giving anything of their husbands’ houses before they obtain their permission and avoid passing a single night while their husbands are angry at them even the husbands were the wrong.
O Ali, Islam is naked; pudency is its dress, gravity is its ornament, righteous deed is its personality, and piety is its support. Everything has its basis; the basis of Islam is to cherish us—the Prophet’s household.
O Ali, bad mannerism is evil omen and the compliance with women is regret.
O Ali, if evil omen is found in something, it will definitely be found in women’s tongues.
O Ali, the light will be saved while the heavy will lose.
O Ali, he who forges lies against me intentionally should find himself a place in Hell.
O Ali, three things better the memory and remove the phlegm: chewing gum, cleaning the teeth (with a special stick called ‘miswak’), and reciting the Quran.
O Ali, cleaning the teeth (with a special stick called ‘miswak’) is a recommendable practice, for it purifies the mouth, betters the sight, satisfies the Lord, whitens the teeth, removes the bad smell of mouth, strengthens the gums, stimulates the appetite, removes the phlegm, betters the memory, doubles the advantages, and makes the angels happy.
O Ali, sleep is of four categories: the sleep of the prophets is on their backs, the sleep of the faithful believers is on their right sides, the sleep of the atheists and the hypocrites is on their left sides, and the sleep on the devils is on their faces.
O Ali, Allah selects the progeny of every messenger that He chooses from that messenger’s descendants, but He selects my progeny from your descendants. Without you, I would not have progeny.
O Ali, four matters deal a death blow: a leader who is obeyed while he disobeys Allah, a wife who betrays her husband while he considers her, a cureless poverty, and a bad neighbor in the permanent residence.
O Ali, in the pre-Islamic era, Abdul-Muttalib passed five laws that Allah enacted in Islam. He forbade sons from marrying their fathers’ women, and Allah revealed: “Do not marry, from now on, the ex-wives of your fathers.” (4:22)
As Abdul-Muttalib found a treasure, he gave its one-fifth as alms. Allah revealed: “Know that whatever property you may gain, one fifth belongs to Allah, the Messenger, the kindred, orphans, the needy and those who need money while on a journey.” (8:41)
When he dug the Zamzam spring, he called it ‘the watering of the pilgrims’. Allah revealed: “Do you, because you served water to the pilgrims and constructed the Sacred Mosque, consider yourselves equal to those who have believed in Allah, the Day of Judgment, and have fought for the cause of Allah?” (9:19)
Abdul-Muttalib issued the law that one hundred camels should be paid as the blood money of murdering. Allah passed the same in Islam.
For the Koreishites, they did not stop at a limited number of circumambulations around the Kaaba; hence, Abdul-Muttalib decided seven circulations for them. In Islam, Allah passed this law.
O Ali, Abdul-Muttalib used to avoid dividing by casting superstitious and gambling arrows, worshipping the idols, and having the flesh of an animal that had been sacrificed on the stone blocks. He used to say: I follow the religion of my father Abraham the prophet (a).
O Ali, the people of the most admirable faith and the greatest conviction are those who will live in the last of time: they did not catch (the time) of the Prophet (s) and were not given an opportunity to meet the Representative of Allah; yet, they believed while they did not see anything.
O Ali, three matters harden the heart: listening to the unlawful amusement, seeking of hunt, and stopping at the rulers’ doors.
O Ali, do not offer prayers while you wear a skin of an animal whose milk is unlawful to drink or a skin of an animal whose meat is unlawful to eat. Do not offer prayers in Thatul-Jaysh, Thatus-Salassil, and Dhajnan.
O Ali, eat only the eggs whose edges are not even, the fish who has shells, the birds whose wings are flapping and leave those whose wings are still, and the waterfowls that have gizzards or back nails.
It is unlawful to have the meat of any beast that has a canine tooth or any bird that has a claw.
O Ali, it is unacceptable to offer fruits or treasure in mortmain.
O Ali, it is unacceptable for the fornicators to slaughter an animal as ransom. There is no doctrinal provision for the innuendo and there is no intercession in the execution of the doctrinal provisions. Oaths are invalid if they are taken for rupturing the relations of kinship. The oath of sons, wives, and slaves regarding their fathers, husbands, and masters is void. To observe fasting a whole day up to night is void. To fast for two (or more) days ceaselessly is void. To migrate to the non-Muslim countries —after living in a Muslim country— is void.
O Ali, retaliation is inoperative for fathers who kill their sons.
O Ali, Allah, Exalted is He, will not answer the prayer of an inattentive heart.
