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A List of Events During the Lifetime of Holy Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W.)

By: Yasin T. al- Jibouri
- Beginning of the revelation (610 A.D.).
- Telling Waraqah ibn Nawfal about it .
- Ali, Khadija, Abu Bakr, Zaid ibn arithah embrace Islam.
- Abu Bakr attemps to propagate Islam publicly. ‘Uthman (ibn ‘Affan), Zubair, ‘Abdur-Raman ibn ‘Awf, Sa’d ibn Abu Waqqa, and alah ibn ‘Abdillah embrace Islam. ‘Amr ibn ‘Abasa, also called ibn ‘Anbasah, may Allah be pleased with him, embraces Islam. Khalid ibn Sa’ud, may Allah be pleased with him, embraces Islam.
- Preaching the message publicly
- The Shi’b matter
- Amzah, may Allah be pleased with him, embraces Islam.
- Emigration to Ethiopia (615 A.D.). (a delegation of) the Quraish go (to Ethiopia, where the Muslims had sought asylum and were protected by the Negus) to get the emigrants handed back to them
- The Ahifa matter. The Prophet (s.a.w) is informed that an agreement (written against him) has been eaten by termites.
- The mi’raj (the Prophet's ascension)
- Death of Khadija and death of Abu Talib
- The Prophet's marriage with ‘A’isha , his marriage with Sawda
- Preaching to the tribes.
- Preaching to the Ansar (supporters or helpers from the people of Medina) and their conversion to Islam, may Allah be pleased with them,
- the first Pledge of the ‘Aqaba.
- It is said that this is when the mi’raj occurred; the Second Pledge of ‘Aqaba.
- Migration of the Prophet (s.a.w) from Mecca to Medina.
The first year after the Hegira (Hijra) (1 A.H./622 A.D.):
o The building of a domed mosque in Quba' then another in Medina;
o The Prophet engages ‘A’isha;
o Sawda's emigration to Medina;
o Birth of ‘Abdullah ibn Az-Zubair;
o Hamzah's victory;
o ‘Ubaidah ibn al-arith' victory;
o The military expedition to Bu’ath;
o Death of Abu Umamah;
o Death of Kulthum ibn Hadm;
o Al-Walud ibn al-Mughirah perishes;
o Al-’a ibn Wa'il perishes.

The Second Year (2 A.H./623 A.D.):
à Military expedition to al-Abwa';
à Military expedition to al-’Ashira;
à Through Ali's military exploit, Medina's grazing area is regained;
à Mission of Sa’d ibn Abu Waqqa;
à ‘Abdullah ibn Jash's raid;
à Change of the qibla (direction of prayer: toward Mecca instead of Jerusalem);
à Introduction of zakatul-fir (the special mandatory charity tax paid at the end of the fasting month of Ramaan);
à Introduction of alatul-’ud;
à The Great Battle of Badr;
à The battle with the Qainuqa’ tribe;
à Battle of al-Kadr;
à Battle of As-Suwaiq.

The Third Year (3 A.H./624 A.D.):
o The Blessed Prophet's excursion to Banu Tha’labah;
o Battle of Banu Sulaim;
o The slaying of Ka’b ibn al-Ashraf;
o Battle of Thi Qird';
o The slaying of Abu Rabi;
o The Blessed Prophet's marriage with Hafa;
o Battle of Uhud;
o Battle of Hamra' al-Aswad;
o Martyrdom of Hamzah;
o Martyrdom of ‘Amr ibn al-Jarrah;
o Martyrdom of Anas ibn An-Naar;
o Martyrdom of Sa’d ibn Ar-Rabu’.

The Fourth Year (4 A.H./625 A.D.):
o Battle of Ar-Raju’;
o ‘Amr's mission to kill Abu Sufyan;
o Battle of Bi'r Ma’unah;
o Expulsion of the Nair tribe;
o Battle of That ar-Riqa’;
o Second Battle of Badr;
o His marriage with Umm Salamah;
o Birth of usain, Allah be pleased with him;
o Martyrdom of ‘aim ibn Thabit;
o Martyrdom of ‘amir ibn Fuhair;
o Death of ‘Abdullah son of ‘Uthman (ibn ‘Affan) and Ruqayya;
o Departure of Abu Sufyan for Jara Az-Zahrani;

The Fifth Year (5 A.H./626 A.D.):
à The marriage of the Prophet (s.a.w) to Zainab daughter of Jahsh;
à Battle of Dumat al-Jandal;
à Battle of the Ditch (Khandaq);
à Battle of Banu Quraiah;
à Sa’d's judgment about the Quraizah tribe;
à Death of Sa’d ibn Mu’ath;
à Martyrdom of Khallad ibn Suwaid;
à Umayyah ibn Abu-alt perishes;
à The military exercise of Ali and his friends;
à Jabir hosts a gathering in the Ditch;
à Death of the mother of Sa’d ibn ‘Abadah;
à The Blessed One bids farewell to ‘Uyaynah ibn aun;

