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The Holy Prophet's (S.A.W.) Inheritance

- Knowledge of the unseen
He said: I have been informed by al-Husain b. Ahmad b. al-Mughairah, who reported from Abu Muhammad Haider b. Muhammad al-Samarqandi, who reported from Abu Amru Muhammad b. Amru al-Kashi, who reported from Hamdawayh b. Naseer, who reported from Ya'qoob b. Yazeed, who reported from Ibn Abi Umayr, who reported from Ibn al-Mughairah who said:
Yahya b. Abdullah b. al-Hasan and I were with Abul Hasan, peace be upon him, and Yahya asked him: "May I be your ransom, they think that you have the knowledge of the unseen (Ilmul Ghaib)." He said: "Glory be to Allah! Place your hand over my head." When I did that, every hair in my head and on my body stood on its end. Then he said: "No, By Allah, it is nothing but what we have inherited from the Prophet (peace be upon him and his progeny)."

The calamity of denying the pen to the Prophet (SAW)
He said: Abu Hafs Umar b. Muhammad b. Ali Al-Sayrafl reported to me from Abul Husain al-Abbas b. al-Mughairah al-Jawhari, who reported from Abu Bakr Ahmad b. Mansoor al-Ramadi, who reported from Ahmad b. Swaleh, who reported from Anbasah, who reported from Yunus, from Ibn Shihab from Ubaidullah b. Abdullah b. Utbah, from Abdullah b. Abbas who said:
When the death of the Prophet, peace be upon him and his progeny, was approaching, there were some people, including Umar b. al-Khattab, in the house. The Prophet, peace be upon him and his progeny, said: "Come, let me write for you a testament so that you may never go astray after that!" So, Umar said: "Do not give him anything, for he is overwhelmed with pain; and you have the Qur'an, the Book of Allah is sufficient for us." Then the inmates began disputing each other, some saying, "Rise, and (let) the Prophet write for you", while others agreed with Umar. When there was too much noise and dispute, the Prophet, peace be upon him and his progeny, said: "Go away from me".
Ubaidullah b. Abdullah b. Utbah said: Abdullah b. Abbas, may Allah bless him with mercy, used to say: "What a calamity! Total calamity, which prevented the messenger of Allah, peace be upon him and his progeny, from writing for us that testament because of their disputation and noise."

The final Rites for our Prophet (SAW)
He said: Ali b. Muhammad al-Qarshi reported to me, by way of permission (to transmit further) from Abul Hasan Ali b. al-Hasan b. Faddhal, who reported from al-Husain b. Nasr, who reported from his father, who reported from Ahmad b. Abdulla b. Abdul Malik, who reported from Abdul Rehman al-Masoodi, from Amru b. Hurayth al-Ansari, from al-Husain b. Salemah al-Banani, from Abu Khalid al-Kabuli, from Abu Ja'far Muhammad b. Ali Al-Baqir, peace be upon him, who said:
When Amirul Mo'mineen finished giving Ghusl, Kafan and Hunoot to the Prophet, peace be upon him and his progeny, he allowed people in, and said: "Enter in the group of tens for offering your prayers upon him." They entered, and Amirul Mo'mineen stood between him (i.e. the Prophet) and them and recited: 'Surely, Allah and His angels send blessings on the Prophet. O you who believe, you should also send blessings and peace upon him.' (al-Ahzab V:56)"
People repeated what he said. Abu Ja'far said: "This was the prayer offered on him, peace be upon him and his progeny."

Some companions who reneged
He said: Abu Bakr, Muhammad b. Ummar b. Salim al-Je'abi, reported to me from Abu Abdillah Ja'far b. Muhammad a.-Hasani who reported from Abu Musa Isa b. Mehran al-Must'ataf, who reported from Affan b. Muslim, who reported from Waheeb, who reported from Abdullah b. Uthman b. Khuthaym who reported from Ibn Abi Maleekah, from Ayesha who said:
I heard the Prophet, peace be upon him and his progeny, say: "As if I am at the Pool (Kawthar) seeing those who arrive at me; and there are some who are pushed away from me, so I say: My Lord! (these are) my companions, my companions!" Then the voice says: "You do not know what they did after you. They continued to renege, by turning back on their heels."