O Ali, the sleep of the knowledgeable is better than the rituals of the (unknowing) worshipper.
O Ali, two rak’as of the knowledgeable is better than one thousand rak’as of the (unknowing) worshipper.
O Ali, it is unacceptable for wives, slaves, and guests to offer optional prayers before they obtain the permission of the husbands, masters, and hosts (respectively).
O Ali, it is haram to fast on the days of Eid ul-Fitr and Eid ul-Adha. It is also haram to fast on two days continuously, fast from speaking, fast for the vow of an act of disobedience to Allah, and fast all lifetime.
O Ali, fornication causes six bad consequences; three are in this world and the others are in the world to come. Regarding the three of this world, it takes away the brightness, hastens the perdition, and stops the sustenance. Regarding the three that are in the world to come, it causes hard judgment, dissatisfaction of the Beneficent Allah, and immortality in the fire (of Hell).
O Ali, usury is of seventy parts the (punishment of the) easiest of which is as same (punishment) as perpetrating incest with one’s mother inside the Holy House of Allah.
O Ali, a single dirham of usury is more horrible in the sight of Allah than seventy times of the commitment of incest inside the Holy House of Allah.
O Ali, he who refuses to pay a single carat of the zakat of his estate is definitely neither believer nor Muslim.
O Ali, those who neglect to defray the zakat will ask Allah to take them back to the world. They are the intendeds in Allah’s saying: “When death approaches one of them, he says, ‘Lord, send me back again so that perhaps I shall act righteously for the rest of my life.’ Although he will say so but his wish will never come true. After death they will be behind a barrier until the day of their resurrection.” (23:99-100)
O Ali, those who omit performing the hajj while they are capable enough for so are regarded as disbelievers. Allah says: “Those who have the means and ability have a duty to Allah to visit the House and perform the hajj (pilgrimage) rituals.” (3:97)
O Ali, as for him who neglects to perform the hajj until he dies, Allah will reckon him with the Jews or the Christians on the Day of Resurrection.
O Ali, almsgiving stops the act of Allah that is finally determined.
O Ali, regard of the kinship increases the age.
O Ali, begin and end your meals with salt, for it cures from seventy-two maladies.
O Ali, when I come up to the Praiseworthy Position, I will intercede for my father, uncle, mother, and a friend of mine in the pre-Islamic era.
O Ali, I am the son of the two slain men.
O Ali, I am the pray of my father Abraham the prophet.
O Ali, the best of intellect is that by which Paradise is gained and the satisfaction of the Beneficent Allah is sought.
O Ali, the first creation of Allah was the intellect. When Allah created him, He said to him: “Approach (by Me).” The intellect approached. Allah said: “Go away.” The intellect went away. Then, Allah said: “By My glory and loftiness I swear, I have never created anything that is more favorable to Me than you are. By you, I will give and take. The reward will be for you and the punishment will fall on you.”
O Ali, almsgiving (to the strangers) is unacceptable when one of the relatives is needy.
O Ali, to spend a single dirham for the dye is better than one thousand dirhams that are spend for the sake of Allah. There are fourteen characteristics in the dye: it releases the wind from the ears, betters the sight, softens the nasals, scents the flavor, strengthens the gums, dismisses feebleness, lessens the devilish inspirations, gladdens the angels, bears the good tidings to the believers, enrages the disbeliever, (it is his ornament and odor,) makes Munkar and Nakeer feel shy, and it is a document of acquittal (of sins) in the grave.
O Ali, wording is worthless unless it is applied practically. Appearances are worthless unless they agree with the reality. Wealth is worthless unless there is liberality. Truthfulness is worthless unless there is loyalty. Knowledge is worthless unless there is piety. Almsgiving is worthless unless there is good faith. Life is worthless unless there is health. Homeland is worthless unless there is security and pleasure.
O Ali, Allah deemed unlawful seven things of the sheep: the blood, genitals, urinary bladder, bone marrow, glands, spleen, and gallbladder.
O Ali, do not bargain with those from whom you want to buy a sacrifice (animal), a coffin, or a slave or when you want to hire a riding animal to Mecca.
O Ali, may I inform of the closest to my mannerism?
“Yes, you may, Allah’s messenger,” said he. The Prophet (s) expressed: The closest to my mannerism are the most well-mannered, the most self-possessed, the kindest to their relatives, and the fairest.
O Ali, my people will be saved from drowning if they recite the following (Quranic Verses) when they embark on ships:

ÈÓã Çááå ÇáÑÍãä ÇáÑÍíã . æãÇ ÞÏÑæÇ Çááå ÍÞ ÞÏÑå æÇáÃÑÖ ÌãíÚÇð ÞÈÖÊå íæã ÇáÞíÇãÉ æÇáÓãÇæÇÊ ãØæíÇÊ Èíãíäå ÓÈÍÇäå æÊÚÇáì ÚãÇ íÔÑßæä .

ÈÓã Çááå ãÌÑÇåÇ æãÑÓÇåÇ Åä ÑÈí ÛÝæÑ ÑÍíã.

(In the Name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful. They have not paid due respect to Allah. The whole earth will be gripped in His hands on the Day of Judgment and the heavens will be just like a scroll in His right hand. Allah is too Glorious and High to be considered equal to their idols. 39:67
It will sail in the name of Allah, in His Name it will sail and in His Name it will cast anchor. My Lord is All-forgiving and All-merciful. 11:41)
O Ali, my people will be saved from larceny if they recite the following (Quranic Verses):
Þõáö ÇÏúÚæÇú Çááøåó Ãóæö ÇÏúÚõæÇú ÇáÑøóÍúãóäó ÃóíøðÇ ãøóÇ ÊóÏúÚõæÇú Ýóáóåõ ÇáÃóÓúãóÇÁ ÇáúÍõÓúäóì æóáÇó ÊóÌúåóÑú ÈöóáÇóÊößó æóáÇó ÊõÎóÇÝöÊú ÈöåóÇ æóÇÈúÊóÛö Èóíúäó Ðóáößó ÓóÈöíáÇðð . æóÞõáö ÇáúÍóãúÏõ áöáøåö ÇáøóÐöí áóãú íóÊøóÎöÐú æóáóÏðÇ æóáóã íóßõä áøóåõ ÔóÑöíßñ Ýöí Çáúãõáúßö æóáóãú íóßõä áøóåõ æóáöíøñ ãøöäó ÇáÐøõáøó æóßóÈøöÑúåõ ÊóßúÈöíÑðÇ.

(Muhammad, tell them, "It is all the same whether you call Him Allah or the Beneficent. All the good names belong to Him." (Muhammad), do not be too loud or slow in your prayer. Choose a moderate way of praying. Say, "It is only Allah who deserves all praise. He has not begotten a son and has no partner in His Kingdom. He does not need any guardian to help Him in His need. Proclaim His greatness. 17:110-1)
O Ali, my people will be saved from pulling down if they recite (Allah’s saying):
Åöäøó Çááøóåó íõãúÓößõ ÇáÓøóãóÇæóÇÊö æóÇáúÃóÑúÖó Ãóä ÊóÒõæáóÇ æóáóÆöä ÒóÇáóÊóÇ Åöäú ÃóãúÓóßóåõãóÇ ãöäú ÃóÍóÏò ãøöä ÈóÚúÏöåö Åöäøóåõ ßóÇäó ÍóáöíãðÇ ÛóÝõæÑðÇ.

(Allah prevents the heavens and the earth from falling apart. If they do fall apart, then, no one besides Him can restore them. He is All-forbearing and All-forgiving. 35:41)
O Ali, my people will be saved from care if they recite:
áÇ Íæá æáÇ ÞæÉ ÅáÇ ÈÇááå ¡ áÇ ãáÌà æáÇ ãäÌÇ ãä Çááå ÅáÇ Åáíå.

La hawla wa la quwwata illa billah, la malja’a wa la manja min allahi illa ilayh
(All power and might belong to Allah. No refuge and no escape from Allah except to Him.)
O Ali, my people will be saved from burning if they recite (Allah’s sayings):
Åöäøó æóáöíøöíó Çááøåõ ÇáøóÐöí äóÒøóáó ÇáúßöÊóÇÈó æóåõæó íóÊóæóáøóì ÇáøóÇáöÍöíäó.

æãÇ ÞÏÑæÇ Çááå ÍÞ ÞÏÑå æÇáÃÑÖ ÌãíÚÇð ÞÈÖÊå íæã ÇáÞíÇãÉ æÇáÓãÇæÇÊ ãØæíÇÊ Èíãíäå ÓÈÍÇäå æÊÚÇáì ÚãÇ íÔÑßæä .