The Sixth Year (6 A.H./627 A.D.):
o Battle of Banu Liyan;
o Battle of Thi Qird;
o Battle of Banu Moaliq;
o The calumny case (against ‘A’isha);
o Military expedition to Hudaibiya;
o ‘Ukashah's raid;
o Ibn Maslamah's raid;
o Abu ‘Ubaidah's raid;
o Zaid ibn arithah's raid;
o His military expedition to al-’Ais;
o Another expedition of Zaid's to Banu Tha’labah;
o Still another expedition of Zaid's to assi;
o ‘Abdur-Raman ibn ‘Awf's raid;
o Zaid ibn arithah's military expedition to Umm Qarfah;
o Kadar ibn Jabir's raid;
o Al-Jandal and the prayer of the Blessed One for rain;
o The Prophet (s.a.w) sends letters to the rulers of the world;
o ‘Amr ibn al-’a embraces Islam;
o Khalid ibn al-Walud embraces Islam;
o Death of Umm Ruman;
o Death of ‘Utbah ibn Asad, as has been reported;
o The matter of Abu Baur and his friends, as has been reported.

The Seventh Year (7 A.H./628 A.D.):
à The Battle of Khaibar;
à Bashur ibn Sa’d's raid;
à ‘’Omar ibn al-Khaab's mission to Hawazin;
à Ghalib's military expedition to Banu Murrah;
à Ghalib ibn ‘Abdillah's military expedition to Banu ‘Ubaid;
à Bashur ibn ‘Abdillah's raid;
à The lesser pilgrimage (‘umra) of al-Qaa;
à Death of Bashur ibn al-Bara;
à Death of Thawbiyya;
à Death of al-Walud ibn al-Mughirah;
à Death of Yasar the Ethiopian;
à Battle of Ibn Abil-’Awja

The Eighth Year (8 A.H./628 A.D.):
o Ghalib ibn ‘Abdillah's raid;
o Ghalib's raid of the tent lodge of the fellows of Masad;
o Ash-Shuja’ ibn Wahab's raid;
o Introduction of the minbar (preacher's pulpit in a mosque);
o Thawbah's raid;
o Battle of That as-Salasil;
o Al-Khabt's military expedition;
o Al-Khabt's military expedition to Abu Qatadah;
o The Conquest of Mecca;
o The Battle of Banu Juthaima;
o The Battle of unain;
o The Battle of a'if;
o Arrival of a delegation from Hawazin;
o The Birth of Ibrahim (son of the Prophet and Mary the Copt);
o Mission of Ka’b ibn ‘Umair;
o Mission of ‘Uyaynah ibn Hasin;
o Mission of A-ifl ibn ‘Amr;
o Arrival of ‘Urwah ibn Mas’ud;
o Martyrdom of Ja’far ibn Abu Talib;
o Martyrdom of Zaid ibn Harithah;
o Martyrdom of ‘Abdullah ibn Ruwahah;
o The Mu'ta campaign;
o Khalid invades Mu'ta without orders;
o The Blessed One dispatches troops to avenge the death of those killed at Mu'ta;
o Ka’b ibn Zuhair embraces Islam;
o Battle of Tabuk;
o Quna's raid;
o A-Dahhak's raid;
o Raid of ‘Alqamah ibn Mahraz;
o Ali ibn Abu Talib's raid;
o ‘Ukashah's raid;
o The Prophet (s.a.w) stays aloof from his wives;
o Thaquf's arrival;
o Asad's delegation;
o Az-Zarabin's delegation;
o Tamum's delegation

The Ninth Year (9 A.H./629 A.D.):
o Arrival of letters from the kings of Himyar;
o Bahra's delegation;
o Banu al-Baka's delegation;
o Banu Fizara's delegation;
o Tha’labah's delegation;
o Sa’d ibn Tamim's delegation;
o Abu Bakr's pilgrimage;
o Death of Suhail ibn al-Baida';
o Death of Umm Kulthum;
o The Prophet (s.a.w) sends a mission to the Negus;
o Death of the Negus;
o The Prophet (s.a.w) prays for the Negus.

The Tenth Year (10 A.H./631 A.D.):
à A delegation from Najran;
à A delegation from ‘Asas;
à Arrival of al-Jarid;
à Banu Khaifah's delegation;
à Arrival of Zaid al-Khail;
à Arrival of ‘Udayy ibn Hatim;
à Arrival of Farwah ibn Masbak;
à Arrival of Ma’di Karb;
à Arrival of al-Ash’ath;
à Arrival of Sumad; arrival of other delegations;
à Arrival of Najub;
à Asad's delegation;
à The Farewell Pilgrimage

The Eleventh Year (11 A.H./632 A.D.):
o Dispatching Usamah's army to Syria;
o Delegation from An-Nakh’i;
o Appearance of Musailimah the Liar;
o Appearance of al-Aswad al-’Ansi;
o Death of the Blessed One (s.a.w).

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