Some companions who will never see the Prophet (SAW) again
He said: Abu Bakr Muhammad b. Umar b. Salim reported to me from Abu Abdillah Ja'far b. Muhammad al-Hasani, who reported from Isa b. Mehran, who reported from Abu Mu'awiyah al-Dhareer, who reported from A'amash, from Shaqeeq, from Ummu Salemah, the Prophet's wife, who said that Abdul Rahman b. Awf (once) called upon her and said:
"O Mother, I fear that my abundant wealth may destroy me. I am the richest among the Quraish." She said: "O Son, spend (in the way of Allah), for surely, I heard the Prophet, peace be upon him and his progeny, say: From my companions, there will be some who will never see me again after I have departed from them."
He said: Abdul Rahman left, and on his way met with Umar b. al-Khattab. He informed him about what Ummu Salemah had said. He (Umar) came to Ummu Salemah with insistence that he be allowed to visit her, then he said: "O mother, am I among them?" She said: "I do not know, nor am I going to absolve anyone beside you."

The Prophet's (SAW) last assembly
He said: Abu Hafs, Umar b. Muhammad b. Ali al-Sayrafl, reported to me from Ja'far b. Muhammad al-Hasani, who reported from Isa b. Mehran, who reported from Yunus b. Muhammad, who reported from Abdul Rahman Ibn al-Ghaseel, who reported from Abdul Rahman b. Khallad al-Ansari, from Ikrarmah, from Abdullah b. Abbas who said:
Ali b. Abi Talib (AS), al-Abbas b. Abdul Muttalib and al-Fadhl b. al-Abbas called upon the Prophet, peace be upon him and his progeny, in the last days of his illness, and said: "O messenger of Allah, these Ansar have gathered in the mosque, ladies and men, weeping over you." He asked: "What makes them weep?" They said: "They fear you might die." He said: "Hold me by your hands," then he came out, wrapped in his blanket and headcloth and sat on the pulpit. He thanked Allah and glorified His name, and then said:
"O people, what makes you feel unusual about your Prophet's death? Have I not announced death to you and have you not announced deaths among your own people? If there had been someone before me, and then the angel of death had come to him later, I would have also remained with you for that long. Be it known that I am going to meet my Sustainer, and I have left among you something, if you adhere to it, you will not be lost. The Book of Allah is with you, read it at dawn and dusk. And do not be each others' rivals, nor envious, not harbour any enmity against each other. Remain brothers as commanded by Allah. And then I have left behind my family, my Ahlul Bait, and I enjoin upon you about them.
And then I enjoin upon you about these people of Ansar, whose hardship for the sake of Allah, His Prophet and the believers are known to you. Did they not widen their houses and distribute equally their fruits? Did they not prefer others above themselves, though they were afflicted with poverty? So, whoever from among you is given any worthwhile authority, enabling him to harm or benefit, he should accept the righteous men from Ansar, and also forgive their evil-doers."
This was the last assembly in which he sat before he met with his Lord.

"There is no way, other than my way..." said the Prophet (SAW)
He said: Abu Ja'far Muhammad b. Ali reported to me from his father, who reported from Sa'ad b. Abdillah, from Ibrahim b. Muhammad al-Thaqafi, from Muhammad b. Marwan, from (Zaid b.) Aban b. Uthman from Abu Basir, who reported that:
Abu Ja'far al-Baqir, peace be upon him, said: "When the Prophet, peace be upon him and his progeny, was nearing his death, Jibraeel descended, and said to the Prophet: "O messenger of Allah! Would you like to return to the world?" He said: "No, for I have already conveyed the message of my Lord." Again he asked: "O messenger of Allah, would you like to go back to the world?" He said: "No, but I would like to be with the Friend, Most High." Then the Prophet turned to the Muslims who had gathered around him and said: "O people, there surely is no Prophet after me, and there is no way, other than my way. And whoever claims to be so, his pretence and innovation is destined for hell-fire. And whosoever claims that, kill him, and his followers will enter hell. O people revive the law of retribution, and revive the truth, and do not be divided among yourselves. Submit (to Allah), incline fully to peace, and you will be saved. Allah has decreed: 'I and My messenger certainly prevail, Indeed Allah is Mighty, Potent. ' (al-Mujadelah V:21)."