(The true Guardian is certainly Allah who has revealed the Book and is the Guardian of the righteous ones. 7:196.)
(They have not paid due respect to Allah. The whole earth will be gripped in His hands on the Day of Judgment and the heavens will be just like a scroll in His right hand. Allah is too Glorious and High to be considered equal to their idols. 39:67)
O Ali, he who fears beasts should recite (Allah’s saying):
áóÞÏú ÌÇÁßõãú ÑóÓõæáñ ãøöäú ÃóäÝõÓößõãú ÚóÒöíÒñ Úóáóíúåö ãóÇ ÚóäöÊøõãú ÍóÑöíñ Úóáóíúßõã ÈöÇáúãõÄúãöäöíäó ÑóÄõæÝñ ÑøóÍöíãñ . ÝóÅöä ÊóæóáøóæúÇú ÝóÞõáú ÍóÓúÈöíó Çááøåõ áÇ Åöáóåó ÅöáÇøó åõæó Úóáóíúåö ÊóæóßøóáúÊõ æóåõæó ÑóÈøõ ÇáúÚóÑúÔö ÇáúÚóÙöíã

(A Messenger from your own people has come to you. Your destruction and suffering is extremely grievous to him. He really cares about you and is very compassionate and merciful to the believers. (Muhammad), if they turn away from you, say, "Allah is Sufficient (support) for me. There is no Allah but He. In Him do I trust and He is the Owner of the Great Throne." 9:128-9)
O Ali, he whose riding animal refuses to move should recite in its right ear (Allah’s saying):
æóáóåõ ÃóÓúáóãó ãóä Ýöí ÇáÓøóãóÇæóÇÊö æóÇáÃóÑúÖö ØóæúÚðÇ æóßóÑúåðÇ æóÅöáóíúåö íõÑúÌóÚõæä.

(All that is in the heavens and the earth have submitted themselves to His will, either by their own free will or by force? To Allah do all things return. 3:83)
O Ali, he whose abdomen is affected by a yellow liquid should write the Verse of Kursi on his abdomen and drink it. By the will of Allah, he will be cured (if he exercise so).
O Ali, he who fears a sorcerer or a devil should recite (Allah’s saying):
Åöäøó ÑóÈøóßõãõ Çááøåõ ÇáøóÐöí ÎóáóÞó ÇáÓøóãóÇæóÇÊö æóÇáÃóÑúÖó Ýöí ÓöÊøóÉö ÃóíøóÇãò Ëõãøó ÇÓúÊóæóì Úóáóì ÇáúÚóÑúÔö íõÛúÔöí Çááøóíúáó ÇáäøóåóÇÑó íóØúáõÈõåõ ÍóËöíËðÇ æóÇáÔøóãúÓó æóÇáúÞóãóÑó æóÇáäøõÌõæãó ãõÓóÎøóÑóÇÊò ÈöÃóãúÑöåö ÃóáÇó áóåõ ÇáúÎóáúÞõ æóÇáÃóãúÑõ ÊóÈóÇÑóßó Çááøåõ ÑóÈøõ ÇáúÚóÇáóãöíäó.

(Your Lord is Allah who established His dominion over the Throne (of the realm) after having created the heavens and the earth in six days. He made the night darken the day which it pursues at a (considerable) speed and He made the sun and the moon submissive to His command. Is it not He Who creates and governs all things? Blessed is Allah, the Cherisher of the Universe. 7:54)
O Ali, the rights of sons that are imposed upon their fathers is to choose good name for them, educate them properly, and choose good positions for them. The rights of fathers that are imposed upon their sons is to avoid calling them by name, preceding them in paths, sitting before them, and entering to bathrooms with them.
O Ali, three deeds are originated from extreme solicitude: eating soil, clipping the nails with the teeth, and biting the hair of the beard.
O Ali, Allah curse the parents who encourage their sons to treat them disrespectfully.
O Ali, like sons’ treating their parents impiously, fathers may treat their sons impiously.
O Ali, Allah may have mercy upon the parents who educate their sons how to treat them respectfully.
O Ali, to depress the parents is impiety to them.
O Ali, for those who could defend their Muslim brothers whom had been backbitten but they did not, Allah will disappoint them in this world as well as the world to come.
O Ali, Paradise is unquestionably inevitable for him who meets the needs of an orphan out of his own fortune until that orphan attains maturity.
O Ali, for those who pass their hands on an orphan’s head as a sign of mercy, Allah will give them illumination for every single hair (of that head) on the Day of Resurrection.
O Ali, no poverty is harsher than ignorance, no fortune better than the intellect, no loneliness drearier than pride, no intellect like moderation, no piety like abstinence from the acts that Allah forbids, no lineage like good manners, and no worship like pondering (over things).
O Ali, untruth is the epidemic of talking, oblivion is the epidemic of knowledge, laziness is the epidemic of worship, arrogance is the epidemic of handsomeness, and envy is the epidemic of knowledge.
O Ali, four matters go uselessly: to eat after (attaining) satiety, to light a lamp in the moonlit, to seed in the briny land, and to do favors to the undeserved.
O Ali, he who forgets to seek blessings for me is missing the path to Paradise.
O Ali, beware of the knock of crow and the prey of lions.
O Ali, to put your hand to the elbow between the jaws of a dragon is better than asking those who have newly had fortune.
O Ali, the remotest people from Allah are those who avenge themselves improperly. He who claims of being the subject of other than his proper masters is disbelieving in all that which was revealed to me by Allah, Powerful and Majestic is He.
O Ali, wear your ring in the right hand, for it is a merit of Allah for the preferential ones.
Imam Ali (a) asked: “What should I choose for the ring, Allah’s messenger?” He (s) answered:
Use the garnet, for it is the first mountain that declared its submission to Allah, Exalted is He, and confessed of my prophecy, your succession of prophecy, your sons’ imamate, your Shia’s being in Paradise, and your enemies’ being in Hell.
O Ali, as Allah, Powerful and Majestic is He, took a look at the creatures, He selected me among the men of this world. He took a second look and selected you among the men of this world. He took a third look and selected the Imams that are your descendants among the men of this world. He took a fourth look and selected Fatima among the women of this world.
O Ali, I saw your name attached to mine in four places. I was so delighted for so. When I was ascended to the heavens, I found that it was written on the Rock of the Jerusalem, ‘There is no god but Allah and Mohammed is the messenger of Allah. I support him with his successor and back him with his successor.’ I asked Gabriel (the angel) about that successor. “He is Ali bin Abi Talib,” answered the angel.
When I arrived at the Lote-tree (of the seventh heaven), I found that it was written on it, ‘I am Allah, there in no god but I exclusively. Mohammed is the choice of My creatures. I support him with his successor and back him with his successor.’ “Who is my successor?” I asked Gabriel. He answered, “He is Ali bin Abi Talib.”
When I passed by that Lote-tree, I came to the (Divine) Throne of the Lord of the worlds, Highly Exalted is He. On the supports of that Throne, I found that it was written, ‘I am Allah. There is no god but I exclusively. Mohammed is My dear. I support him with his successor and back him with his successor.’
When I raised my head to the inside of the Throne, I found that it was written, ‘I am Allah. There is no god but I exclusively. Mohammed is My slave and messenger. I support him with his successor and back him with his successor.’
O Ali, Allah gave you seven characters that are common with me. You, along with me, are the first man whose grave will be split apart (for the Resurrection). You, along with me, are the first man who will stand on the Path. You will be dressed when I will be dressed and you will be resurrected when I will be resurrected. You will be the first man who will live in Illiyyin with me. You will be the first man who will drink the sealed nectar (which is sealed by musk) of Paradise.
The Prophet (s) then said to Salman al-Farsi, Allah may have mercy upon him:
O Salman, when you become sick, you win three things: you mention Allah continuously, your praying is answered, and all your sins are pardoned due to that ailment. Allah may make you enjoy good health up to the time of your death.
The Prophet (s) then said to Abu Tharr, Allah may have mercy upon him:
O Abu Tharr, beware of petition, for it is present humiliation, current poverty, and will cause long judgment on the Day of Resurrection.
O Abu Tharr, you will live alone, die alone, and enter Paradise alone. Some Iraqi people will be delighted because of you. They will wash your (dead) body, arrange your funerals, and bury you.
O Abu Tharr, do not ask from people directly, but if something is offered to you, you should accept it.
The Prophet (s) then said to his companions:
May I inform you of the evilest of you?
“Yes, you may, Allah’s messenger,” answered they. He (s) said:
They are the talebearers who sow enmity between the associates and stick defects to those who are acquitted of defects.

Shaykh Saduq

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