"My brothers are those who believe in me without ever having seen me" said the Prophet (SAW)
He said: Abu Hafs Umar b. Muhammad reported to me from Abu Abdillah Ja'far b. Muhammad b. Ja'far al-Hasani who reported from Abu Musa Isa b. Mahran, who reported from Abu Yashkur al-Balkhi, who reported from Musa b. Ubaidah, from Muhammad b. Ka'b al-Qurzi, from Awf b. Malik, that:
The Prophet, peace be upon him and his progeny, once said: "How eager am I to meet my brothers." So Abu Bakr and Umar said: "Are we not your brothers? We have believed in you, and migrated with you." The Prophet, peace be upon him and his progeny, said: "No doubt, you have believed and migrated, yet I am eager to meet my brothers." Then he repeated the statement. Then he said: "You are my companions. But my brothers are those who will come after you have gone. They will believe in me, love me, help me, and confirm me - without ever having seen me. How I wish to meet my brothers!"

The Prophet's contentment
He said: Abu Hafs Umar b. Muhammad reported to me from Ali b. Mahrwayh al-Qazwini, who reported from Dawood b. Sulaiman al-Ghazi, who reported from al-Ridha, Ali b. Musa, from his father, Musa b. Ja'far, from his father Ja'far b. Muhammad, from his father Muhammad b. Ali, from his father Ali b. Husain, from his father al-Husain b. Ali, from his father Ali b. Abi Talib, peace be upon them all, that:
The Prophet, peace be upon him and his progeny, said: An angel appeared to me and said: "O Muhammad! Your Sustainer sends you peaceful greetings and says: if you so desire, We can turn the entire plain of Makkah into gold." He said (i.e. the Prophet): I raised my head towards the heavens and said: "O, my Sustainer! (let it be that) one day, I eat to my fill, so that I praise You with gratitude and one day, I remain hungry so that I (experience the pleasure to) seek from You."

The last sermon of the Prophet (SAW)
He said: Abul Hasan Ali b. Muhammad al-Katib reported to me from al-Hasan b. Ali al-Za'farani, who reported from Ibrahim b. Muhammad al-Thaqafi, who reported from Abu Amru Hafs b. Umar al-Farra, who reported from Zaid b. al-Hasan al-Anmati, from Ma'roof b. Kharrabuz, who said:
I heard Abu Ubaidullah, the client of al-Abbas reporting to Abu Ja'far Muhammad b. Ali, peace be upon him, saying: I heard Abu Saeed al-Khudari say: The last sermon addressed by the Prophet, peace be upon him and his progeny, was the one addressed to us during the illness in which he died. He came out leaning upon Ali b. Abi Talib peace be upon him, and his maid Maymoonah. He sat on the pulpit and said: "O people! I am leaving behind among you two weighty things." Then he remained silent. A man stood up and said: "O messenger of Allah! What are these two weighty things?" The Prophet was upset till his face turned red and then it subsided. He said: "I did not mention them except with an intention to inform you, but you were in a haste, so I could not. It is a medium whose one end is with Allah, and the other end is in your hands, with whom you will do such a such thing. Be it known; they are the Qur'an and the smaller weighty thing, my Ahlul Bait."
Then he said: "By Allah, I am saying this to you while I pin more hope on the unborn progeny of the infidels than upon most of you." And then he said: "By Allah, whoever loves them, Allah will bless them with a light on the Day of Judgement, till they arrive near me at the Pool. And whoever hates them, Allah will keep them away from Him on the Day of Judgement." Abu Ja'far said: "Surely, Abu Ubaidullah has brought to us that of which he is aware."

The Prophet's address on the day of Arafah
He said: Abul Hasan Ali b. Bilal al-Mahlabi reported to me from Ali b. Abdullah b. Asad al-Isfehani, who reported from Ibrahim b. Muhammad al-Thaqafi, who reported from Abdul Rahman b. Abi Hashim, who reported from Yahya b. al-Husain al-Bijilli, from Abu Haroon al-Abdi, from Zadhan, who reported from Salman al-Farsi - may Allah bless him with mercy, that:
The messenger of Allah, peace be upon him, once appeared on the day of Arafah and said: "O, people, surely Allah glorified Himself because of you on this day, so that He may pardon you generally and pardon Ali in particular." Then he said: "Come near me, O Ali." So Ali drew near. Then the Prophet took him by his hand and said: "Surely, the blessed, completely and truly blessed is the one who obeyed you and loved you after I have gone. And surely, the wretched, completely and truly wretched is the one who disobeyed you, and showed his hostility after I have gone."

The Prophet (SAW) inspects our deeds
And with the first chain of narration from Ali b. Mahzyar, from al-Hasan, from Uthman b. Isa, from Sama'ah, who said:
I heard him say (i.e. Abu Abdillah, peace be upon him): "Why do you cause grief to the Prophet of Allah?" Someone asked: "May I be your ransom, how do we do that?" He said: "Do you not know that your deeds are persented before him; when he sees the sins committed, he is grieved. So do not cause him grief. Make him happy (with good deeds and obedience)."

The Prophet (SAW) reminds of the Day of Judgement
He said: Abu Ghalib Ahmad b. Muhammad al-Zurariy who reported from Muhammad b. al-Husain b. Abi al-Khattab, from Muhammad b. Yahya al-Khazzar, from Ghiyath b. Ibrahim, from Abu Abdillah al-Sadiq, Ja'far b. Muhammad, peace be upon both of them, from his father, from his grandfather, who said:
Whenever the Prophet, peace be upon him and his progeny stood to address, he would praise Allah and thank Him. Then he would say: "Know you all, that the most veracious and truthful statement is the Book of Allah (i.e. the Qu'ran) and the best guidance is that of Muhammad. The worst things are those which are invented concoctions, and every such innovation is misleading." Then he would raise his voice, with his cheeks gradually turning red and remind people of the Day of Reckoning and its dawn, in the manner one warns of an advancing army of the enemy. He would say: "It dawns with you every morning and is with you every evening!" Then he would say: "I have been sent to you with the Day of Reckoning like these two (then he would join his two forefingers). Whoever leaves behind him wealth, that will go to its heirs and whoever leaves behind a debt, it is my responsibility."

The Prophet (SAW) spoke to Ummul Fadhl
He said: Abu Nasr Muhammad b. al-Husain al-Muqri reported to me from Abdul Karim b. Muhammad al-Bijilli, who reported from Muhammad b. Ali, who reported from Zaid b. al-Muaddil, from Aban b. Uthman al-Ajlah, from Zaid b. Ali b. al-Husain, from his father, peace be upon him, who said:
In his illness, which ended up with his death, the Prophet, peace be upon him and his progeny, laid his head on the laps of Ummul Fadhl, and then he fainted. Tears from Ummul Fadhl's eyes fell on his cheeks, so he opened his eyes and said: "What is the matter with you, O Ummul Fadhl?" She said: "You have told us about your death, so if things are going to remain in our favour, give us good tidings. And if events will turn against us, then counsel us." He said, the Prophet, peace be upon him and his progeny, told her: "You will all be subdued and weakened after I have gone."

Muhammad (SAW) . . . the chosen one
He said: Abul Hasan Ali b. Khalid al-Maraghi reported to me from Abdul Karim b. Muhammad al-Bijili, who reported from Uthman b. Abi Shaybah, who reported from Muhammad b. Mas'ab al-Qurqusni, who reported from al-Awzai, who reported from Shaddad b. Abu Ammar, from Wathila b. al-Asqa, who said:
The Prophet, peace be upon him and his progeny, said: "Allah chose Ismail from the children of Ibrahim, and chose Kananah from the children of Ismail, and chose Quraish from the children of Kananah, and chose Banu Hashim from Quraish and then chose me from Banu Hashim."

Intercession by Muhammad (SAW) and his progeny
He said: Abu Ja'far Muhammad b. Ali b. al-Husain reported from his father, who reported from Muhammad b. Yahya al-Attar, who reported from Muhammad b. Ahmad b. Yahya, from al-Hasan b. Ali al-Kufi, from al-Abbas b. Amir al-Qasbani, from Ahmad b. Rizq al-Ghamshani, from Yahya b. Abul Ala', from Jabir, from Abu Ja'far Muhammad b. Ali b. al-Husain, from his father, from his grandfather, peace be upon them all, who said:
The Prophet, peace be upon him and his progeny, said: "On the Day of Judgement, when the People of Paradise will have settled in their blissful gardens and the people of hell will be in the fire, there will be one who spent seventy autumns in the fire, each autumn is equal to seventy years; then he will beseech Allah, Most High, imploring: "O my Sustainer, I ask you in the name of Muhammad and the inmates of his house to have mercy on me."
Then Allah, Most Mighty, will command Jibraeel, peace be upon him: "Descend to my servant and release him." Jibraeel would say: "How can I descend into hellfire?" Allah, Most Benevolent, would say: "We have commanded the fire to be cold and safe for you."
He (Jibraeel) would say: "O my Sustainer! How do I know where he is located?" Allah would say: "He is in the pit of Sijjin." Then Jibraeel would descend into the fire, find him shackled onto his face, so he will get him out.
There he (the servant) stands in the presence of Allah, Most High; then Allah addresses him: "O My servant, for how long have you been in fire, entreating Me thus?" He would say: "I have no count." Allah, Most High, would say: "By My Honour, had you not beseeched in the name of those, who have a status in My estimation, you would have stayed there in a prolonged humiliation. But, I have ordained for Myself that no one asks me in the name of Muhammad and the inmates of his household, except that I forgive him all that is between Me and him. So, I have pardoned you today." Then Allah will command for him to be taken to the Paradise.

Safiyyah's question to the Prophet (SAW)
He said: Abul Hasan Ali b. Khalid al-Maraghi reported to me from Abul Qasim al-Hasan b. Ali al-Kufi, who reported from Ja'far b. Muhammad b. Marwan, who reported from his father, who reported from Masih b. Muhammad, who reported from Abu Ali b. Abu Umrah al-Khurasani, from Ishaq b. Ibrahim from Abu Ishaq al-Sabiee', who said:
We called upon Masrooq b. al-Ajda and found a guest who we did not know. They were having their meals; and then the guest observed that he was with the Prophet, peace be upon him and his progeny, at Hunayn. Just as he said that, we knew he was a companion of the Prophet, peace be upon him and his progeny. He said:
Then Safiyyah, daughter of Hay b. Akhtab (one of the wives of the Prophet) came to the Prophet, peace be upon him and his progeny, and said: "O messenger of Allah, I am not like your other wives who have father, brother and uncle. If anything were to happen to you, to who do you entrust me?" The Prophet, peace be upon him and his progeny, pointing at Ali b. Abi Talib, peace be upon him said: "To him."
Then he said: "May I not relate to you what al-Harith b. al-A'awar narrated to us?" We said: "Please do." He said: I called upon Ali b. Abi Talib, peace be upon him and his progeny, and he asked: "O A'awar, what brings you here?" A'awar says he replied: "O Amirul Mo'mineen, your love has brought us." He asked: "Really?" I said: "Yes, Allah is my witness." He confirmed with me three times. Then he said: "There is no slave of Allah who He has tested for piety, except that He finds our love in his heart; such a person indeed loves us. And there is no slave of Allah upon whom Allah has shown His displeasure, except that He finds our hatred in his heart, and such a person indeed hates us. So, our friends always expect the divine mercy, and the gates of mercy are open for them. And our enemies are upon the edge of crumbling bank that will tumble down with them in to the fire of hell. Bounteous is the mercy for the people who earn it, and perdition is for the people of hell fire."

Predictions by the Prophet
He said: Abul Hasan Ali b. Bilal al-Mahlabi, reported to me from Abul Abbas Ahmad b. al-Husain al-Baghdadi, who reported from al-Husain b. Umar al-Muqri, from Ali b. al-Azhar from Ali b. Swaleh al-Makki, from Muhammad b. Umar b. Ali, from his father, from his grandfather, peace be upon him, who said:
When the following verses were revealed to the Prophet, peace be upon him and his progeny: 'When the victory granted by Allah and the conquest comes' (110:1), he said to me: "O Ali, surely the victory from Allah and the conquest has come! So when you see people entering into the fold of religion of Allah in throngs, then celebrate the praise of Your Lord and seek His forgiveness, for He is ever Relenting.
O Ali, Allah has ordained for the believers to fight the confusion created by the dissenters after I have gone, the way He has ordained for them to fight the unbelievers with me." So I said: "O messenger of Allah! What is that dissent against which we are ordained to combat?" He said: "Dissent by a group which will (outwardly) testify that there is no god but Allah, and that I am His messenger, (but) they will contradict my traditions, and will be levelling invectives against my religion." So I asked: "On what basis should we fight them, O messenger of Allah, when they will be testifying Allah's Oneness, and your Prophethood?" He said: "On the basis of their innovation in their religion and departure from my command, and for consenting to spill the blood of my kinsfolk."
He said: I said: "O Prophet of Allah, you had once promised me martyrdom. So pray to Allah to hasten it for me." He said: "Yes, I had promised you martyrdom. So how patient will you be when this will be dyed by this?" - (and he pointed to my head and my beard). I said: "O messenger of Allah! When the time you have indicated will dawn, it will not be an occasion for patience, it will be an occasion of glad tidings and thanksgiving."
He said: "Well, then prepare for the opposition, for you will have a dispute against my Ummah." I said: "O messenger of Allah! Guide me about the (expected) split?" He said: "When you find a group of people turning away from (true) guidance towards deviation, oppose them. For true guidance is from Allah, and as from the devil it is only going astray.
O Ali, true guidance is to follow the orders of Allah, without falling prey to base desires and ones own opinion. It is as if I see you facing a group of people interpreting the Qur'an the way they like, and creating (dubious) analogies; so they will make intoxicants lawful by calling it grape juice, they will pay Zakat to make lawful the wealth earned by cheating people in weight, they will accept bribery and call it a gift." I said: "O messenger of Allah! How do we classify them when they start doing that? Are they apostates or just rebellious dissenters?" He said: "They will be the dissenters, blindly wandering in it, till they are dealt with by justice." I asked: "O messenger of Allah, will that justice be meted out by us or by others?" He said: "Of course, it will be by us, for with us Allah has commenced and with us shall He end. It was by us that Allah united the hearts after it had suffered disbelief, and it will be by us that He will unite the hearts after the dissent." Then I said: "Praise be to Allah, for the merit that He has granted us."

The Prophet prayer for rain
He said: Abul Hasan Ali b. Bilal al-Mahlabi reported to me from al-No'man Ibn Ahmad al-Qadhi al-Wasiti in Baghdad, who reported from Ibrahim b. Arfah al-Nahwi, who both reported from Ahmad b. Rashad b. Khuthaim al-Hilali, who reported from his uncle Saeed b. Khuthaim, who reported from Muslim al-Ghilabi, who said:
Once an Arab from the desert came to the Prophet, peace be upon him and his progeny, and said: "By Allah! We have come to you while we neither have a shrieking camel nor a snoring sheep." Then he presented the following verses:
"O best of all the creatures, we have come to you,
that you may show mercy to us for the hardship we face!
We have come to you while the maiden girls bleed from
their breasts (because of hard labour),
and the suckling mother is distressed from her baby.
And a young man submits with both his palms,
to receive anything bitter or sweet, weakened by hunger.
Nothing that a human can consume is left with us,
except the common bitter colocynth and the fluffy saplings,
so we have no refuge but with you,
and where can people seek refuge but with the Prophets."
So the Prophet, peace be upon him and his progeny, turned to his companions and said: "This Arab is complaining of shortage of rainfall and severe famine." Then he rose putting together his clock and climbed up the pulpit. After praising and lauding Allah thus: "All praise to Allah Who when He rose to the heavens became exalted, and on the earth became close - closer to us than the jugular vein." Then he raised his hands towards the heaven and said: "O Allah, send upon us rain which would give us relief and which would be savory, productive, abundant, pervading, immediate, without any delay. Let it be beneficial without any harm, which would fill the udder and cause the produce to grow from the earth; it would give life to earth after it had died." His hands had not come back to his chest when the clouds encircled Madinah like a crown, and the sky became overcast. Then the people of the valleys came to the Prophet shouting: "We will drown, we will drown." So the Prophet, peace be upon him and his progeny uttered: "Around us and not upon us." So the clouds in the sky dissipated. Then the Prophet, peace be upon him and his progeny, smiled and said: "How good was Abu Talib. Had he been alive, his eyes would have cooled. Who will recite to us his verses?"
Then Umar b. al-Khattab rose and said: "O messenger of Allah, perhaps you mean this verse":-
"No she-camel has carried on her saddle
any load, more kind and more dutiful than the
person of Muhammad."
The Prophet, peace be upon him and his progeny, said: "That was not said by Abu Talib, that is from Hassan b. Thabit."
Then Ali b. Abi Talib, peace he upon him, stood up and said: "Perhaps you meant this, O messenger of Allah!":-
"And the bright one from whose face,
the clouds pour forth to relieve the orphans and protect the poor widows,
The one to whom the ruined men from Banu Hashim resort,
While he is among them bounteous, and man of many virtues.
By the sacred House of Allah, you have lied when you said:
'We will surpass Muhammad,'
and when you said: 'we will fight him.'
We will indeed protect him till we are knocked down around him,
unmindful of our own children and our wives."
The Prophet, peace be upon him and his progeny said: "Yes, that is it." Then a man from the Banu Kananah stood up and said:
"Praise to you, and all praise to Him Who is All-Rewarding,
We were blessed with rain because of the Prophet.
He prayed to Allah, His Creator,
And turned his eyes unto Him;
And before his glance returned, or
quicker, the rain poured forth upon us.
Bustling forth in abundance and exuberant,
with which Allah succoured the prominent people of Mudhar.
So it was the way his uncle had said,
his uncle Abu Talib, a man of exceeding grace;
(he said): 'By his face shall Allah pour forth from the clouds,'
so this is the witness and that was the information."
The Prophet, peace be upon him and his progeny, said: "May Allah lodge you, O Kanani, for every couplet you have said, in a chamber in Paradise."

The Prophet's relation continues
He said: Abul Qasim Ja'far b. Muhammad, may Allah bless him with mercy, reported to me from Ja'far b. Muhammad b. Mas'ood, from his father Abu al-Nadhr al-Ayyashi, who reported from Muhammad b. Hatim, who reported from Muhammad b. Muadh, who reported from Zakariyya b. Adi, who reported from Ubaidullah Ibn Amru from Abdullah b. Muhammad b. Aqil, from Hamza b. Suhaib, from Abu Saeed al-Khudari, from his father who said:
I heard the Prophet, peace be upon him and his progeny, say from the pulpit: "What has happened to the people who say that blood relationship with me shall have no benefit on the Day of judgement. Yes, by Allah! My womb relation is linked here and hereafter. And surely, O people, I shall precede you onto the Pool. When you will arrive. Someone will say: 'O messenger of Allah, I am so and so, son of so and so.' Then I will answer: 'As for your lineage, I am aware (of it). But after I had gone, you took to the left side, you retracted your footsteps backwards, on your heels."

Al-Amali: The Dictations of Sheikh al-Mufid

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